Are You Crazy, Do You Call This a Copycat Machine?

Chapter 132 Coming! Chen Fei's revelation! About the lithography machine! The surprise of the n


Hongmeng's Weibo has been maxed out.

Especially the fans of Hongmeng are going crazy after learning the news released by Professor Mo Xiangnan.

All of them madly asked Chen Fei in private messages.

What new moves Hongmeng has recently made.

They are very curious now!

"Why Hongmeng hasn't announced the news yet, why should we send an announcement to announce the lithography machine?

"Harm, Hongmeng is really too low-key to do things. If it were changed to other companies, it would have been hyped."

"Isn't it, you let the penguins try the same thing."

"Hongmeng is low-key, low-key, everyone knows it should make an announcement."

"Waiting for Hongmeng's announcement, I feel like there is going to be some exciting news this time!"

"Anxious, Mr. Shen, please reveal some news in advance!"

Netizens have been making noise on the Internet.

In the end, when they saw that Hongmeng could not be promoted, they simply ran to Chen Fei's Weibo for various reminders.

Hongmeng's Weibo couldn't move.

Then let's urge Hongmeng's boss to do it.

"Mr. Shen, when will Hongmeng's new machine be released?"

"Mr. Shen, why did Hongmeng invest in the 14nm chip production line?"

"Poor poor baby, just tell us the news."

"President Shen is the one who takes care of fans the most. Let me tell you Mr. Shen, we are your most loyal fans!"


To be honest, the fans are just holding on to a glimmer of hope.

In their opinion, there is a high probability that Chen Fei will not respond.


The more impossible it is, the more pleasant it will be when it comes.

Among the fans waiting, there is a fan named Wang Mumu.


She is also a female fan.

At this time, Wang Mumu is sending a private message to Chen Fei with his newly bought Hongmeng M2.

That's right, just send a private message to Chen Fei.

The reason why Wang Mumu sent a message to Chen Fei.

That was because she remembered it again, and it was the same. Mr. Shen replied to a lucky guy in a private message.


She also had such a glimmer of hope.

Maybe Chen Fei, Mr. Shen will reply to her.

At that time, she would be the one who learned about Hongmeng's internal news for the first time.

But it's a pity.

After Wang Mumu sent this private message, he waited for several minutes and didn't get any reply.


It seems that she still thinks too much.

No way, Wang Mumu could only continue to read other news on Weibo.

But when she just opened Hongmeng's official Weibo.

Ding Dong!

A sound made her heart tremble.

This sound this sound...

It's the system notification tone of Weibo!

Wang Mumu is familiar with this voice because she often uses this Weibo to send private messages to chat with her boyfriend.

So when she thought of this voice, she knew it.

Someone sent a private message to himself.

No, Mr. Shen has sent a private message to himself, right!

Thinking of this, Wang Mumu's little heart pounded.

Impossible, it shouldn't be Mr. Shen. It must be his boyfriend who sent a private message to himself.

I guess I saw something interesting to share with myself.

After taking a few deep breaths, Wang Mumu calmed himself down.

Think about it and know that Mr. Shen reveals the news to a fan, or choose one among millions of fans.

How could this be me?


Having said that, you can look at the small red dot in front of the private message

Wang Mumu was still a little nervous.

What should I do, dare not order it!

Wait online, what should I do!

Looking at the little red dot in front of him, in the end, Wang Mumu couldn't hold back the dot.

At the moment she clicked, a scene that made her feel turbulent again appeared in front of him.

Appeared in front of her.

Not the avatar of a familiar boyfriend.


An avatar she has been waiting for for a long time...

Chen Fei!

That's right, it is Chen Fei who Wang Mumu sent a private message just now!

The boss of Hongmeng, Chen Fei! Manager Shen!


Wang Mumu felt that his head was blank.

She sent her confidence to Chen Fei, of course, thinking that Chen Fei could reply to herself.

But she didn't expect Chen Fei to really reply to herself!

After a short daze.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Wang Mumu screamed directly.

Mr. Shen really replied to himself! Mr. Shen really replied to himself!

She was so excited that she couldn't help herself!

But despite the excitement, Wang Mumu calmed down forcibly.

Chen Fei replied to her, how could she not see what Chen Fei replied to her.


Wang Mumu's private message to Chen Fei asked him what new actions Hongmeng has made recently, and whether there is a new secret to be released.

These are the issues that netizens are most concerned about.

Of course, it is also Wang Mumu's biggest concern.

So now she really wants to know what Chen Fei responded to.

Click to open the private message box.

A message is displayed there.

"Hello Wang Mumu Xiaozhuzhu (Wang Mumu's screen name), thank you for your support to our Hongmeng."

"Then I will answer a few of your questions."

"々First of all, yes, Hongmeng has indeed broken through the technology of 14nm lithography machine, and realized the mass production of 14nm chips, this must be known to everyone, and I will formally answer here. "

"Secondly, this time the mass production of 14nm chips is indeed prepared for the release of a new phone. In the near future, Hongmeng will release a new phone."

"Moreover, this new phone will be equipped with a mobile phone lens made by Hongmeng's self-designed chip. There will be unexpected lens effects at that time, so stay tuned."

Chen Fei's explanation was patient and detailed.

It can be said that it fully explained several questions of Wang Mumu.

Wang Mumu looked very carefully and didn't even miss a punctuation mark.

The reply was very concise and concise, and the tone was also very flat.

But at this moment, Wang Mumu's mood was not plain at all.

He even jumped up excitedly.

First of all, the thing about the lithography machine was confirmed!

Although there was a lot of uproar on the Internet before, Professor Mo Xiangnan said it all alone.

But this time, it was officially certified by Chen Fei. This is the real official announcement! (Is it good?)

But this is not what Wang Mumu is excited about.

more importantly.

Mr. Shen said that there is really a new machine to be released!

And this chip is prepared for the lens of the new machine.

Looking at the meaning, there seems to be some surprise in the lens of the new machine!

When the question was answered, Wang Mumu suddenly understood.

At this moment, she felt that she had come to heaven.

This feeling of being picked up by President Shen among 10,000 people is really cool!



Wang Mumu sent a reply to Chen Fei.

"Mr. Shen, what special effects does the new lens have!"

But, Chen Fei didn't reply to him this time, he had obviously left.

Although Wang Mumu was a little disappointed, he could understand this.

It's not bad for Shen always to reply to him once. How could he still chat with her on the boat?

But right now.

Wang Mumu thought of something again.

"Yes, I should post the news online first!".

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