Armor Frenzy

Chapter 201: Analysis session (2)

"Fake ant queen?" General Qiu was startled.

"Yes, the fake queen." Xu Jiaye nodded and explained, "The queen is the core of the ant colony. In addition to producing a large number of ant eggs, the queen also uses chemicals to suppress the reproductive instinct of the worker ants. When the ant colony loses the queen, the worker ants will regain their ability to lay eggs. Under normal circumstances, the eggs laid by the worker ants cannot hatch, but the giant ants themselves are mutant creatures. ant colony, avoid worker ants from laying eggs.”

"Oh—" Everyone suddenly realized.

Xu Jiaye added: "Control the real queen ants in your hands, use the fake queen to control the ant colony, use ant eggs to control the size of the ant colony, and use pheromones to prevent giant ants from hurting people. This is the use plan of giant ants that we have developed. As long as the pheromone is in place, it is completely safe to use ant colonies in the city, and our warriors can even act together with the accompanying giant ants!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the conference room, and everyone was shocked by the prospect depicted by Xu Jiaye.

"Are you sure?" a participant asked eagerly.

"Yes!" Xu Jiaye was full of confidence, "An ant has poor eyesight and relies solely on pheromone to identify the enemy and me. I can fully guarantee this."

"When will the giant ants be ready to fight?" Chief No. 1 showed an eager expression for the first time.

"It can be put into the battlefield at any time, but the production capacity of the research institute is limited, and the ant colony we control is very small."

"Then quickly find a way to expand the ant colony!"

"We have some ideas." Xu Jiaye said, "Linzhou killed countless giant locusts tonight. If you send the giant ants over immediately, you can use the giant locusts on the battlefield to expand the ant colony!"

"Good way!" Chief No. 1 nodded, "But can you make sure the giant ants don't get out of control?"

Although Xu Jiaye had already reassured him again and again, the No. 1 chief still asked a question uneasy.

Xu Jiaye answered cautiously: "Pheromone must be released first, and then giant ants can be released. Otherwise, it is still dangerous to approach giant ants, but we can control the action range of giant ants through pheromones."

Head No. 1 looked at General Qiu: "Learn about the situation as soon as possible, and give the institute an accurate message!"

"Okay!" General Qiu nodded.

Head No. 1 looked at Xu Jiaye again: "If the research institute is relocated from now on, how long will it take for new ants to grow?"

"It will take at least half a month to fight, and it will take about a month to fully grow."

"One month?" In another month, it will snow in the north, and the giant locusts can be wiped out without giant ants! ' said a voice.

"What about cockroaches? Can giant cockroaches freeze to death?" Xu Jiaye asked back.

The man was at a loss for words.

"Also, giant locusts can fly. According to what we know, this giant locust from the north has a much stronger flying ability than ordinary locusts, and can already fly at a low altitude, so the locust swarms move very fast. If you don't stop it, the locust swarm will leave the north in a short time, and once the locust swarm enters the hinterland of our country, the loss of food will not be as simple as one-third!"

"The matter of the ants is settled." Chief No. 1 decided, "Cultivate the ant colony as soon as possible. Whether we can make a comeback or not depends on whether you can cultivate the ant colony well!"

"Yes, we must do our best."

"I believe you can do your best, don't let me down... What else is there?" Chief No. 1 asked curiously when he saw how many pages of the document in Xu Jiaye's hand.

Xu Jiaye replied, "There is also an analysis report on the pest disaster."

"Tell me."

"According to our current analysis of the situation, insect disasters, especially large-scale insect disasters, generally occur in places with relatively good self-environment and relatively sparse population, such as virgin forests and large lakes and water systems, such as Jingshui Lake, Montenegro and Siberia, We suggest that surveillance in similar areas must be strengthened, and to borrow the words of the chief, we should take precautionary measures to avoid repairing the situation.”

Chief No. 1 smiled lightly and motioned for Xu Jiaye to continue.

"Of course, everyone also knows that giant cockroaches also appear in places with harsh natural environments, but they are basically not large in scale, and the number is very small. At present, only giant cockroaches appear in densely populated cities."

"So far, no large-scale giant insects have been found in the coastal areas. Although there are no insects in the sea, there are many arthropods. Fortunately, the monitoring did not find any signs of giant aquatic arthropods. This is for my country and other coastal countries. , it's all good news, I can't imagine what a terrible scene those shrimp soldiers and crabs in the sea will grow to be as big as blue whales."

"What's the reason for this?" one participant asked curiously.

"It may be because the sea water is too salty and the puffed virus is not salt-tolerant." Xu Jiaye said humorously, but no one had the heart to laugh.

"Is there any basis?" the man asked again.

"Yes, we have done several experiments and it is true that seawater can effectively kill puffed viruses, but this has no other use except to ensure that marine organisms do not mutate." Xu Jiaye paused when he said that, "but this conclusion is being studied. There is also debate within the center the reason for the debate is the presence of giant land crabs on several islands in the Pacific Ocean."

"Giant land crab?" Several participants licked their lips subconsciously, looking eager to try.

"Yes, strictly speaking, it is a crab that lives on the tidal flat, and their body size has undergone giant changes, because the tidal flat is submerged under the sea water for half a day, so there is also a view that the sea water cannot kill the puffing Viruses, at least they cannot kill puffed viruses in living organisms, but all the data are from foreign research, and it is still uncertain whether the research results are accurate."

The crowd whispered for a while.

The coast is the economic essence of a country. Once marine life joins the ranks of giants, the consequences are unpredictable.

Chief No. 1 tapped the table lightly, and everyone immediately closed their mouths tightly. Chief No. 1 said: "Regardless of whether the puffed virus has any effect on marine life, coastal cities must be prepared and establish observation stations in time to prevent problems before they occur... ...any more?"

"Yes, we also found that the action of giant insects is very regular, generally moving from areas with higher altitudes to areas with lower altitudes, this is probably because the air density in high altitudes is low, and the oxygen content is not as good as that in low altitudes, The giant body shape of insects requires more oxygen; there is also a speculation that insects are ectothermic animals, and the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, and the low temperature is not conducive to the action of insects."

"What's the point of this discovery?" one participant asked curiously.

Xu Jiaye replied: "High-altitude areas are sparsely populated, and low-altitude areas are the essence. Mastering the law of action of giant insects will help to establish defense lines in advance and stop giant insects in all book friends to come and read, The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in Mobile users please read.

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