An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 375 Familiar eyes

"...You can get MDE warheads? The security of the New United Army seems to be a problem." Ian took Saranom to stand on a high platform and looked down at the four people below.

"That's the MDE that I found on GELLY 4. I don't know who left it there. It shouldn't have anything to do with the New United Army, right?" Kudo Makoto looked up at his nephew and son-in-law.

"...emmmm The ownership of the trial-made strategic-level MDE weapon belongs to the defense fleet of the New United Army Galaxy Fleet. It was stolen in 2059 for unknown reasons. The defense fleet of the Galaxy Fleet has a complete three-package certificate and Triple anti-counterfeiting marks..." Ian checked casually, and there was a record of this thing in the quantum computer in the phase space.

"...Do you call it to agree?" Kudo really took a three-meter-high device out of the phase space and put it on the ground.

"Didi..." Ian took out the short-distance remote control device matched with this MDE device from the phase space.

According to the settings, this remote control has five functions: "sound to find the location of the device", "expand optical camouflage", "release optical camouflage", "emergency stop" and "emergency detonation"...

Just now Ian pressed the button of "Sound Finding Device"...

In other words, this thing is obviously a big killer that can swallow nearly one-third of planets and planets, why is it equipped with a LOW B remote control that is similar to an electric car remote control...


Kudo really has black hair.

"By the way... who are you?" Fuka withdrew his funny expression of accidentally laughing out loud.

"The owner of Anaheim Electronics Industry, a super-large enterprise established in the Border Fleet in 2058, the supreme commander of the Pan-Galactic super-large commercial and military group "Consolidation Department" and my grandniece Xu, the commander of Ian Varsity. , I heard that Shirley-chan will be back before the recent war?" Makoto Kudo smiled.

"Ah, Shirley Lou's singing is necessary in the face of the primitive culture's fighting force, Jetra Emperor. And this bunch of titles... from 2063?" Ian thought he would put Kudo at the end of the bird man incident It was really pulled over.

"So the four of you are the only ones you found with future memories for the time being?" After some exchanges, a group of people scribbled and drew at the bottom of the valley, telling what they knew.

"I'm not sure here, I haven't had time to communicate with others. When I suddenly become conscious, I'm already on the catapult of the Asuka." Fuka spread his hands, he was still confused.

"I had a brief exchange here. Although we are still the Anti-Unification Alliance, judging from the machine log, the current time should be 2063. The Anti-Unification Alliance also has at least a QUARTER-class MACROSS called Daedalus. I know where. As for why I still use VF-0 and SV-51, I am also at a loss now." Makoto Kudo sorted out the information obtained in recent days. "It's almost like a bad scriptwriter forced us guys onto a map. So do you think anyone else will come?"

"It's hard to say." Ian shook his head. "Maybe we will know when the next person comes over. The FOLD fault on the periphery of this space has even affected the space state of the regular space. I am in a state of complete loss of contact with the main force."

"Large troops? Are you going to join the next battle? If your Armada is here..."

"It's just a general transfer of personnel. I only brought the flagship and a squadron of the SS."

"Is that enough to suppress this situation?"

"It's true..."

"So what are you talking about? Consolidation Department? Grand Fleet? F OLD Fault?" X4 Fuka and the others were confused.

"However... in 2063, if there is another QUARTER class..." Ian changed the detection mode of the satellite, expanding the detection range to the whole area, instead of focusing on the border and the planet.

Sure enough, I found a QUARTER class hidden in the planet's gravity invisible species...

There are also several Northampton-class destroyers and a nun-class heavy cruiser.

There are still a bunch of VF-171, VF-171EX, GHOST-V6 and a small amount of VF-25 parked on the deck.

"It's really a bad script..." There are new models that will not be officially in service until 2060. Why do the ground forces still use jet fighters from the 1990s and the first generation variable fighter SV-51...

"Anyway, don't think about any random operations recently, just follow the plot for the time being, and we will consider the next operation after all the actors are here." Ian scratched his head, what existence can pull people from different times to bring this group of people together? Gather here, but after all, there is some benign purpose, right?

If you say you want to gather this group of ace pilots together for a round of battle royale, then you can only say...

At that time, the Doomsday Fleet of the Consolidation Department will explain the truth to you.

"Do you want to follow his script temporarily and wait and see what happens? I understand." Foka and Ivanov nodded.

"No, what I mean is, my fleet hasn't come here yet, what a waste." What is the thing Ian has done the most since his debut... overturning the table. "If you are poor, your tactics will blossom, and if you are rich, you will blow me up. This is the program of action that I have always been in the Unity Department."

That night.

"I haven't looked at the Milky Way from the atmosphere for several years...but the starry sky here is similar to what you see on the earth. How did you do it? Did you add a picture?" Ian lay on the beach in large font, and let out I didn't bother to think about anything, just looked at the stars like this.

There is also a QUARTER class sailing silently in high-altitude orbit.

A small Macross with a length of about 472 meters and a width of 170 meters. On the earth, the outline of the ship can still be barely recognized with the naked eye.

"What are you looking at?" Maonom jumped up and down to Ian's side.

"Let's look at the strongest combat power around this planet at this stage." Ian tilted his head slightly, this don't wear underwear and a short skirt, don't stand next to me...

"Eh?" Mao was taken aback, watching Ian turn his head away, realized something, subconsciously took a step back, and covered the front of his skirt.

"And that's... MACROSS QUARTER?" Mao muttered to himself. "Why am I seeing MACROSS QUARTER at this hour?"

"………you know?"

"Why don't you know me?" Mao said inexplicably. "Why don't I know this kind of star ship that shined in the war against VAJRA and the defense against Jetradi? I'm just curious why this type of ship appears now. By the way, why are you in my dream? Eh... when I get older, I always dream about messy things..."

"Dream? This is not a dream... Didn't you realize that you are rejuvenated?"

"I often dream that I go back to my childhood and let my brother-in-law take it away. What's the problem?" problem girls grow up to become problem old ladies...

"...You can try, anyway, your sister didn't come over."

"Brother-in-law is here too?"

"And with memories, and an 18-year-old body."

Hearing this sentence, Mao lowered his head, a familiar look flickered in his big purple eyes.

That's the look to make trouble.

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