What's worse is the smell of the male sweat mixture....

The soldiers were used to it, and they couldn't stand it.

At this time, I was somewhat nostalgic for the airship I bought with all my money.

I don't know how my sister is doing.


exclaimed, pulling him out of his ramblings.

It turned out to be Han Xue, who was leaning on the window, and let out a very excited exclamation.

Yu Yujiu and Liu Yao also turned around and looked at the scenery outside the window.


It's like seeing a magnificent view while traveling, and you can't help but take a deep breath.

The scenery in front of me, even if I have seen it in my previous life, is a little shocking and speechless.

The floating city hanging high in the sky gradually unfolded in their eyes.

It's so huge that it looks like a mountain in the air, and it feels a little out of reality, no matter how many times you watch it, it's quite shocking.

If you look closely, you can see that the city is roughly divided into two halves.

is made up of several huge and ugly airbags, big enough to make one wonder what kind of

cloth it is, and how big it is.

Below, there are hundreds of abandoned airships, all of which come in different sizes and shapes, depending on the model drawn by the lucky ones who won the airships in the battle rewards.

It could be a transport boat, a combat boat, or an advertising boat that doesn't even have a toilet.

However, since they are now part of the city, it means that most of the owners are also Ka.

It can be seen that even if Tianhu starts, there are still a lot of people who can play good cards.

And after piling up all these bad cards together, it forms a huge floating landscape of the airship graveyard, like a huge floating island.

These airships are joined together by slings and anchoring devices, forming a stable urban fabric.

In his previous life, Yu Yujiu also lived on it for a while, and knew that walking those aisles was quite exciting.

Not only can you clearly see the mountains and wilderness not far away, but also the occasional mutated creatures or zombie hordes.

And because there is no reliable fence, I often go to a public toilet, and people don't return.

Zombie hordes below: Thank you for nature's bounty.

"It's finally here, my lovely students, who are now waiting for me to help somewhere in the city.

Liu Yao, whose eyes were shining, made Yu Yujiu's eyelids jump slightly with his outrageous remarks.

He shook his head slightly, thinking that it had been so long, they must have adapted to this environment a long time ago.

"But then again, it's an incredible situation.

"I feel the same way, if this is before the end of the world, this scene will not have happened at all. Yu Yujiu agrees with this.

"Why, didn't there be helium balloon technology before the end of the world, why can't it be made?" Han Xue asked suspiciously.

Rubbing the stubble caused by not shaving for a few days, Liu Yao replied:

"Let's put it this way, in 2020, the total global production of helium was 152 million cubic meters.

"Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?"

But in reality, it was only enough to charge 760 20-ton airships.

"And what is in front of you is not 760 airships, but a fully functional city built on top of countless airships!" he

stretched out his finger and pointed to a greenhouse in the distance: "You can even use the extremely abundant sunlight in the sky to engage in large-scale agriculture!"

In other words, the city, with its very high load redundancy, is far from reaching the tipping point

." Nodding as if they didn't understand, Han Xue and Betty looked confused.

Speaking of this, Yu Yujiu remembered something

, well, compared to helium, the load capacity of [Demon Mist] is indeed leveraged, and there is still room for expansion of its own airships.

But let's talk about it when we get back.


In a lower corner of the airship cemetery, there is an open-air restaurant called [Sky Garden].

As a place for the wealthy to enjoy food and enjoy the beauty of the city, people who eat here may even think that they are in some kind of science fiction movie, which makes people feel like they are in a different world, and forget that they are actually still in the end times.

The décor of the restaurant is full of retro and sci-fi elements, the parts of the airship have been cleverly transformed into tables and chairs, and the terrace below and the surrounding walls are completely made of transparent landscape glass, which has also been carefully rubbed by the robot vacuum cleaner, which is extremely transparent.

It can only be said that it is not very friendly to guests with bad hearts.

Today's tea time, business is still hot, and uniformed waiters are busy shuttling through the restaurant, providing customers with a variety of delicacies and intimate service.

With this level of service, even before the end of the world, guests had no doubt that the restaurant would be prosperous.

However, it is now the end times of resource-scarce times.

The accompaniment of a band, the enthusiastic waiters, and the elegant style alone do not really make so many people feel at home.

The real attraction of this restaurant is that when you taste the food, you can see through the glass and see the "faces of all living beings" of the people in the lower classes.

For example, today's "view" is a group of ragged people, looking for food in the ruins.

They were skinny and pale, and when they looked up at the city in the sky, their eyes were empty, like ghosts in the last days.

In the restaurant, a middle-aged man in a high-end suit threw a bag of food from the edge of the guardrail and smashed it into the middle of the group.

This caused an uproar in an instant, and those people who looked like skeletons underground scrambled to fight for the sack of food scattered all over the ground, and even began to push, bite, and fight each other.

The wealthy businessmen watched this scene with relish and couldn't stop clapping their hands with joy.

Others suggested that some should not be thrown away.

The middle-aged man sneered: "If you throw too much, everyone has a share, they won't fight so inseparably." "

Wow, look, they're copying guys. A young rich second-generation raised his eyebrows and exclaimed in surprise.

Through the bright glass below, the ragged men could be seen arguing, and some had drawn their short knives from their waists.

This was like a signal, and the already tense atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Someone quickly picked up a stick on the ground, someone picked a stone on the ground, and a bloody battle was about to begin.

A girl in a black dress with long white and blonde hair sighed as she brushed off the three thousand troubles that had been blown by the gale.

She is usually too busy, but this time she was also introduced by a friend, saying that this restaurant was very interesting, so she deliberately didn't go to the military canteen and came to see it.

I didn't expect that's it.

If you are seen by a guest who is coming over, you will think that you are a heinous person.

"Waiter, that's enough, pour me five bags of food. "

Well, five bags, miss, you're here for the first time, you may not be a little clear, this price is not according to the menu..."

The girl waved her hand impatiently.

The waiter bowed slightly, and the other colleagues saw this, picked up five bags of food and spilled it.

"Boom... "

There was a sound of an engine clattering.

A military gunboat slowly approached the tarmac of the restaurant.

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