Chapter 143 Tokugawa Ielan's "Entertainment Project

" Dongying, a place where "chrysanthemums and knives" coexist, whether it is the living Japanese clan or the death god of the corpse and soul world, there is a dual gene called "delicacy and cruelty" that is ingrained in the veins. The latter is inconvenient to explore in the novel because of some historical sensitivities of Chen Yunsong's previous life, the Celestial Empire, but for the former, Chen Yunsong intends to experience it here to the fullest...... He really wanted to experience the various "entertainment projects" arranged for him by Tokugawa Ielan, and the "wine pond meat forest" and "three palaces and six courtyards" of the ancient emperors that you can imagine.

However, Li Xiyuan and Yun Shanshan followed Chen Yunsong left and right, wanting to experience the "entertainment project"? How could it be?

When Chen Yunsong disembarked from the warship, it was the first time that Ukitake Shisaro, Jingle Chunshui and others saw "that adult" in the mouths of Ukitake Shishiro, Jingle Chunshui, and others. Don't look at Captain Yamamoto's obedience to the command of the 46th Central Room, more often than not, he "listens to the tune and does not listen to the announcement".

Although it was the first time that Mao Zhihualie and Chen Yunsong met, the two had not had time to talk much. Because Shogun Tokugawa wanted to have a meeting with Chen Yunsong as soon as possible. In essence, the status and identity of the two sides of this meeting do not match at all.

Dongying is a state, and the Celestial Empire is also a country, and countries are politically equal to each other. This is only politically, and if there is "fairness" in other fields, maybe one-third of the Jiangnan Military Region can be worthy of one Dongying?

General Tokugawa is an extremely arrogant person, but he does not have the cheeky spirit of Tokugawa Ielan. The Black Ship Incident and the Edo Treaty dealt a blow to the Tokugawa shogun so hard that he really saw when the "iron fist of love and justice in the Celestial Empire" was.

If the four generals of the Jiangnan Military Region had a dialogue with Tokugawa Shogun, it could be regarded as an equal dialogue in other fields except for their political status. Chen Yunsong was nothing, without any political or military identity, but he couldn't resist the Beiyang Fleet that opened the door of Dongying Country, and everyone obeyed Chen Yunsong's orders. The Third Naval Division of the Beiyang is not enough in Sapporo, the First Naval Division is also in the Ryukyus, and the Third Naval Division has been going back and forth on Edo Bay for more than a month, which has made the Tokugawa Shogun, and the people up and down the Toei people panic, don't look at the signing of the treaty, they are still afraid that the black muzzle of the cannon will come at Edo

Shogun Tokugawa couldn't do it even if he didn't want to talk to Chen Yunsong, because he had the Beiyang Fleet that could "annihilate" Tokuei, so what could General Tokugawa do? However, politically or in foreign propaganda, it would be explained that it was General Tokugawa who met with the delegation from the Celestial Empire, and that Chen Yunsong, as an entourage of the mission, was going to "meet" with the delegation to General Tokugawa.

Chen Yunsong brought with him a whole delegation, consisting of four parts: the "diplomatic small group" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Celestial Empire, the "small military group" composed of the seven major military regions dominated by the Jiangnan Military Region, the "small political group" composed of various provinces under the Jiangnan Military Region, and finally the "small commercial and trade group" created by the people of the Chen Trading Company, with a group of about 100 people.

The topic returned to the "entertainment project", the first thing Chen Yunsong did after getting off the ship, Tokugawa Jialan arranged various "entertainment projects", and the meeting with Tokugawa Shogun was the next day. Yun Shanshan and Li Xiyuan didn't know what method they used against Tokugawa Jialan, forcing her to cancel the "entertainment activities" and talk to the Tokugawa general directly, and the second daughter didn't know what method was used to force Chen Yunsong to give up those "entertainment activities". As a result, the Celestial Empire mission brought by Chen Yunsong also had to quickly enter the work, that is, to meet with the Tokugawa general, and start to take the "Edo Treaty" as the lead, and there will be a series of follow-up series of various "help" and "plunder" against Dongying.

The mission is basically centered on the small group of the Chen Trading Company, because all kinds of interests to individuals, families, military regions, and the country are channeled through the Chen Trading Company, which is something that Yun Shanshan has planned for a long time. The name of the Edo Treaty was written on the representatives of the "Chen Trading Company": Chen Yunsong, Fu Qiang, and Shang Guoqiang.

Whether it is diplomatic, military, political, etc., to put it bluntly, they are all serving interests, and the most direct embodiment of interests is undoubtedly "commerce and trade".

Long before Chen Yunsong went to the Zao Realm and the Void Realm, Yun Shanshan and Tokugawa Ielan signed a series of so-called "interest exchange" treaties, and the Jiangnan Military Region supported Tokugawa Ielan's ascension to the shogunate, and Tokugawa Ielan also sold a lot of "national interests" to the Jiangnan Military Region. These things were kept secret at first, but with the signing of the Edo Treaty, the Tokugawa family was informed of the treaty between Tokugawa Ieran and Yun Shanshan by "people with a heart", and they were filled with various emotions such as anger and unwillingness.

But what can be done? These Tokugawa Ieran brothers knew that they had basically lost the position of Shogun, and this Shogun (Tokugawa Shogun), that is, Tokugawa Ieran's father, had to abdicate. There is a 99 percent probability that the next shogun will be Tokugawa Ieran.

This is Tokugawa Ieran's determination and ambition. However, this determination and ambition cannot be realized in the morning, and it needs to be in the afternoon.

In the morning, the warship that Chen Yunsong and others walked off was sent to the mansion by Tokugawa Ielan. After Chen Yunsong and Tokugawa Jialan were simply "coerced and enticed" by their second daughter, they had today's "agenda", the mission rested in the morning, and met with Tokugawa Shogun in the afternoon. In fact, the rest in the morning was to give the shogunate more time to prepare for the meeting with the Celestial Empire mission, after all, the itinerary originally arranged by Tokugawa Ielan was to "entertain" on the first day, and to meet on the next day, or even the third day.

In the morning, Chen Yunsong needed to meet a person who was a hundred times more important than Tokugawa Jialan, the captain of the fourth team of the Corpse Soul Realm: Uno Hanari!

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