
An all-out blow to the crystallization period?

How lethal is that?

"Shiyu, I'll leave it to you." Ye Chuan pointed to the sniper rifle and said.

Ye Chuan's combat power can easily defeat the monks of the crystallization stage, so this sniper rifle with only three rounds is more effective against An Shiyu.

"Yes, young master."

An Shiyu put the gun away, in fact, Luo Xiaoguo designed this weapon for An Shiyu, and originally only

had the power of the Qi training period, but Ye Chuan brought back the crystal nucleus of the crystallization period, and Luo Xiaoguo tried to modify it.

"I haven't tested the stability of this weapon yet, so be careful when using it." Luo Xiaoguo said suddenly.

"What will happen?" Ye Chuan asked.

"If the alloy gun body can't withstand the spiritual power of the crystallization stage, it will explode." Luo Xiaoguo made an analogy.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Is there a possibility, it's a bit dangerous?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Trust my data." Luo Xiaoguo blinked and said very confidently.

Later, Luo Xiaoguo also prepared other props, and the title of Dora's has been transferred from Shiyu's body to Xiaoguo's body.

A veritable Dora fruit.

Among them is the flashbang that Bai Ling pulled out yesterday.

Ye Chuan picked up the flash bomb, and Luo Xiaoguo also introduced at this time, "This is Xiaoguo's first-generation flash bomb, which contains a crystal nucleus in the quasi-qi cultivation period, magnesium aluminum ammonium nitrate and other ingredients, which can release 30 million candela strong light."

"It's okay to get a monk below the foundation stage to become temporarily blind and deaf."

Ye Chuan couldn't help but nodded, this thing even the monster was stunned for a few seconds, it seems that it is indeed a good thing.

"But how can you have one on you?" He looked at Bai Ling.

At this time, Bai Ling tilted his head and thought about it, and suddenly his fist smashed on the palm of his hand and reacted.

A few days ago, Luo Xiaoguo asked her to bring it to Ye Chuan, but in the middle of the delivery, she was called by Shiyu to do housework.

When she came back to her senses, she had forgotten what Luo Xiaoguo had explained, and kept this flashbang in her skirt.

"Stupid, you can do something like a grenade in your crotch." Ye Chuan pulled Bai Ling's face to both sides.

Bai Ling began to humble again.

With equipment and people, Ye Chuan kept the second egg and went out after they looked after the house.

The church is not far from here, and after cleaning up the corpses and ghost-faced spiders that block the road a little, Ye Chuan and the others came to the church.

At this time, Bai Ling hid behind Ye Chuan, as if he was very afraid of that angel.

"Okay, I'm here, I'll go and eat that guy later."

The door was not closed, and after Ye Chuan walked in with Bai Ling'an Shiyu, he noticed that the church was filled with a strong smell of blood.

There were blood stains everywhere, and it was clear that it was broad daylight, but there was a sense of gloom.

Ye Chuan looked left and right, but found no angels.

Even through the divine sense, except for these strange blood stains, he did not feel the breath of any living creatures.

"What about angels?" Ye Chuan turned his head to look at Bai Ling.

Bai Ling looked left and right, and also scratched his head.

"Ou-" Suddenly, a strange voice appeared out of thin air, as if it were coming from a distant place.

Bai Ling's face suddenly turned ugly.

Ye Chuan also felt something strange at this moment, frowning slightly.

A white mist began to emerge from the surroundings and began to fill the church.

And the mist seemed to be attracted by Bai Ling, constantly spreading around her body.

fog grew thicker and thicker, until Ye Chuan and the others could not see everything in the church clearly.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chuan found that the location they were in was no longer a church!

This is a mountain peak, and the cold wind blowing and the smell of dirt coming from the soles of your feet are very real.


"Space transfer?"

Ye Chuan released his divine sense, but noticed that it was not an illusion, but more like entering a region similar to a small world.

A terrifying aura came from in front of him.

Ye Chuan raised his head, and the white mist that was originally empty was removed, revealing a huge figure!

A huge sarcoma tens of meters high, the whole body is almost occupied by wings and eyeballs, and just by looking at it, you can feel extremely strong oppressive force.



Angel?" Ye Chuan saw Bai Ling's expression and glanced at the strange thing again.

You call this eyeball-eyed monster an angel?

Ye Chuan was instantly able to understand why the empress called angels ugly.

This can no longer be described as ugly, it is more of a physiological weirdness.

"Young master, it is indeed an angel." An Shiyu spoke at this time

, "In order to deter demons, angels in the Old Testament often look majestic and terrifying, and even a little weird."

"And demons in order to bewitch humans, often have a very beautiful and handsome image."

Ye Chuan looked at the angel in the distance, and then glanced at Bai Ling.

There is also a gap between angels, at least Bai Ling has not turned into that strange eyeball sarcoma.

"You're the guy who turned my white spirit into an angel?" Ye Chuan spoke directly.

In the next second, the angel in front of him aimed dozens of his eyes at Ye Chuan.

"It's... Become an angel... It's her well-being... It's a gift from God..."

"I don't care about these things, we believers, we don't believe in God." Ye Chuan said, "Turn my family's Bai Ling back, she shouldn't be an angel."

"She's a woman who wants to be a ghost emperor in the future!"

Bai Ling beside her suddenly looked moved, it turned out that the young master was so optimistic about her.

"Being a ghost emperor woman doesn't necessarily mean that you will be a ghost emperor, maybe if you meet a ghost emperor in the future, she will give you out as a gift." An Shiyu whispered expressionlessly in Bai Ling's ear, her demagogic tone was like a demon,

"Who let you be ridden without any response at all."

Bai Ling: QwQ?!

You're a demon, right?

Of course, An Shiyu is just teasing Bai Ling.

In front of him, the huge angel slowly flapped its wings, and it stared at Ye Chuan for a while,

"Your breath... It's special..."

"But... I refuse..."

Ye Chuan took out the black sword and smiled, "Since that's the case, then let's have a good talk."

He swept away with a sword aura, but was easily blocked by the angel in front of him.

Ye Chuan was not in a hurry, and the black sword began to conjure a sword shadow, "Kai." Dozens

of sword shadows rose into the sky and began to circle around the angel.

The angel seemed to feel the unusual aura of the formation, and with a shock of its wings, white holy light struck!


Suddenly, a beam of light that emitted an aura of destruction lit up, instantly piercing through the white mist, penetrating the holy light and shooting on the angel's eyes!

"Hit the target." An Shiyu withdrew her gaze from the scope.

The spiritual power bullet that hit with all the strength of the crystallization stage directly exploded a deep pit on the angel's huge eyeball, and a steady stream of blood gushed out.

And Ye Chuan also arranged the formation, and the sword shadows around the angels emitted a bright light -

the phantom sword formation, activated!

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