In the scarlet pupils, a strange aura of spells spiraled.

Shamanic version of the detection lie?

That's a lot of work.

Think I'm going to lie?

Good guy like me.

Do you still need to lie?

Yu Yujiu leaned forward and approached Bai Shuang's face.

Sensing the other party's frivolity, White Frost frowned.

She wasn't optimistic about the black-haired boy in front of her.

In distant memory.

At that meeting many years ago, she had asked the god of nature face to face.

Why save

her, why her, why

did you choose her to be the leader of the tribe?

The answer was...

Because the mushroom people are too honest.

They have almost no heart-eye.

It is different from humans, specifically Homo sapiens, who evolved eye-brain separation.

The mushrooms are still at the level of the Neanderthals.

When it comes to "seeing" images, like most animals, they can only see what is in front of them and cannot understand too complex abstract thinking.

Even just lying is too difficult for them.

But with their simple hearts, they are still the proud creatures of the gods of nature.

The mushroom people live up to the expectations of the gods of nature for the world – that is, harmony.

It's just that such mushroom people, they need a sober person to lead.

Not in this extremely cruel game... Exploited to perdition.

In order to defeat magic with magic.

White frost, who was once human and is no longer human, is the best candidate.

Having killed a large number of humans in retaliation, she will never be able to sit on the side of humans with her ass.

The god of nature did hold her.

As for what humans are like, hoarfrost knows best.

Closer to life, what did the refugees who were displaced near the nuclear power plant do after the catastrophe?

In the distant future, what did the nobles of the empire who murdered her do back then?

Not to mention others, after gaining power, what did she do herself?

People who get in the way of themselves.

Humans are mean, selfish, and murderous.

Because... After evolving eye-brain separation, their imagination is too rich.

The cruel environment, the fear of the unknown, the dumping of the same kind, etc., everything will awaken their imagination of death, the fear of death....

... and the instinct to survive.

This kind of neurotic anxiety makes them unable to face death calmly for the sake of the group like the mushroom people, but will not hesitate to drag everyone into the water for their own survival.

And the teenager in front of him will not be any different.

Come, say it yourself.

Frost's body leaned forward slightly.


Wow, I'm close to her and closer, what kind of fuss is this.

Do you want to kiss it?

Yu Yujiu couldn't help but lean back.

However, it's time to submit your answers.

"Hmm... I want that power. "

Why?" the

red swirls in the hoarfrost's eyes spun faster.


I want to use that power to save people in need." "

What are you going to do?"

"I don't know... If you get that power

, you can help, you can help, and if you can, you can shelter..."Frowning, Yu Yujiu calculated how many people he would need to save to brush up on 999 merits.

The threshold for a great salvation is merit plus 100.

But if you accidentally save the bad guys, you will be upside down.

Therefore, saving 200 people and adding 100 merits is a more ideal situation....

"It's a bit arrogant to say that you want to save people, but to save thousands... I think I'll do it anyway.

When he answered, Yu Yujiu's eyes were clear, as if all this was taken for granted.

After all, before the fifth time I ran the drug circle... It must be full of merit.

The red glow in the hoarfrost's eyes faded.

Her lips trembled slightly, and little Lori was speechless for a while.

【Psychic Insight】This magic reveals... That's what he thinks, and that's how he acts.

What he said... It's true.

Liar, how can there be such a stupid guy in this world.

shouldn't they all praise her as the most beautiful little princess in the empire in front of people, but arrange for the maid to poison her behind her back?

Why are you doing such a thing, is it any good for you?"

was sprayed with saliva for a long time, and finally became angry.

Do you think he wants to be the Great Madonna?

Grinding his forehead against the head of the white frost, he shouted

loudly, "Because the guy who has the ability to save people, but doesn't save it, doesn't deserve to live!"

There is no warning of divine magic.

The other party really thinks so.

The young man's naïve thoughts made Bai Shuang speechless.

Although the two actually... It's not on the same channel at all.

Taking a deep breath, the white frost inexplicably felt a little uneasy.

"I can let you go to the altar once.

“... But you'll have to pass my test one more time. "

It's coming, it's coming, it's a classic difficult candidate.

Hmph, all interviewers are the same.

"Don't put on such a stinky face... In fact, this test is not that difficult, and it is closely related to the career you aspire to. "


? Does it have anything to do with the hidden profession?

That profession is most likely a branch of the shaman, and the associated test....

Detached from the backrest, Yu Yujiu sat up straight like a curious baby.

What kind of test will it be

? Fight her?

What are you kidding, the faction leader defaults to the full level.


a little difficult for him to be a sports student.

Full of ritual... The game?Yu

Yujiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Cards, war chess, monster dragon gate dice?

Recently, he has been playing board games with his sister whenever he has time, and he is a bit of a brainer.

"It's an arrangement

, it's all about, it's ...

... Yu Yujiu pouted in disappointment.

Seeing his deflated expression, White Frost smiled happily.

"The shamanic lineage of the mushroom people does not come from words, but from songs with a strong will.

"Sacrificial songs, imbued with the personal style of past leaders, are the basis for all kinds of shamanic spells.

"Of course, when you get a career, you will naturally learn this.

"However, if you want to create your own shamanic spells, you need to be able to compose songs from your heart.

White Frost said solemnly.

Although she was not wrong for the most part.

But in fact, there are also selfish motives of their own.

In the mutilated memory of the white frost, the performance of the bard occupies a large part of the weight.

In the deep palace, she is full of longing for the outside world.

but she can't go out, and she can only learn about the outside world through the bard's magnificent narrative poems.

Even that outing that pestered my father for a long time was because I really wanted to see it... The beauty described in the poem is just that.

Now that I think about it, I'm a big idiot...

... She did want to hear the song, though.

The reason why it is difficult for mushroom people to produce shamans is...

... They're incomplete.

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