Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 319 Bad news, nuclear power plant leaks!

"A nuclear power plant leak?"

"Are you sure this news is correct?"

Upon hearing the news that Liu Qing obtained through the encrypted communication channel, the faces of Huang Shang and others suddenly became extremely ugly, and Huang Shang couldn't help but ask one more question.

"This is news from the capital, it should be correct."

Liu Qing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Although nuclear power plants have self-operation and protection mechanisms, this time is limited. Even before the second natural disaster, most of the nuclear power plants in our country had been unmanaged due to the corpse transformation. As a result, the cooling system shut down, the reactor began to automatically reduce the load, and the inert agent also began to be automatically poured in to prevent the reactor from continuing to heat up and the core to melt..."

"If it continues to operate according to the original design, there will be almost no leaks in the nuclear power plant, but..."

Having said this, Liu Qing couldn't help but sigh and said: "The big earthquake caused by the second natural disaster destroyed everything, just like the leakage incident of the FD nuclear power plant in country R due to the earthquake. The second natural disaster The major earthquake also had a great impact on nuclear power plants across the country. According to satellite monitoring, these nuclear power plants have begun to heat up and leak nuclear radiation, and the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant in Hunan Province is no exception. .”

"Damn it!"

Hearing Liu Qing's words, Huang Shang's heart suddenly sank.

The Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant is located in Yincheng, Hunan Province, only about a hundred kilometers away from Xingcheng and Liancheng. If the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant really leaks or even explodes, the consequences will be unimaginable!

You must know that the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant leak occurred in Lao Maozi's country in 1987. Even the country R, ​​which was 8,000km away, detected radiation. Even if the leak at the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant was not as good as that at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant , but it will definitely have a huge impact on the entire Hunan Province and even the entire Celestial Empire!

God knows what those zombies and mutated creatures will become after being exposed to the power of radiation!

"How are the capital going to handle this matter?"

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Huang Shang asked Liu Qing in a voice: "They can't ignore it, right?"

"Of course not."

Liu Qing shook his head and said: "The capital immediately took action after discovering the leak at the nuclear power plant. They have already mobilized experts and elites and are trying to find ways to go to the nuclear power plants where leaks have occurred to cool the reactors and avoid further deterioration of the situation."

“It’s just that there are too many disasters in the last days.

Our country's nuclear power experts suffered heavy losses in the first and second natural disasters, so this will still take some time. "

"The only good thing is that according to satellite monitoring, the leakage of the nuclear power plant is still within control. The government should have the time and ability to deal with this matter."

Speaking of this, Liu Qing's expression condensed slightly and said: "But if the government can't handle this matter, the situation will probably get out of control."

"Hopefully the government can sort it out."

Hearing Liu Qing's words, Huang Shang couldn't help but sigh.

In this damn apocalypse, bad news comes one after another, leaving no room for respite.

"By the way, apart from the nuclear power plant, what's the situation like everywhere now?"

Putting the nuclear power plant matter behind him for the time being, Huang Shang then asked Liu Qing: "Also, does the capital have anything to say about our previous warning?"

"The earthquake caused by the second natural disaster brought immeasurable losses to various places. A large number of survivors died in the earthquake. It is now conservatively estimated that the country's population is less than 200 million."

Liu Qing sighed and said: "In addition, the earthquake also destroyed many bases that the survivors had worked hard to build, making the overall situation deteriorate dramatically. At the same time, the railway lines in major ancient capitals and the capital that were originally planned to be rebuilt were also completely destroyed. All the efforts were in vain.”

"The only good thing is that, perhaps as you said, these ancient capitals were protected by dragon veins, so these ancient capitals and some spiritual mountains and rivers survived the earthquake without being greatly affected. This can be regarded as reserved for the Celestial Empire. Some fire.”

Having said this, Liu Qing paused for a moment, and then continued: "After the second celestial change, the capital has believed in our theory of the twelve celestial changes, and is strengthening its defenses to prepare for the disaster in half a month. The third heavenly change. Not only that, the capital also announced this news and the news of the emergence of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to various cities, so that the survivors in these cities can prepare."

