The high-pressure water blade released by Li Ruoshui before escaping was too fast...

Han Xue, who was firmly locked by her skills, is now in danger.

"Damn!" Yu

Yujiu couldn't help but curse secretly.

... Whether it's yourself right now use vector gravity to catch up.

Or a drone buzzing in the sky and speeding up.

Even Xiuma, who stole the demon core and transformed into a wolf, was obviously too late.

The distance of tens of meters is fleeting.

The water blade was approaching, and Han Xue was about to die.

The air beside her suddenly twisted.

In the refraction of light, a huge translucent snake curled up suddenly appeared there.

This is... Similar to the chameleon's stealth ability?

Well, the chameleon is indeed a relative of the snake.

It's just that I have hands and feet but don't go to work, I'm very afraid of society, and I can't wait to turn myself into a little transparent kind of relative.


Liu Yao did say before that he would follow down to find someone.

At that time, he replied nonchalantly: "You're here purely to get in the way, stay in the airship." Then

he grabbed the rope ladder and went down quickly.

I didn't expect him to not only follow down, but also hide there all the time!

What do you want your snake to do?!!

, the giant snake Bai Aya had already stopped in front of the incomparably sharp water blade.

It kept flipping, coiling its body as tightly as it could, layered

like a shield! As soon as it took a stance, the water blade slashed straight up

, "Whoa!"

The crescent moon collapsed, and the water splashed!

The water mist caused by the impact blocked everyone's vision like an explosion!

When it slowly dispersed, a shadow faintly revealed.

Looking at it, the white snake was still entrenched in front of Han Xue, standing tall!


few drops of dark red blood fell from the white snake and dripped on the Gobi Desert.

Turning his head with difficulty, he spat out the letter to his dear master.

Bai Aya's eyes were full of reluctance.

Liu Yao's heart let out a "grunt".

The straight blood line slowly appeared on the white snake's body.

Grinning, the serpent grinned miserably.


Scraps of flesh flew all over the place, and the once tough snake body now collapsed like a building block, shattering to the ground.

On the head of the snake, which had two petals neatly split from the middle, its eyes were staring at it and it couldn't be seen.

"Teacher, teacher, thank you for saving me!" Liu

Yao, who was hugged by Han Xue, successfully rescued the student he saw from the airship and achieved the set goal.

It should have been a pleasure.

But looking at Bai Aya, who was disintegrated by a knife, he couldn't even squeeze out a smile now, and his face was like ashes.


" "Troll, go!"

In the distance, in the narrow entrance area, a puff of smoke and dust suddenly rose.

Immediately afterward, the roar of wolves and the sound of chaotic footsteps came one after another.

Raise your hand to shade the sun, and look at it from afar.

A... The wolf cavalry troops

were able to break into this place by mistake!

The sand and dust dispersed, and in front of them was the Gobi Plain Road.

The distance between the two sides was less than 150 meters, and Yu Yujiu knew that for the wolf cavalry, it was only half a charge distance!

If Huo Hou was compared to a Tiger King tank, then this group of wolf cavalry was comparable to a T34 tank battle group.

They are also very good at using javelins, fishing nets, hooks, and even tripping horses, meteor hammers, and other props!

There is no other way but to fight to the death.

Because there's no escaping it.

This group of guys with tacit cooperation is much more difficult to deal with than the clumsy Huo Hou.

Fortunately, there is still some distance away.

Hurry up and call these dumb melons to flee for their lives.

"Retreat, retreat, everyone, grab the rope ladder of the airship

!" "Shuma, pack up that pile of sliced snake meat!" Yu

Yujiu shouted as he twisted the spear trap.

The shaft of the spear clicked and unfastened, turning into a section, and he casually wrapped it around his waist.

On the other side, Shuma had already run to Bai Aya's body.

The giant wolf he had incarnated opened its mouth wide, the corners of its mouth cracking all the way to its stomach.

The protruding ribs looked like hideous teeth.


Woohoo woo!" took a slam bite, and a pit was cut out of the ground.

Even the snake carried a little dirt, and it was all on the stomach.

His whole body swelled in a big circle, and it was so good.

Very well, now just run under the airship....

... He ran two steps slowly, as if he couldn't run a little.

This sucks.

Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness came.

I only felt that the world was spinning, and the giant wolf was already on all fours.

"Wangwang, is this the princess hug?!"

"Shut up, you waste dog!" hugged Xiuma's depressed face for a long time, with a look of shame.

At this time, the airship was flying at a low altitude, and the hatch was wide open.

[Vector Gravity] was activated, and Xiuma was thrown directly into the cabin by Yu Yujiu like a garbage bag that had been thrown away.

He himself immediately jumped up and shouted to his sister: "Pull

the joystick, climb !!" "But those two people..."

, "Quick!"

The brother's eyes were extremely serious, and the sister had no choice but to pull the joystick, and the airship slowly rose.

Kicking the rope ladder down, Yu Yujiu yelled at the two people who were running like sleepwalking below: "Hurry up and grab the rope ladder! I won't wait for you any longer if I don't catch up!"

The dust was rolling in the distance, getting closer and closer.

Those guys have hooks, and flying low in front of them is simply looking for death.

If they were caught up by the wolf cavalry, they would be able to drag down the airship.

This kind of thing has happened many times in my previous life.

Seeing that the airship seemed to be abandoning them, the two men finally came to their senses, and hurriedly grabbed the rope ladder that kept swaying, and crawled towards the engine room one after the other.

But their hands and feet were still a little slower.

A huge wolf that was running very fast had already rushed over with the captain of the wolf cavalry.

Seeing that the airship was about to flee with all its tails, the captain of the wolf cavalry did not hesitate, and by the inertia of the charge, he jumped on the stirrup and grabbed the end of the rope ladder.

Feeling the huge shaking of the rope ladder, Liu Yao and Han Xue looked back in surprise, only to find that there was an uninvited guest on the ladder.

The climbing speed of this green-skinned big man was amazing, and it didn't take long for him to catch Han Xue's special combat suit trousers.

With a little force, this little girl will fall from a height of hundreds of feet, and her bones will be lost.

Clenching his trouser legs, the captain of the wolf cavalry grinned wide.

"Liu Yao! get out of the way!"

Hearing this, Liu Yao, who hadn't yet understood the situation, quickly turned away.

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