Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6186 Do you think I am still the same person?

The last sentence made all the senior officials of the Universe Country twitch in their faces and were stunned on the spot!

Kaitian old dog?

Old dog? ? ?

That is a supreme being! ! !

It is also known as a terrifying existence that ranks among the top among the supreme!

How dare he... call him that?

Besides him, who else dares to call him that? !

"Su Han, you are so brave!"

King Kaitian stood up suddenly: "In any case, you are also the prince of Ziming Universe Kingdom, and your father's blood is flowing in your body! At this moment, in front of so many people, you are disrespectful to your grandfather and disrespectful to a supreme being. This is simply treason and a crime worthy of death!"


Su Han stared at King Kaitian: "It's true that I am the prince of Ziming Universe Kingdom, but you and Jing Zhong ask yourself, how could you ever treat me as a prince?"

"And that old dog Kaitian!"

"Jing Zhong once used the soul-splitting technique to come to the Milky Way starry sky. He wanted to kill me and seize my body!"

"Jing Zhong has accounted for more than half of all the life-and-death crises I have encountered along the way!"

"If you dare to attack and kill the prince, not only in accordance with the laws of the Ziming Universe, but also in accordance with the laws of the entire universe, does he, Jing Zhong, also deserve death?"

"But how did Kaitian Laogou do it? How did you do it?!"

"When Jing Zhong made a move against me, you didn't care. When I made a move against Jing Zhong, you all jumped out like fleas!"

"Even though he knew Jing Zhong wanted to kill me, Kaitian old dog still jumped out to save him like a flea. Do you really think that I, Su Han, am made of mud and have no temper at all?!"

When these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Some felt gloating in their hearts, while others sighed silently.

Ever since Su Han joined the Legend Kingdom and became famous in the universe, most of the universe countries knew his true identity and the grudge between him and Jing Zhong.

But grievances are grievances, and few people know who is right and who is wrong.

Many people even believe that Su Han, holding his own status as the prince, and with his unlimited potential, was too arrogant and bullied Jing Zhong, which is why these things happened now.

But at this moment, as Su Han spoke, they finally understood the source of this grudge and what it was!

Think of these.

Most of the eyes couldn't help but turn to the Lord Ziming who had been silent all this time.

Su Han is the prince of Ziming Universe Kingdom and the biological son of his Lord Ziming!

However, due to the oppression of Kaitian Supreme, the Lord Ziming had no room to resist.

To put it bluntly, it is a powerful person on the outside but a weak person on the inside. It does not live up to its name!

But in all these years, no one has ever heard of the Lord Zi Ming’s complaints.

He seemed to be holding back.

As for what to endure...

Perhaps starting from today, it will gradually surface.

"Su Han bastard, you are so cowardly!"

King Kaitian shouted again: "The Supreme is above all else! No matter what your grandfather does, there is a reason for it. Why do you need to judge? Just the name you call your grandfather is enough to make you die ten thousand times!"

Su Han was about to speak, but at this moment——


The golden light that had dispersed for a while suddenly condensed at this moment.

Two figures, one on the left and one on the right, exuded overwhelming supreme pressure at the same time, pressing towards King Kaitian like waves.

King Kaitian's expression instantly turned pale, his pupils shrank, and his figure, along with the seat behind him, subconsciously stepped back!

He clearly saw that the Holy Emperor and the Golden Dragon Supreme appeared!

"You're a 'bastard' every time, and you're a 'coward' every time. It's not over, right?"

The Holy Emperor stared at King Kaitian: "Since you know that the Supreme is above all else, then I just said that I would protect Su Han. Are you deaf, or have you not grown at all?!"

King Kaitian gritted his teeth, because he was covered by the powerful supreme pressure, causing sweat to ooze from his forehead like his son.

The voice of the Golden Dragon Supreme also came out at this moment.

"Su Han has just held the Great Ming Ceremony of the Universe. As today's protagonist, the reason why you are qualified to sit here is because of the opportunity he gave you!"

"He is not only the super genius of my legendary kingdom, but also the little princess's consort!"

"But in front of everyone in my legendary kingdom, you are both a 'bastard' and a 'coward'."

"That was all in the past, but now, do you think you are worthy of insulting him like this? If he is really a bastard in your eyes, then what do you think of me, the little princess of the legendary kingdom of God?"

"Could it be that you don't even pay attention to the little princess?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the supreme pressure that was ten times stronger than before rushed towards his face!


Even if King Kaitian was at the peak of the Nine Spirits, he couldn't bear it at this moment, and he spurted out a big mouthful of blood!

"Father!" Jing Zhong's expression changed drastically.

King Kaitian waved his hand and said forcefully: "I am just complaining about my father! No matter how high his potential is, Su Han is still only in the Yuansha realm at this moment. Both of them are also nobles. Is it possible? Do you allow such a Yuansha realm to insult you like this?"

"It's not okay for others to insult me, but if Su Han says it, you have to listen to me honestly!" The Holy Emperor was full of evil energy.

King Kaitian saw the intense murderous intent in the Holy Emperor's eyes!

No need to explain too much!

The actions of the Holy Emperor and the Golden Dragon Supreme already represent everything!

Su Han is protected by them now!

No matter how arrogant and arrogant Su Han is, at least you, the King of Heaven, cannot touch him!

As for the Supreme Kaitian?

So what if you scold him?

He is so brave, let him come to the Kingdom of God and try it!

"Your Majesty, this junior generation admires you very much, and my father often secretly sighs at your high status and strength!"

King Kaitian suddenly shouted loudly: "But today, Su Han insulted a supreme being in front of so many universes. Do you think this is appropriate?!"

The legendary king has long since disappeared.

But he must have heard King Kaitian's voice, so there was a light cough that made the corners of his eyes twitch.


"Well... um... Su Han, please be more careful in what you say."

Listening to the legendary king's understatement, King Kaitian's lungs almost exploded!

Is this the end?

Is this the attitude of the legendary king? ? ?

This is not teaching Su Han a lesson, it is clearly encouraging his arrogance!

"King Kaitian, Su is not here to argue with you today, let alone have the time to argue with you!"

Su Han's eyes fell on Jing Zhong again.

"Didn't you always want to kill me? Didn't you always think that compared to you, I was just a firefly under the bright moon, not worthy of what I have now?"


"My dear cousin, is there something rooted under your butt, and you really intend to sit there forever?"

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