Apocalyptic Interstellar Emperor

Chapter 56: 3 Flowers, 4 Grasses and 5 Fruits

Both Mare and Liu Jiarui grew up in Qingshi Town, and they were quite familiar with the Qingshi Forest outside the town.

Mare also told Du Qingke some secrets about the Qingshi Forest: "Brother Du, you are a foreigner. I'm afraid you don't know much about the Qingshi Forest. There are actually many anecdotes in this small forest outside our town."

"When I was a child, I heard people say that when it's dark, don't enter the woods. Otherwise, you will be swallowed up by unknown devils."

"Some grown-ups in our town often say that when they talk about their hunting experience, they have encountered some very terrifying experiences in our bluestone forest. Moreover, according to some old people, long ago, basically, green Every few days in the stone forest, some unidentified bodies will be found in the woods, some of them are also dead, and the death is particularly tragic!"

Mare talked about some strange things about the bluestone forest.

Du Qingke nodded slightly: "Is there any more?"

Mare scratched his head: "By the way, our Qingshi Forest has a special place. That is, every other day, a strange light will bloom in the forest."

"The light can be seen as long as it is inside the town. However, it can't be seen outside the town. This is also a special feature of Qingshi Forest!"

Du Qingke nodded: "Indeed, this situation is quite special. It seems that the Qingshi Forest has many mysteries!"

"By the way, is the frequency of light in the Qingshi Forest fixed?"

Du Qingke asked casually.

"It's not fixed. The time and frequency of the bluestone forest's radiance are random."

Marley replied.

"Okay, let's go for a walk in the woods first."

Du Qingke waved his hand.

Qingshilin said that the big is big, and the small is also small.

Du Qingke took Ma Lei and Liu Jiarui in the bluestone forest and spent more than an hour walking around.

Du Qingke opened his eyes and looked around carefully.

However, the result also disappointed Du Qingke.

Du Qingke's eyes widened, and he searched everywhere, trying to find some valuable medicinal materials or other ores.

However, as a result, Du Qingke was extremely disappointed.

Nothing of value could be found.

Du Qingke spread his hands: "Ma Lei, let's go back. In this small forest, it's useless to walk around all the time!"

Liu Jiarui blinked.

"Brother Du, I know a secret place in the Qingshi Forest."

Liu Jiarui said suddenly.

Mare was stunned: "Uh, Jia Rui, if you know, take us there!"

Du Qingke also nodded: "Well, Jia Rui, lead the way!"

Liu Jiarui led the way, leading Mare and Du Qingke to the central area of ​​Qingshi Forest.

Liu Jiarui stopped in a clearing, then bent down and began to brush the leaves on the ground.

After all the leaves on the ground were removed.

A hole appeared.

Liu Jiarui jumped into the hole first.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Jiarui stretched out his head and shouted, "You all come down. Go straight down this hole and you can reach that place!"

Du Qingke and Mare also followed and jumped into the hole.

After jumping into the burrow, you can see that there is a passage.

The curiosity in Mare's heart became even heavier, and he couldn't help but ask: "Hey! Such a hidden place, deputy squad leader, how did you find out?"

"I slept next to the willow tree before. During my sleep, the willow tree gave me a dream. I have been here many times in the dream state."

"Later, I couldn't help it myself, and came here to investigate on the spot.

Indeed, I found it, it really does exist here. "

Liu Jiarui explained.

"Oh, it's that big willow tree. Deputy squad leader, you and the willow tree are really legendary."

Mare nodded thoughtfully.

Du Qingke strode forward, walked to the passage, and waved at Ma Lei and Liu Jiarui: "Go, follow, and have a look. Where does the passage lead to?"

Du Qingke also had some expectations in his heart: Will this passage lead directly to the secret realm of Qinglong when it reaches the end?

This channel is not very long.

Du Qingke and others walked out of the passage after only a few minutes.

At the end of the passage, it leads to a small open space.

On this open space, there is only one big tree, and there are five crimson fruits growing on the big tree.

Next to the big tree, four green grasses grew.

Next to the four green grasses, there are three beautiful flowers.

"This, this, this is definitely not the Azure Dragon Secret Realm!"

In the era of the last catastrophe, the secret realm of Qinglong was jointly developed by the secret special forces of the major powers.

The secret realm of Qinglong was also the first secret realm developed by mankind in the era of the last catastrophe.

At that time, Du Qingke had not yet grown up, and was not qualified to explore the secret realm of Qinglong.

Although the whole picture of the Qinglong Secret Realm is not very clear, Du Qingke can be sure that this small enclosed space is definitely not the Qinglong Secret Realm!

Du Qingke sighed slightly and whispered, "Haha, I'm looking forward to it in vain!"

"However, it doesn't matter. If the secret realm of Qinglong was discovered so easily, it would be a little boring. I remember that in the last life, the special forces and the highest special warfare departments of various countries spent a lot of time to find the secret realm of Qinglong. During this period, there were even some hidden superpowers who were born in the secret realm of Qinglong, and they fought hard."

Du Qingke's mood was open-minded, and he was relieved immediately.

Mare, on the contrary, is very curious about this place.

He never expected that in this place, fruit trees, grasses and flowers could still be found.

"Brother Du, it's really weird here!"

Marley sighed.

Du Qingke swept the big tree, grass, and fruit, and was stunned for a moment.

Just now, at first glance, I didn't see anything strange.

Now, if you look closely, you will find a new discovery!

The fruit on this big tree is no ordinary fruit!

Du Qingke stepped forward and looked at it carefully: "This fruit is Zhu Guo!"

"This little grass is Jiuyou Grass!"

"This flower is the other side flower!"

Du Qingke called out the names of these rare treasures.

"Zhu Guo? Jiuyou Grass? Other Shore Flower?"

Mare and Liu Jiarui were both stunned.

They also felt strange, they had never heard of Du Qingke's name.

"Brother Du, what are those things~!"

Mare and Liu Jiarui, they asked.

Du Qingke smiled, nodded to Ma Lei and Liu Jiarui and said, "Those are all rare treasures!"

"This time, you can make alchemy!"

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