An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

One hundred and fifty-eight, Peter Quill's own opinion

Because it will take some time for his Milano to be repaired, Peter Quill and his pink-skinned alien girlfriend can only temporarily stay on the Crusader.

Then they saw a lot of scenes that deviated from common sense...

Are you serious about building a farm on a spaceship? !

After Xingjue visited the lower area of ​​the Cross Pioneer, he was in a daze.

Lush fruit forests, golden wheat waves, sparkling fish ponds, and livestock such as chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep running on the green grass...

This scene once gave Xingjue the illusion that he had suddenly returned to Earth.

"No way, it's the first time I leave the earth, God knows if I can get used to eating alien food, of course I have to prepare well,"

The actual person in charge of the Death Pioneer, the deputy captain of the Cross Pioneer, Kraft Lee, answered Star-Lord in this way.

But not to mention, being able to eat food from the earth after a long absence made Peter Quill feel inexplicably moved.

In addition to the exaggerated farm and the playground I saw before, there is also a well-equipped video game room, which not only contains various ancient game consoles that Peter Quill remembered as a child, but also new and old game consoles that have been brought to Earth over the past few decades. PC and console games.

There are even some game consoles that are only available in dreams, including the virtual stealth game called "NERvGear".

These things made Peter Quill linger so much that he almost forgot to find Egg.

In addition, there is the Gnaku filled with fighter jets and robots of various shapes, the collection room displaying different styles of armor, many laboratories with obviously different functions, and a bunch of Peter Quilgen A strange technological product whose principle is unclear.

All the things shown here made Peter Quill start to wonder if he and Kraft came from the same earth. When did the earth's technology develop to such a degree? !

However, what shocked Mr. Xingjue the most was the little girl named Ala Lei. She easily pierced through a steel plate with a thickness of more than ten inches, and she held a thousand-pound mechanical equipment in her hand as if it was made of plastic foam. Same.

"My sister's strength is a little bit stronger."

When Kraft said this proudly, Peter Quill happened to see Ala Lei running past his eyes holding a small fighter jet.

Is this just a little bit of strength? !

Peter Quill felt that if he continued to stay here, his common sense would completely collapse.

"Star Lord! Come on! Didn't you say that you are the best pilot among the Predators? Today we are going to compete in an air battle!"

The upright Shiba Inu named Quinn howled from a distance.

"Hahaha! Let me show you how powerful Master Xingjue is now!"

Peter Quill instantly forgot all his previous worries, ran into the video game room, and got into a virtual cockpit with him.

Ten minutes later, Peter Quill climbed out of the virtual cockpit with a broken face. Quinn, who also came out next to him, showed contempt and gave him a thumbs up gesture with his dog's paw.

"Best pilot in the Predator... that's it?"

"Shame... speechless."

Our Mr. Star Lord lowered his head in humiliation.

In addition to all kinds of doubts about life, the poisonous way of speaking of this kobold also affected Peter Quill. It is unknown when he was infected with similar language habits.

"I'm going to pee..."

Xingjue, whose cowhide was blown to pieces, could only choose to urinate.

"Kuu!" "Wow!" "Hahahahahaha..."

On the way to the toilet, a swift figure suddenly crashed through the wall beside him and rushed out, and then crashed through the other wall before Peter Quill could react and disappeared, leaving only a series of cheerful laughter.

Mr. Xingjue has long been used to this situation, and he even has the mood to wave to Alalei who is going away.


Xingjue, who was waving, froze suddenly, he had become more and more used to this abnormal life, and this damn mouth addiction!

no! Can't stay any longer!

Xingjue quickly changed direction, intending to go to Kraft to ask when the spaceship will be repaired.

"Well, can you take me to Kraft?"

Xingjue stopped a passing intelligent robot and asked.

Intelligent robots are not uncommon in the interstellar society, but these robots with a human body but a spherical head look really weird!

At first, Xingjue thought it was the strange aesthetics of those brats, but later he accidentally discovered that the body of this intelligent robot is actually just that spherical head, and that human body is just a vehicle...

So what's the point of manipulating a robot with a robot? ! Wouldn't it be good if you just make one? !

Harrow, who was stopped, stared at Star-Lord for a while, and actually informed Kraft, who was researching the new Infinity Gems, and after obtaining his consent, this Harrow replied: "Please follow me, please follow me."

Following Harrow to Kraft's laboratory, Star-Lord couldn't wait to ask as soon as he entered the door: "When will my Mirano be repaired? I want to go to Egg to find out as soon as possible."

"Your spaceship?" Kraft blinked, "It's been repaired a long time ago...Didn't I inform you?"

Kraft, who has been nestled in the laboratory recently, completely forgot about this. Seeing Xingjue's constipated face, he scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed.

"Oh, it's nothing. Anyway, you've been kept in the dark for so many years, and it's not a day or two away."

Kraft's comforting words always left people speechless, and Xingjue's constipated face became even more serious.

Originally, Xingjue thought that Kraft's brother would be more normal, but he didn't expect that he was also a scam!

Rejecting Kraft's invitation to a farewell banquet, Star-Lord boarded his Milano with the pink-skinned alien girl whom he had once again forgotten, and left the Crusader without looking back.

Throwing the alien girl named Barrett on the nearest civilized planet, Star-Lord locates the coordinates given to him by Yondu, and drives the spaceship to Yigo's planet.

And at this time, Kraft's Pioneer Cross had already arrived at Igo's planet first, and then he unexpectedly discovered that another spaceship had already arrived here, and it was hovering outside Igo's planet at this time. in layer space.

"Brother, it's the predator's spaceship."

Angela quickly confirmed the other party's identity.


Since the Pioneer Crusader was using an invisible force field, Kraft and the others were not discovered by the predators, and he did not choose to meet with Yondu and the others. Instead, he began to circle Ego's planet and start dropping probes on it. .

"What a big face!"

Arale lay in front of the observation screen of the Pioneer Cross, pointing at the planet on the screen and yelling in amazement.

Kraft glanced at the screen, and saw that a human face could clearly be seen on the red planet.

"What is this? Is it a miracle of nature?"

Having said that, Kraft thinks this face is more likely to be man-made, although he doesn't know what it means to carve a face on a planet...

"Brother, let's carve a face on the pirate star too!"

Alale seemed to like this design very much, and suggested by pulling Kraft's sleeve, and the pirate star she was talking about was naturally Kraft's space base that was still under construction. There are, like Kraft is still used to calling it the Death Star.

"I agree, it's time to carve our planet into the shape of Alare."

Angela controlled her mechanical body and ran over, touched Arale's head and said with a smile.

"It's up to you."

Kraft has no objection, as long as the sisters are happy.


While they were joking, Star-Lord finally drove his Mirano out of the jump point.

The little niece went back and threw a stack of Ultraman and Douluo cards bought during the Chinese New Year to me. It costs 2 yuan a box. I bought about 6 or 7 boxes, and there are actually flash cards in it...

In addition, there is a Shenguang wand with super bad workmanship. It seems to be a bonus when you buy something. I forgot how it came here, and I threw it here...


Thanks to [shire] for the reward.

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