American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 225 Philosophers

BT Television Network Program Production Center, yes, since many programs became popular, BT has a separate program production center on Sunset Boulevard. The speaker here is the top producer who worked for San Fernando Live Color Company for many years. Now the vice president of BT TV network, Rick - Luthor.

When Page and Martin helped Tommy open the door of the conference hall, Rick had already led his team of producers and was sitting in the conference room.

Seeing Tommy walking in from the outside, the voices of the whispered conversation disappeared immediately, leaving only silence, and all eyes were on Tommy Hawke.

Tommy smiled and nodded slightly at everyone, but he did not rush to say hello. Instead, he walked to the wall of the conference hall where more than a dozen TV sets were piled up, picked up the remote control and fiddled with it for a while, until all the screens, Both began to broadcast a new self-produced reality show on the BT television network that had been on the air for less than two months.

"Fake Daughter".

Tommy sat back in the main seat and looked at everyone: "Rick asked me to chat with you, saying that some of you are not in a good mood recently? Want to hear my personal advice? When I am in a bad mood, I turn on the TV Watch this show, and your mood will immediately improve."

No one responded to Tommy, and Tommy whispered to Rick next to him with some doubts: "Are you fucking sure you called me to talk about emotions, not a salary increase, why do they all look like they are waiting for me?" Talk about a salary increase, and then use the money to buy some hemp to refresh your face?"

"It has nothing to do with the salary increase." Rick's mood was also a little strange: "You haven't paid much attention to the BT TV network recently?"

"Recently, I've been quite busy with work. I went to New York to work for a week not long ago. When I came back, I made an appointment with the president of the brokerage company to discuss business. Even when you called, I was still negotiating business with Koreans." Tommy said without changing his face. Ke introduced his previous itinerary and said that there are good reasons for his lack of attention to BT TV network:

"Of course, no matter how busy I am, I still watch "Fake Girl". It's very good. Compared with the top talents from San Fernando, those shit producers on other TV networks are like fucking kids. Michael Jackson, you can fuck them all you want, and you don't have to pay for it."

(PS: The author does not intend to slander this nigger artist who is very popular in China and has a huge fan base, but that’s how Americans humiliated and laughed at him at that time. Jokes.)

A white male in Rick's production team stood up, took out the "Fake Girl" videotape that was playing on more than a dozen TVs, and replaced it with a new videotape, and the screen randomly changed to the VOX news channel. After all this, The white man stood by those TVs, silently looking at Tommy.

Tommy looked at the TV. On the screen, the white host of VOX was broadcasting the news with a worried expression. The date should be old news before:

"On the second day of the broadcast of "Fake Girl", small-scale boycott demonstrations broke out in 37 cities in the United States, calling on viewers to boycott the reality show of BT TV network. In addition, according to the latest news obtained by VOX, the FCC is targeting this show. The number of reporting and complaint calls for a reality show in a single day has exceeded 1,000, breaking the record of the American TV industry."

"Okay, I admit that I don't watch BT TV programs very much. Except for the first night, I basically haven't watched them again, but I will carefully review the income statement every week. I know from the advertising revenue that you do It's very, very good." After watching the social news for up to two minutes, Tommy said: "And you have been recorded in the annals of history, you have broken the record! This is something worthy of congratulations~"

Tommy's words made everyone present raise their heads and glared at Tommy. My boss runs a TV network, but he never watches the programs he paid for?

"You never watch BT's self-made programs?" Rick also raised his head in surprise and asked Tommy.

Tommy asked calmly, "Sure, do I look black?"

Rick shook his head, bowed his head a little decadently, and now he regretted his decision to ask the boss to help him appease these capable subordinates.

Although Tommy has never watched "Fake Girl", he knows that it is a very positive American reality show.

After all, if he was asked to take out the money, he had to show him the most basic plan, and Earl also told him about the ratings of the show. This reality show is now one of BT's signature programs.

The popular reality show "The Fake Girl" brought BT TV's advertising expenses to a new high. Advertisers were more interested in queuing up at the headquarters of BT TV network to sign contracts than they were queuing up to buy crack.

The most important thing is that the two reality shows it designed, "The Fake Girl" and "Big Brother", have overturned the FOX TV network from the frontal battlefield of prime-time ratings.

Fake Daughter is a very positive female reality show on BT TV that calls on Americans to care about sensitive issues such as race, culture, social level, and women's influence. At least Earl Rush's TV industry practitioners meeting in Washington And in the interview, he said so.

It is indeed very positive energy, the whole reality show, two heroines, one black and one white two young and beautiful girls, the black is a gang daughter from the bottom of the street, and the white is from a wealthy family in the upper class,

During the recording, they will switch identities. The beautiful white girl will go to the street gang to enjoy the stars of the black gang, and the black girl will be sent to the mansion with the swimming pool, so that she can enjoy the hugs of gentlemen and ladies.

