Faced with this dilemma, the captain who was measuring the distance and the orc laborers who were still adjusting the angle of the bed crossbow also looked at each other and were at a loss.

What should I do

? If the bowstring is broken, will the weekly food distribution be deducted? The

squad leader bent down to pick up the crossbow string that had been broken in two, and looked sorry.

He tried to use his brain, wondering if this thing was still saved.

For example, inlay a circle of iron sheets, and then nail it up or something.

It's a pity that this string may not be able to be fully pulled in the future.

Forget it, get up and comfort everyone...

"Smack. He

found himself on the ground.


He couldn't help but laugh.

Oops, why did I get up and fall?

I can't feel my legs anymore.

After squatting for a while, my legs went numb, which is not good.

Slowly turn around....

... His smile froze.

As far as I can see, my strong lower body is still in a squatting position.

And the entrails flowed all over the ground.

When a few laborers saw this, they were also shocked.

The captain is dead, but he will be whipped later

! What should

I do? If I wrap the upper and lower sections in iron sheet and nail them again, will I still be saved?

I don't care, I will do what I think!

They took the first step towards the captain in a hurry, and they felt their eyes slanted.


... Smack.

The upper half of his body had already fallen to the ground.

Those powerful legs are still standing firmly on the deck.

It's just that the internal organs are carried by the ribcage and flow everywhere.

Damn it... It's time to clean the deck again.

Ah, why do you feel so heavy on your eyelids...

... I slept first


"Bang, bang, bang!"

Seeing the tragic death of the clansmen on the spot, the orcs on the remaining airships were so angry that they slammed on the railing.

But with just one arrow, they didn't dare to continue winding.

Commanding the helmsman to pull a little farther away, out of the range of the strange bow and arrow.

After all, even a flat-fired bed crossbow has a much longer range than a parabolic bow.

There's no need to fight them at this distance.

thinking so, the orc overseer stamped his foot rhythmically.

The orcs beneath the cabin were reluctant to slow down their pedaling.

The log attached to the pedal gear set also slowed down a bit.

The balsa propeller attached to it has the wind power as if it has been shifted from third to first.

That's fine, they can't escape anyway.

Wait a minute... That direction is....


didn't go crazy, they didn't even go back alive when the bipedal dragoons went in to investigate.

You're such a slow airship....

The Overseers were a little skeptical that they wouldn't be able to run away and were hell-bent on dying.

No matter what, he had to stare at them, he had to see them die inside!

Wait, why are there so many clouds near that

airship?! No, it's smoking!

In the eyes of the Orc Overseers, the white smoke from the airship enveloped itself in a cloud of white mist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wolf smoke, how did you get it?

Sniff and sniff.

What does it smell like?,

the rugged nose dilated a few times, and the orc overseer frowned.

Ahem, my nose is so itchy.

This smell is so choking.

It's a bit like the incense used by shamans at festivals.

Is this trying to use the scent to disperse the flock of giant crows?

However, a few days ago, in his father's private interpretation of Bu Yan, he said to himself that a few days later, a certain black-haired boy who appeared strangely on the Gobi was a very ominous existence.

In the foreseeable future, it is even likely to lead directly to the destruction of the orcs.

It is a very uncontrollable variable.

If you can, kill him as much as you can.

Such an existence, even if it is besieged by crows, does not necessarily die.

But now is his weakest time.

If... I let him go.

It is very likely that he will become a sinner who will lead to the extermination of the beasts in the future

! No, he must not be allowed to grow up

! Thinking of this, he raised his battle axe, and the Overseer shouted

, "Chase, don't let them escape!"

The sail turned with the right rudder, and the engine leader obeyed the order and used the whip! Let the laborers below pedal faster

!" "

Lota Oh Ka Ka Ka !!"

he roared!

The other orcs heard the Overseer's roar and were struck by the determination, and shouted loudly.

"Lota Oh Ka Ka Ka !!

" ...

Although it crashed into the crows, it caused a lot of trouble to the orc airship that chased and killed.

But the depression in the airship is also very uncomfortable.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong~"

Inside the pod, it is now noisy.

It felt like there was a drummer beating the airship outside.

Or the kind that plays death rock.

He felt like a traveler who had strayed into a bat cave, a student who had been bitten mad by mosquitoes playing at night, and a helicopter carrying Kobe Bryant into a thunderstorm.

Anyway, smashing the hornet's nest is not enough to describe it, he is about to collapse from the noise.

The crows were swan-spurs-like, with ridiculously large beaks and claws.

Looking through the small porthole, the scene of the crow mobbing outside was like a nightmare.

Crows kept crashing into each other like crazy, and even the metal bulkheads were scratched one after another in a screeching sound.

The situation of the wooden pod attached to the back was even worse, from time to time it was poked into a bird's beak, and after the giant crow pulled it out, it left one transparent hole after another.

Not to mention the situation on the side of the airbag, there are countless holes in large and small.

If it weren't for the frenzied use of beeswax by the diligent worker bees, the airship would have been gone long ago.

Thankfully, the thick white mist emitted by the device caused the giant crows to sobble and completely lose their way.

The pain of being sprinkled with pepper caused them to be unable to accurately capture the position of the airship, and they could only blindly crash into it and attack by feeling.

Of course, such a chaotic attack will not work, after all, if the power of one punch is divided into ten hits, it will become a massage.

Unless they can set fire and carve a big hole in the pod or airbag, but it is clear that the crows smoked by the white mist will not be able to do that.

Even their strongest individuals behave like this.

The slightly weaker scavenging giant crows have long been smoked and fled.

In this way, relying on the smoke device given by the goddess of mercy, the airship continued to advance without being sunk in a dense crowd of crows.

You must know that the highest level of this group of giant crows is generally close to level 20.

Yu Yujiu himself is only level 17!

However, he can already see the edge of the giant crow flock.

Like mirror-wiping clowns, they are still bounded by a non-existent, very large rectangle, and will never cross the thunder pool for half a step.

As long as you can get out there, you will be able to survive!

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