An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 428 The Last Step

"The first combat configuration, repeat, the first combat configuration!" Before the reserve power was turned on, the orderly who ran out of the underground bunker took out the loudspeaker with the No. 1 battery inserted, and shouted hysterically. Base sentries pulled out half-century-old hand-cranked sirens.

Shrill sirens rang through the base.

All kinds of anti-aircraft artillery fire began to shoot into the air, trying to intercept the slowing down EFF mobile suit units.

"The entire tank force and the entire aviation force are urgently dispatched! Repeat, the entire tank fleet and the entire aviation force are dispatched urgently! Immediately deploy the defensive line to meet the enemy planes that are airborne from above!"

"Commander! The fire control radar has been interfered! What should I do?!" The gunner of a joint army electromagnetic gun tank that drove out of the garage found that the radar fire control system that the tank was proud of was completely jammed. In a hurry.

"What else can I do?! The optical device is aimed directly!" The commander yelled back at the gunner. "How can you fight if the bloody radio is useless... Eh? The VHF channel can still be used, all vehicles, tune the radio to No. 3 VHF channel, and the VHF channel can still be used!"


"All vehicles, meet the enemy MS troops landing in the southeast direction, and concentrate the artillery fire on Baku and Raut." The commander turned off the useless fire control radar that took up the battery.

"The vehicles will attack in units of squads, and the missile launch vehicles will run up, looking for opportunities to bypass the enemy's side!" The vehicle commander, who is also the commander of the tank company, quickly issued a combat order. "Keep your distance from Baku, close combat is not good for us. Gunner! Fire when you get in range!"

"Captain! Anti-tank missiles are useless if there is no radar jamming. Can the 30mm rotary cannon really penetrate the armor of mobile suits?" The pilot of a combat helicopter of the United Army asked while checking for take-off.

"If the radar is jammed, switch the anti-tank missile to the inertial guidance mode and shoot it out as an uncontrolled rocket."

"A normal world for blue!" Several helicopters took off noisily.

"Cut...Listen, follow my tail closely, do you hear me? Stay away from those mindless guys, or you will die." The captain of the armed helicopter formation spat.

"Yes. But captain, why did it suddenly become like this? How did this country become like this."

"Who knows... But I always feel that this country has not changed. Suppress this and suppress that, attack this country and attack that country, stir up this conflict and stir up that conflict... Don't think too much, start with this Survive a battle. Let's go."


Two armed helicopters took off and joined the formation of armed helicopters that had just passed over their two helicopters.

"The airborne troops are at a disadvantage without the cover of aviation mobile suits..." A GINN quickly jumped away after landing, firing dozens of anti-tank missiles that were regarded as uncontrolled rockets. Reflexively fired continuously with the 76mm assault gun in his hand and shot down an armed helicopter.

But my teammates were not so lucky. Of the other two GINNs, one was hit on the left leg and fell to the ground, and then was hit by a tank in the chest and exploded. The other was directly hit in the chest by several anti-tank missiles, and exploded in the air.

"No way, who made our Dean have no space to install the space for the insulation structure of the universe. At least Zaut and Baku can be air-dropped. You know how hard our battle is if there is only GINN Is it?" Another GINN heard the complaint and replied casually. "You come with us, we move on."


Later, the approaching GINN team changed into a 2-2 formation spontaneously after joining another unit from a three-machine squad. Then move on.

Behind them, the Raut troops slowed down and began to use the 76mm assault guns in their hands to straf the sky with fragmentation shells, while the 406mm recoilless guns on their backs began to fire anti-aircraft three-type shells and bombs into the sky. Flashbang.

The flash bombs that don't talk about martial arts make the air force of the joint army sitting in the transparent cockpit and searching for the enemy with the naked eye miserable, and the rain of fragments is as indifferent to MS as rain, but with the armor of armed helicopters and fighter jets For the case, the fragments are enough to kill these air vehicles.

After the first wave of GINN, Raut, and Baku troops stabilized the front line and basically cleared the anti-aircraft firepower of the landing sites, dozens of Lorasia-class detachable landing pods landed at each landing site, carrying A large number of marines and conventional armored vehicles and tanks landed on the landing field, and followed the MS troops on the second-line battlefield to charge forward.

On the coastline, on the east coast of North America, the Seventh and Eighth Fleets of the Federal Navy dispatched from the former Equatorial Union, the United States of South America, the African Community and the Kingdom of Scandinavia began amphibious landing operations in North America.

On the west coast of North America, the third to seventh fleets of the Federal Navy jointly dispatched from the former East Asian Republic and Oceania opened up three landing sites, and attacked the orbital defense base of the Atlantic Federation with the orbital assault forces that had already landed.

At this time, the leader of the blue universe hiding in the underground nuclear bunker of Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base in North America, the president of the Atlantic Federation, and the leader of LOGOS have completely lost control of the situation.

Although the underground command post of Cheyenne Mountain Base has the latest experimental laser fusion reactor to power this doomsday base prepared for a full-scale nuclear war.

But there are no other communication relay points.

Even if the command centers at Cheyenne Mountain Base and other bases still maintain wired communication networks, most of the communication centers responsible for wired communication relays are out of power.

And the phone... also needs electricity.

As for the radio? It was broken early.

Although the VHF communication can still contact other bases through some means of atmospheric refraction, the bases have long been overwhelmed by the simultaneous attacks on all 100 bases by the Federal Army, and have no time to pay attention to the Cheyenne Mountain rumors. A rescue order came.

"I'm going to be surrounded and wiped out myself, so I don't have time to save you guys!"

The commanders of these bases probably replied in this way.

——— Fifteen hours later—————

"The suppression in North America has been completed. Twenty-seven of the electromagnetic guns used for orbital defense have been destroyed and have no meaning of repair. Eleven have been damaged and can be used after repair. The others can be put into use again after simple repairs. "

"The vice president of the Atlantic Federation at Alzahai base was sworn in as the president of the Atlantic Federation and sent a meeting request to the Federation."

"The Cheyenne Mountain base has been suppressed. The leader of LOGOS, Lord Gabriel, and the president of the Atlantic Federation were captured. The leader of the blue universe tried to resist with a pistol and was shot dead by the commando."

"With the help of information from Langley (CIA Headquarters), the identities of the members of the Blue Universe around the world have been confirmed, and armed agents from the Federal Intelligence Department, local military police forces, and SWAT forces have launched arrest operations."

"I see." The chairman of the Earth Federation Interim Council nodded. "Then, everyone, let's invite friends from afar to take the last step."

In the Federal Government Headquarters in Shanghai, a large group of leaders from the original Earth countries, including the King of Scandinavia, the Chairman of the East Asian Republic, the Supreme Speaker of the Plant, and others looked at each other after hearing the words of the Chairman of the Provisional Parliament. Qi nodded.

A few minutes later, the Commander-in-Chief Guard Fleet, which had received the Federal Communications in advance, jumped into Earth's low-Earth orbit one after another.

32 dreadnoughts, 128 battleships, thousands of heavy cruisers and other warships that can be seen with eyes on the earth formed a neat formation in the sky above the earth.

Subsequently, the global broadcast began.

"Everyone on Earth, good morning, this is the pan-galactic organization, unified cooperation and relationship command, please don't be nervous, we come with peace."

In an instant, the entire earth was silent, and almost everyone in the North American region, which could directly see the command fleet, walked out of the house and stared at the sky in a daze.

A fanatic of the blue universe was handcuffed, looking blankly at the huge battleship in the universe.

"A normal universe for the sake of blue?"

"Go to hell monster from the sky?"

These two slogans that I chanted every day seemed extremely harsh for a while.

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