"Is there any news about the Thing?"

After hearing Liu Qing's words, Huang Shang was silent for a moment and then asked.

"No, it seems that just as you have judged... the capital is deliberately pushing this matter secretly, hoping to use the power of the monster to deal with zombies and mutated creatures."

After Huang Shang came back, he had already told Liu Qing and Liu Qing and other top backbones about the Thing, so that they could be prepared. In addition, they didn't even have new backbones like Li Yu. The purpose of revealing even a little bit of information is to prevent the strange information from leaking out, thereby incurring a devastating blow from the "king".

The series of missiles that day... they will never forget it!

"I hope they don't play with fire and burn themselves!"

Although he had expected it, Huang Shang couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "Is there any situation abroad?"

"Similar to China, the second earthquake was global. Other countries were also hit hard and suffered heavy losses."

Liu Qing shook his head and said: "In addition, some religious holy places abroad have also begun to show strange things, such as the Vatican, Jerusalem and other places. Even satellites can no longer observe it. I don't know what happened specifically. thing."

"Also, some changes seem to have occurred in places such as some pyramids, Greek temples, etc., and the zombies in Haiti even seem to have been controlled by some kind of force. They are clearly distinct from human civilization and have no conflict... It's just the Haitian side. They are extremely backward and have lost contact with the outside world, so no one knows how they did it.”

At this point, Liu Qing paused for a moment, and then continued: "Not only abroad, but also at home. Some changes have occurred in Tibet, Kunlun Mountains, Wutai Mountains, Tianshan Mountains and other places. At the same time, it is said that satellite observations near Mount Emei When it comes to people flying with swords... In short, everything is in chaos now, and all kinds of strange phenomena occur frequently, as if it's like a different world."

"Sure enough...the power of major religions has begun to recover..."

After hearing Liu Qing's words, Huang Shang was silent for a moment, and his eyes became serious.

According to the system, the hundred sects that were contending among the hundreds of schools must have left behind their inheritance. In addition, the same is true for other sects that have not joined the hundred schools of thought. In addition, various ghosts, monsters, zombies, etc. have begun to appear now. , it can be said that countless civilizations and heritages in the world are now recovering, sharing this opportunity and challenge!

As for who can have the last laugh and dominate the world like the Taoist sect once did... it all depends on their own opportunities!

"Forget it, these have nothing to do with us for the time being. Let's seize the time to improve our strength and survive the third natural change."

Thinking of this, Huang Shang shook his head, and then said to Liu Qing: "In addition, let Li Yu continue to expand the scope of the broadcast and absorb as many survivors as possible... Now as the apocalypse continues, the awakened people will only get worse. As time goes by, population will become the most important resource and force."

Having said this, Huang Shang paused for a moment, and then continued: "Once the situation in our base is truly stable, I can also take time to teach you some new things!"

"Oh, I see!"

Although Liu Qing is the general manager of the base and is in charge of various things, Huang Shang is the one who can make the final decision. This is not only because Huang Shang has the strongest strength and is the most convincing, but also because Liu Xin knows that Huang Shang has many powers and secrets that he cannot touch, and his level and vision are higher than his own.

In this case, what he has to do is to put forward his own opinions as much as possible and then act according to Huang Shang's orders.

As for the capital... After learning about the Thing, Liu Qing had completely given up hope on the careerists in the capital.

In order to maintain their status and revive the dynasty in the last days, these people are absolutely willing to sacrifice anyone, including themselves!


Just as Huang Shang and Liu Qing were discussing some matters about the capital and the base, Huang Shang suddenly seemed to notice something. He turned his head suddenly, looked into the distance, and his pupils shrank.

"Send my order, level one alert... something happened!"

The next moment, Huang Shang only had time to give Liu Qing a warning before he jumped out and rushed out of the room.

The moment he rushed out of the room, Huang Shang also saw Bi Xia and Shan Feng, who also left the room because they noticed something strange.

Obviously, all three of them noticed the unusual energy fluctuations in the distance!

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