Apocalyptic Capsule System

Chapter 550 Anomaly

Shaking his head, Lin Cheng just felt speechless at this moment. This is not the first time he has been tricked by the capsule system, just like the grenade that could also help him gain energy in the Phoenix Mountain cave before, but this time the mini rocket It is more powerful, and the price is even more deceitful...


He took a light breath and stopped worrying about this matter. Looking at the white breath floating in front of his eyes, Lin Cheng felt a little heavy. Everything was as he had expected on Nanzhu Island before. It's not over yet, and the cold winter has begun again!

And the colder weather is definitely not a good thing for the existing survivors. First of all, the food supply will fall into the same cold winter again. After that, I will never think that I was unable to launch a large-scale attack in the heavy snow at the beginning. It can be said that once the weather turns cold, it will be a disaster for the current survivors!

"Damn it, this is simply forcing the human race to perish!"

Looking up at the gloomy sky, Lin Cheng muttered a little uncomfortably. Since the end of the world, all the changes that have taken place during the period, except for some human beings who have awakened various abilities, none of them are beneficial to human beings. has changed!

Kicking away a zombie body blocking the way, Lin Cheng greeted Coke, then jumped on the off-road vehicle again, and slowly strolled on this street.

The reason why he made such a big commotion just now was, on the one hand, to test the power of the chariot and earn some energy points, and on the other hand, he wanted to try to see if he could attract some survivors out.

It has been two days since he came to Yanjing. Lin Cheng took Coke and almost searched the entire Xicheng District, but he didn't see a living person. This made him feel a little annoyed, because if there is no living person to inquire about , just because he has one person and one dog, trying to find that guy named Chen Jiajie in Yanjing is like looking for a needle in a haystack!


While driving an off-road vehicle on this wide road, Lin Cheng suddenly heard a cry from Coke, and turned his head to see that it was staring at a skyscraper not far from the front left. Take a look at the building!

"Is there a situation?"

Seeing Coke's actions, Lin Cheng's heart moved. He stepped on the gas pedal and rushed downstairs to the building, then turned off the engine and asked Coke.


Hearing Lin Cheng's inquiry, Coke nodded quickly, then seemed a little impatient, pulled the front paws on the door handle, opened the car door and jumped off!

"What a hurry!"

Seeing Coke's hurried virtue,

Lin Cheng couldn't help cursing, and then stopped dawdling, jumped out of the car, harvested the off-road vehicle into a capsule, followed Coke, and ran into the building in front of him.

As soon as he rushed into the building, Lin Cheng couldn't help frowning. Looking around, it seemed that no one had set foot in the lobby on the first floor of this slightly dilapidated building for a long time, and the dust on the ground had piled up thickly. layer, stepping on it directly creates a deep indentation.

And the door where he and Coke came in just now has long since disappeared. If it weren't for the fact that there were some personal items on the reception desk not far ahead, Lin Cheng would have thought it was an unfinished building.

"Are you sure there is someone here?"

Looking at this very typical post-apocalyptic scene in front of him, Lin Cheng frowned, and lowered his head to Coke, who had been in a daze since he rushed in, and was spinning around in place at this moment.

"Woo... woo..."

As if aware of Lin Cheng's distrust, Coke whined twice aggrievedly, eager to prove himself, but didn't know what to do, because although it did detect the breath of living people in this building just now , but when it rushed into the building, the breath of a living person suddenly disappeared!

This weird situation made Coke a little confused for a while, so he could only go around in circles trying to sniff out some clues.

Although Lin Cheng's tone sounded like he was questioning, deep in his heart he trusted Coke very much, so seeing that Coke was a little anxious, he quickly patted its head to comfort him, and then motioned for it to follow him Behind them, a person and a dog walked slowly towards the stairs with a low voice.

After a while, Lin Cheng, who was at the top of the stairs, looked up at the gray stairwell, without much hesitation, he took the Coke and walked upstairs directly.

Lin Cheng didn't know if there was any danger upstairs, but even if the upstairs was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, he had to go up there. After all, he had been in Yanjing for two days, and he had to catch any suspicious clues if he found nothing!

After reaching the second floor, Lin Cheng did not walk out of the stairs immediately, but closed his eyes and tried to check with the six senses. After finding that there was no movement, he waved to Coke behind him, signaling it to search the left half. layer, and search for the right half layer.

After receiving Lin Cheng's order, Coke wisely did not make any noise, and after nodding the dog's head, the cat sneaked slowly to the left.

Seeing that Coke's vigilance hadn't weakened in the slightest after being corrupted in the blue sea base for a while, Lin Cheng smiled with satisfaction, and then searched lightly to the right half.

Stepping on the thick dust, Lin Cheng slowly groped around on the second floor of this skyscraper. He didn't feel anything when he came in before, but now after searching, he found that the floor area of ​​this building is too fucking big up!

He also wanted to mess around in this building without hesitation, but his intuition told him that this building didn't seem simple, so he didn't want to expose himself prematurely before meeting someone.

More than ten minutes later, after the search, Lin Cheng and Coke met again at the stairs. Seeing that Coke did not find any information, Lin Cheng sighed helplessly, then raised his feet and continued to search the third floor .

After nearly two hours of searching, Lin Cheng and Coke, who had almost explored the entire building, were sitting panting in the stairwell on the 36th floor, pouring mineral water into their mouths.

"I said, are you up to it? You won't be able to enjoy your proud insight after enjoying a few days of happiness in the blue ocean base?"

After taking another gulp of mineral water, Lin Cheng threw the empty bottle at Coke's head and asked him with a displeased expression.


Suddenly being hit on the head by a mineral water bottle, Coke immediately jumped up, and after angrily yelling at Lin Cheng twice, his head suddenly lifted, and he glanced at Lin Cheng contemptuously!

"I rely on?"

Seeing Coke's expression, Lin Cheng's expression suddenly became angry, and he rushed over and raised its ear and shouted: "Stinky boy, do you want to turn the world upside down?! How dare you question Lao Tzu's ability?"

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