... And then, unsurprisingly, the unexpected happened.

"What's going on in front of you?How can you stop, don't you know how crowded it is?" Huo

Hou put away his whip, pushed through the crowd, and walked towards an RV in front of the team.

"Bang bang!"

he knocked on the window, which quickly lowered.

"Captain Huo, what's

wrong?" "There seems to be something wrong ahead, the team doesn't know why it's not moving, why don't you let the drone check

it out?" "Yes, sir!"

Hearing the order, Han Xue hurriedly concentrated, and a pair of dark eyes exuded complex electronic lines.

The sunroof of the RV opened with a clatter, and a huge drone took off vertically, whipped up a gale and ran ahead.

Only on the retina, two erythema remained.

Looking at the drone in the distance, Huo Hou waited anxiously.

After a while, the electric light in the girl's eyes disappeared, and her face became... It's very unsightly.

"Report to the captain, I just saw that at the exit of this road, I don't know who set up a barricade...

“... Now the people in front of them are trying their best to clear obstacles. "

Damn... Ahem, damn it, what kind of bastard did the act of a bandit roadlord when he wanted people's lives like this, this is disregarding the lives and property of our people!" Huo Houyi scolded his peers in words.

"Captain, you're right, these gangsters are so hateful.

Huo Hou scolded and left.

said so, but Han Xue didn't think much in her heart... This is an obstacle that bandit Road Fighter can set up.

The amount of work to create such an obstacle in such a short period of time is really too exaggerated, and how much manpower and material resources will be expended!

Doing this kind of thing with great fanfare simply does not outweigh the losses.

What did the other side want to get from their group of ragged refugees

? food?

Such a big project for this food... It's too exciting, isn't

it? There's a blind spot here.

I seem to be caught in a kind of... The mindset went up.

Why do you have to assume... The other party must be human, Han

Xue's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Wow, wow, wow, ah!!hhh

Quickly put his head out of the car window, and one after another appeared in the black hole window above.

Call the drone through the soul link and take a closer look.

The heads were covered in blood scabs and scars, and even the eyeballs were completely white.

Most of the skin has fallen off, and the real bared teeth are grinning.

Sure enough, it's

a zombie! It stands to reason that a zombie who originally acted on instinct actually turned upside down to ambush a human being

? What could be done? There was

no way, so she had to pick up the car loudspeaker and shout: "There are zombies in ambush! Retreat! Retreat immediately!" The

two horns at the front of the car kept vibrating, conveying her roar.

This time, the team completely exploded.

Before people could figure out which way to go, it was too late.

Heads were moving, and countless zombies poured out of the originally empty buildings on both sides.

Obviously, even the drones have gone in to check carefully, where are they hiding?!

Not only on the ground, but also above there are abnormal movements.

Many zombie "airborne troops" jumped directly from tall buildings!

Well, the kind without parachute bags.

The clatter of fractures was heard incessantly.

Some of them broke off a leg, but they landed smoothly and limped forward.

Some of their heads hit the ground, fell out of the bean curd, and died again on the spot.

Others fell to the cushion and threw themselves into the fight unscathed.

It's when the zombies of the buffer are stoned to death.

... This commander is simply a genius in the zombie world.

But it doesn't matter what the conductor distributes, as long as the other party changes the dish.

The zombies, complete or incomplete, rushed towards the middle of the refugee procession.

The goal is clear, which is to cut off the team from the waist so that they can't take care of each other.

Seeing this, the refugees in the rear fled one after another in the direction they came, regardless of the obstruction of the "special combat team."

But the original road is rugged, and the road is long and obstructive.

In the long chase, you will definitely be killed by the army of zombies that follow you.

And the situation faced by the team in front of them is not necessarily much better.

Buildings on both sides blocked the way, and the alley was full of zombies.

Now there are sturdy barricades ahead, and zombies lurking in ambush behind them.

This is clearly a sturdy pocket formation, locking half of the team and those elites so that they can't move.

Where is this the path to a bright future....

... It's a death trap at all!

Soon, all the pseudo-special operators and professionals reacted.

If you can't come up with a solution, you just sit back and wait.

In the current situation, the best breakthrough is to look like the most zombies and the most terrifying, but there is no geographical advantage.

"Retreat! Kill!" Huo

Hou tensed the muscles of his whole body, and a metallic luster appeared on his body.

He lunged forward, rampage like a moving piece of iron.

Many zombies rushed over, their teeth were broken, and even their skulls were shattered directly.


this, the other team members were greatly encouraged, and they also hurriedly picked up the guy and followed.

The ability and gunfire rang out, and the corpse flew with the head.

The "special combat team" and the professionals worked together to easily tear down the super-thick corpse wall composed of zombies, and they were about to fight their way out !!of the bloody road and escape!

Wolf howl?!


large fishing net flew out of nowhere.

A big fat man in military uniform who had just vomited a fireball was caught defenselessly.

He hurriedly gathered his strength and tried to destroy the fishing net by breathing fire.

"Plop plop

, plop, plop!" Heavy footsteps came, and the fat man looked up sharply, and saw two wolf cavalrymen with long knives, one left and one right.

He quickly raised a shield made of manhole covers to protect his upper body.

The huge force of "Qiang !!"

shook the fat man's arm numb, but he successfully blocked the knife.

He was happy in his heart, as long as a teammate helped him parry the second knife...


his teammates watched him look at him in a different place, and they couldn't react.

Even if he reacted, he was shocked by the terrifying appearance of the wolf cavalry and did not dare to step forward.

In the end, the fat man overestimated the organization of this so-called "army".

The column of blood that spurted high made the hearts of the "special combat soldiers" even more shocked.

In the distance, the orc infantry armed with giant axes and frantically slashing and slashing, and these wolf cavalry who moved as fast as lightning and interspersed the "special combat team", where did they come from?

Now how can he be caught between the elites of these two murderous races?

!"! Now it is inevitable that you will die, it is better to fight!" I don't know which team member shouted such a slogan.

"TMD, you're right, brothers, kill hard!"

This group of local ruffians chose to fight.

But the reality is cruel, and miracles don't happen because of your momentary courage.

Under the front and rear attacks of orcs and zombies, the "special combat soldiers" suffered heavy casualties.

There are so many zombies behind him that they can't be killed at all.

It's like a waste of bullets.

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