As the microphone was disconnected, Cao Zijian also warned the water friends in the live broadcast room

“I have been in the industry for so many years, I have seen so many good and bad, real and fake.”

“If you enter this industry with the mentality of picking up the slack and getting rich overnight, it will be a dream after all.”

“Because in this industry, there are too many imitations, antiques, imitations, and distressed objects.”

“Merchants boast about how good their items are and how old they are. That is a way to attract you.”

“Maybe as soon as you pay the money, the seller will say Zhang San, Li Si said this thing is from the Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Song Dynasty, collected from the countryside, I don’t understand, just sell it to make some money.”

“This sentence is to tell the buyer that they cannot return it after buying it.”

“In fact, all objects have certain market rules, and what you know may not be correct, so just like the objects in the antique market.”

“There is no need to deliberately pursue famous porcelain or famous paintings.”

【Learned, teacher】

【Teacher Zijian, this is not a live broadcast of treasure appraisal, but teaching us the truth.】

【Love, love. 】

Seeing these cute barrage, Cao Zijian smiled and started the next Lianmai

【I’m so young and heavy, so I’m applying to join you.】

“Hello.”Cao Zijian said

“Hello, anchor.”Young young man Duojin said.

“The main reason I went to the microphone was to test your eyesight.”

“See if you recognize this object I bought?”

“Test my eyesight? interesting. Cao Zijian smiled lightly and said,”Take out your things.””

The young man stretched out his left hand, which seemed to be of some weight.

Of course, the other party was not asking Cao Zijian to look at his hand, but to look at him The bracelet on the hand.

The entire bracelet is made of 24 yellow beads, and each bead has bright red dots.

The colors of the 24 beads have varying degrees of color difference and are not exactly the same yellow

“Take it off and let me have a look at the texture.”Cao Zijian said.

As the bracelet was taken off, Cao Zijian saw in front of the camera that although each bead had been polished, faint vertical growth lines could still be seen. a>

In addition, there is a transitional white color difference between red and yellow

“Young young and heavy, do you think you bought this?”Cao Zijian did not call the other party ‘eldest brother’ or ‘brother’ this time, but called the other party’s online name.

This is mainly because Cao Zijian has already seen the origin of the thing

“How about it? Isn’t my ‘lucky head’ bracelet pretty?”When the young man said this, he was still a little proud.

“What’s wrong with having that little bad money? You have to play this kind of thing.”Cao Zijian shook his head and said in denial.

“Can you see the material of this bracelet?”The young man said in astonishment

“Year old?”Cao Zijian did not answer the other party’s question, but asked instead

“26 Ah.” replied the young man.

[Go to read the novel on the site:] “26+72. Cao Zijian said:”When you come out of prison, you will be considered a centenarian.””

【what’s the situation? A bracelet is worth 72 years in prison?】

【Could it be that this bracelet came from the earth? It looks shiny, doesn’t look like it】

【Anchor, what is the origin of this bracelet? 】

The water friends in the live broadcast room don’t know the material of the bracelet, but they know it very well.

But he didn’t expect such serious consequences, and thought Cao Zijian was joking with him.

Immediately said:”Anchor, stop joking ”

“Do you think I’m joking?”Cao Zijian said with a serious expression.

“Your bracelet is made from the skull of the helmeted hornbill, a national first-level protected animal.”

Helmeted hornbill, from the family Hornbillidae, has a skull like a helmet, which is placed on a protruding beak.

Because its head is solid, red on the outside and yellow on the inside, Therefore, various handicrafts made from it are widely collected, and are also called crane crown red.

However, this crane crown red is not the legendary”poison artifact”, nor is it the red-crowned crane’s The top of the head is the skull of a helmeted hornbill.

According to normal circumstances, the normal life span of a helmeted hornbill is 50 years old, but after meeting humans, it was shortened to just five years old. < /span> In 2007, at an auction abroad.

The reason for all this is because humans want to get their solid skulls. This price is more than three times that of ivory. < /span> Compared The number of national treasure pandas is even rarer And now, in the Dragon Kingdom, which has a vast territory and abundant resources, the number of helmeted hornbills is less than a hundred. In 15 years, Singapore announced that there are no more helmeted hornbills. In 2012, the helmeted hornbill was rated as a near-threatened species. As long as one dies, the other two will not survive. Moreover, the males of helmeted hornbills go out to hunt, while the females hide in closed trees with their only young bird. Since then, The number of helmeted hornbills has declined sharply. As a result, people began to organize large numbers of hunting teams. Instantly attracted the attention of profit-seeking businessmen.

“Although I am not a judge, I still know a bit about the law.”Cao Zijian continued.

“I’ll give you a more rigorous sentencing”

“Although the head of the helmeted hornbill is very large and can be made into more than twenty beads, for the one with a red top, only one or two beads can be made from each bird skull.”

“And your bracelet has twenty-four beads, all of them red.”

“Conservative estimates suggest that at least twelve helmeted hornbills must be killed to make this bracelet.”

“A bird’s head counts as three years, which is 36 years”

“Am I right?”

“This…isn’t this what I hunted? It’s not that serious.”The young man asked weakly.

“No profit leads to no extinction. Cao Zijian said in a deep voice:”If there is no market for these things, who will hunt them?””

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