Seeing that his mother was gone, the little boy soon burst into tears, crying and screaming, and the glass clanged.

Then he cried and began to curse Ye Chuan

, "You brute son of a bitch, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, I will definitely kill you in the future!" Got on your woman and cut off your head!

"Wait for me! I'm an invincible tyrannosaurus warrior in the universe!

The little boy leaned on the locked glass door in front of him and began to shout at Ye Chuan constantly.

"Boom!" In the next second, the sound of glass shattering sounded.

The little boy's cursing stopped abruptly, because the glass door that had been protecting him was actually broken by Ye Chuan's kick!

Seeing the little boy who was stunned, Ye Chuan stretched in and said with a smile, "Hello." In

fact, generally speaking, Ye Chuan is too lazy to worry about a child, but it just so happens that this is the most annoying type of bear child in his life, not only full of foul language, but also vegetable and screaming.

"Y-What do you want to do?!" The little boy was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell directly to the ground.

In the next second, he was split into pieces by Ye Chuan.

The intestines mixed with the internal organs flowed to the ground.

"A little bit of a waste of time."

Ye Chuan walked out of the store, looked at the head of the female corpse on the ground, and directly stepped on it.

In a blur of flesh and blood, he used his black sword to pick out a finger-sized crystal nucleus.

Ordinary people will go berserk after absorbing the aura, and eventually lose their minds and become a walking corpse.

But they will also strengthen their physical bodies under the influence of Reiki, and the Reiki in their bodies will also condense together and turn into crystal nuclei.

The crystal nucleus is the same hard currency as the spirit stone to help cultivation, and it can be absorbed and used, because the content is different, the crystal nucleus can be regarded as a condensed version of the spirit stone.

It's just that the crystal nucleus of the female corpse in front of her is too low-level, and even one of her fingers is not as good as half a spirit stone.

However, mosquito legs are also legs, and Ye Chuan directly threw the crystal nucleus into the space ring.

Passing through the streets, there were a lot of wandering spirit corpses along the way, all of which were solved by Ye Chuan like chopping melons and vegetables.

The strength of the early stage of Qi cultivation could have been dealt with even by demonic beasts, not to mention these humans who had only slightly strengthened their physical bodies.

After a while, Ye Chuan finally came to a huge building.

Municipal Museum.

The top-level exercises and various magic weapons preserved in it are the purpose of Ye Chuan's adventure.

The exercises determine the upper limit of a monk, and the number of spirit stones determines the lower limit, since he is determined to do it, Ye Chuan intends to do his best.

After everyone realizes that this is not the zombie apocalypse, but the revival of aura, the difficulty for Ye Chuan to get these things will increase exponentially.

At this time, the door of the city museum was closed, and there were several U-shaped locks inside, and after observing for a while, Ye Chuan planned to go in through the back door.

Contrary to what he thought, the back door of the museum was not locked, but hidden.

The door lock seems to have been picked and shows signs of destruction.

Ye Chuan's observation power was different from ordinary people, and he soon sensed that there were other living people's breath inside.

Obviously, they weren't museum or security guards, the lights weren't on, and they didn't enter through the main entrance of the museum.

There is a high probability that they are some thieves who take advantage of the troubled waters to fish.

I think the museum is full of antique treasures, and I come to steal it at night.

"I didn't expect that there would be thieves taking advantage of the fire to rob, it's really broad daylight!" After speaking, Ye Chuan walked in with a righteous and awe-inspiring sword

, "When the road is uneven, I roared, Young Master Ben went in today and captured those little thieves!"


Just as Ye Chuan thought, at this time, there were three young men in the museum who were holding flashlights, searching for antique treasures in the display cases in the museum.

They wore hoods and masks, and almost concealed their appearance.

However, the three of them also made a mistake at the moment, because the display cases of the museum were locked, and the high-strength bulletproof glass could not be easily destroyed by external force.

"Brother, what's the matter."

"I knew I brought a hammer here, and these glass cabinets are also hard, and it seems that if they are smashed, they will call the police."

"Don't make a noise, I'll think about it." The man at the head thought about it, and there was no good way for a while.

After all, they just came to steal antiques as soon as their heads were hot, and they didn't have any plans at all.


, da, da..." "Uh-huh

...""Da, da, da..."

The man suddenly turned his head and roared, but noticed that his two younger brothers were standing next to him.

"Brother, I'm not leaving."

"I didn't leave either, I thought it was your voice." The two men looked at each other.

So where did that sound come from?!


A chill rose from the soles of the three of them, and the boss hurriedly took out a flashlight to shine around, trying to find an existence other than them.

But after a few seconds, the three of them only felt a chill in their necks.

Then, one by one, the heads rolled to the ground.

It was pitch black and there was no sound in the museum.

After a full half a minute, Ye Chuan came out of the darkness behind a cabinet, "Well, it seems that there should be no other accomplices." He

couldn't blame Ye Chuan for being cautious, after all, he wasn't sure how many people there were in the museum.

After kicking a few heads aside, Ye Chuan fumbled in the space ring, and finally took out a searchlight.

If the flashlight is a pistol, then the searchlight in Ye Chuan's hand at this time is an Italian cannon.

Just flip the switch, and the whole museum seems to light up!

However, the battery life of searchlights like this is very average, but fortunately, there are still hundreds of searchlights in Ye Chuan's ring, so there is no need to worry too much.

With the assistance of the lights, Ye Chuan began to search for his goals in one booth after another.

Finally, in a small corner, he finally found the black exercise!

This cabinet is linked to an alarm, and once it is destroyed at will, the entire museum will sound an alarm, and the civil bureau will also receive the news as soon as possible.

Therefore, Ye Chuan's approach was also very unpretentious, he stretched out the space ring and put it in with the cabinet.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chuan began to sweep around the museum, and took away the magic weapons or other things during the aura recovery period through the general space ring.

As for other antique porcelain and other things, although they were of high value in the heyday, they were of no use at all in the last days, so Ye Chuan had no intention of taking them away.

"Almost." Ye Chuan looked at the much empty museum, turned off the searchlight, and his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Now that the things have been obtained, it is wise to rush back to the safe house to cultivate.

Ye Chuan couldn't wait to study the new exercises.

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