“ladies and gentlemen.”The female host stood in the center of the stage and said loudly:”The treasure appreciation session has come to an end for the time being.”

“If you are still not satisfied with the antiques in the venue, you can stay and continue viewing after the exchange meeting.”

“Now, all guests, please move to your seats.”

“Now, we’re going to start the next step.”

After hearing this, everyone who was still appreciating the treasure began to walk towards their positions.

Upon seeing this, Li Shishi said goodbye to Cao Zijian beside him. :”Brother, I’ll go back to my seat first”

“Go ahead.”Cao Zijian nodded slightly.

After everyone sat down again, the female host continued:”Dear guests, in this session, Mr. Shi Qu will select three antiques for everyone to appreciate a>”

“In order to give everyone a sense of participation and increase everyone’s enthusiasm for this link”

“Mr. Shi Qu specially took out a collection that he has collected for many years as a reward for this session.”

“Anyone who can successfully judge and date the authenticity of these three antiques will be rewarded.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience immediately started talking

“I didn’t expect that Lao Shi would also offer rewards. It’s interesting, interesting.”

“A collection that can be collected by Lao Shi for many years, both in terms of value and significance, is extraordinary.”

“Yes, but is one reward really enough? After all, those who came to the exchange meeting today have all been in the antique shop for many years.”

At this moment, Cao Zijian was sitting in the back row, staring at the stage with burning eyes.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to attract the collectors here. Come to your own live broadcast room and chat with yourself.

Now, an opportunity to prove your own eyesight is right in front of you.

In order to successfully complete the system’s tasks, Cao Zijian said Don’t miss this opportunity for anything

“The first collection to appreciate today is a piece of blue and white porcelain.”The female host took the initiative to introduce

“As the porcelain with the most Dragon Kingdom style and national characteristics, blue and white porcelain has a very important position in the history of international ceramics.”

“It uses”green” as its soul, uses cobalt ore containing cobalt oxide as raw material, depicts patterns on the ceramic body, then covers it with a layer of transparent glaze, and is fired at a high temperature of about 1250-1350°C.”

“It is a kind of high-temperature underglaze porcelain with white ground and blue flowers that originated from the Dragon Kingdom and spread all over the world.”

“Blue and white porcelain has the characteristics of strong tinting power, bright color, high firing rate, and stable rendering color. As sung in a song,”the peonies depicted on the bottle are just like your first makeup”, it is the mainstream

[Go to read the novel on the site: https://novelsknight.com/] of Dragon Kingdom porcelain.”

“It started in the Tang Dynasty, but at that time, because the porcelain making technology was not mature enough, it was in the initial stage of blue and white porcelain, and it was mainly used for export.”

“In the Song Dynasty, because the people of the Song Dynasty advocated simple aesthetic culture, blue and white porcelain did not achieve greater development.”

“In the Yuan Dynasty, blue and white porcelain began to emerge due to the emergence of Hutian Kiln in Jingdezhen.”

“In the Ming Dynasty, blue and white began to become the mainstream of porcelain, especially in the Yongle and Xuande periods, it reached its peak”

“It can be said that the blue and white flowers of the Yongxuan period are the best of the era.”

“The Qing Dynasty was the peak period of the development of blue and white porcelain.”

After some introduction, the host continued:”Now, please ask the staff to turn on the projector ”

“Projector?”Everyone was a little confused.

What does this appreciation have to do with the projector?

But the host’s next words made those who were originally interested in the reward potential Those who must win suddenly lose their fighting spirit

“Next, the large screens on both sides of the stage will take turns to show detailed pictures of the blue and white porcelain that need to be appreciated.”

“You can judge the authenticity and dating through the detailed pictures on the big screen.”

“Time limit of five minutes”

“Start now.”

As the host finished speaking, everyone who participated in the exchange meeting became uneasy

“Rather than looking at the actual object, you can judge the authenticity of a piece of blue and white based on pictures?”

“And the time is only five minutes, which is a bit difficult.”

“No wonder Lao Shi only took out one reward. I have determined that no one can take away this reward.”

But complaints are complaints, and everyone still turned their attention to the big screens on the left and right sides of the stage.

It was a dress with a straight mouth, a long neck, and sloping shoulders. It is a celestial sphere vase with a spherical belly, ring feet, and white glaze bottom. It is large in shape and beautifully decorated, with dense lotus flowers all over the body.

The blue and white flowers are rich in color and the glaze is thick and delicate.

This kind of porcelain shape was first created and fired in the Jingdezhen Kiln during the Yongle and Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty.

“Yongxuan blue and white celestial sphere vase with entwining branches and lotus pattern?”

This was Cao Zijian’s first judgment when he saw the object.

However, the identification of antiques can never be based on just one glance, but must be observed repeatedly. a> a> The answer began to become clear in my heart. As the pictures flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, Cao Zijian began to stare at the pictures rotating on the big screen carefully.

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