Then, black viewers and white viewers both got what they wanted to see.

Black people like to watch white people make a fool of themselves, so this show makes them see that if white people have the same bad living conditions as them, they will only end up worse than black people with good endurance.

No matter how many billionaires are worth billions of dollars, when they go to the streets, they will go to the streets with gangs because they have nowhere to go, and they will protect her gang boss in name. After her father is arrested by the police and the cash is confiscated by the police, she asks her family what to do. The family just handed her a gun. If she doesn't take revenge, she will be kicked out of the gang. If she doesn't have the courage to take revenge and kill people, and wants to fill her stomach, she can only accept the previous suggestion of the nigger subordinates and let them exchange pitiful guns. Because he has studied in university and understands Russian, he is regarded as a gang translator and cooperates with Russian gangs on the line.

And white people prefer to watch black people make a fool of themselves, so the program will let them see that even if they have a good life, black people are also garbage, such as when a black girl with an Amex black card is introduced to other high-end people of the same class by her nominal white father , the first reaction was to get some crackers and sell them at a high price to these guys who tip the waiters with ten yuan notes, and in order to continue to maintain this kind of life after the show, she wanted to catch a rich guy, so she took the initiative On the show, I approached a promising young white man, and the two had sex, but the unlucky white guy was checked out by his private doctor the next day, because of the hair with the black girl, he got four infections. This kind of disease almost rotted the whole cue.

From the beginning to the end of the whole show, there are no dew points or side shots, but it allows you to make up for all the obscene scenes that you haven't seen.

For example, if you see a white girl sitting in a fast food restaurant and munching on cheap steak, and then think of the offer that the nigger made to her before, you will know what kind of transaction she just completed, and understand whether she used her mouth, the front or the back Just changed this steak.

For another example, when the private doctor said that the unlucky handsome white guy suffered from four diseases, including tongue erosion, he knew what kind of unrestrained posture he and the black girl used.

There are no pornographic scenes, no pictures or lines that are not suitable for children, so it can be aired in prime time in a majestic way, and the whole family can sit in front of the sofa and enjoy it together.

Very positive energy, a very family-friendly reality show.

It is said that when the reality show was broadcast to the third episode, when a white guy contracted four diseases, the number of appointments in private clinics skyrocketed, and many white men who had slept with black girls went to check their bodies.

There are also more teenage shootings than usual, because many white or black people are ridiculed and angered by those around them, so they choose to rent a few episodes of "Almighty Change Gun King" videotapes, simply upgrade the weapons at home, and go to rescue on behalf of God Guys who really should rot their tongues.

Both black and white people like to watch it, and after watching it, they make a report call, asking the FCC to force BT to delete the footage of women of the same skin color as themselves, and turn the double heroine into a single heroine.

"This program and all the employees involved in the production have been blacklisted by the Emmy Awards because of this obscene program. As long as we continue to produce this program, it will block us forever, Boss." Just switched the screen to The white man of the news said to Tommy: "All the TV program critics are accusing us, countless viewers have written to scold us for making such a vulgar program, and we even got feedback from the FCC, Congress may consider letting TV The program censorship committee will have a separate meeting to discuss whether to ban it as too nasty for primetime airing."

Tommy took out the chewing gum from Rick's suit jacket pocket, poured two drops into his mouth, and then looked at the man who was at least fifteen years older than himself: "It's not your fucking decision whether to ban the broadcast or not." Question, boy, you just made a paragraph, used the word dirty three times to describe this show, you are fucking insulting me, insulting BT, insulting all black people in America, I'm going to give you a fucking special appearance, let you Say what you just said again in front of the camera."

"I'm not insulting black people, boss, I'm just..."

"Of course you fucking do!" Tommy said as he slammed his hands on the table, staring sharply at the other party who was disturbed by an insult to a black man.

Others were also a little nervous because of Tommy's words, except for the real few black people.

"But insulting me, insulting BT, insulting black people, these are not important, do you know what makes me angry the most?" Tommy stood up slowly from the seat, walked in front of the other party, and carefully helped the other party He straightened his tie, looked at the tie clip inlaid with broken diamonds, and said softly:

"You're insulting these co-workers who made such a great show with you, insulting yourself, it pisses me off, what makes you feel nasty? Those tv show reviews with mouths that stink like ratskin swallows in the sewer Home? Or those black people who only like to watch white people make a fool of themselves, and white people who only like to watch black people make a fool of themselves, even sitting in the Capitol and facing the camera to express their voices for the American people, but in fact they only ask the secretary to call a senior girl for themselves in the office Congressman who makes the taxpayers pay? What the hell do you have to say you're dirty in front of those people? Do you deserve it?"

After Tommy helped the other party tidy up, he turned around and walked behind the others, stroking everyone's shoulders with his hand, gentle and powerful, just like his words:

"You guys are doing a great, impeccable show. Believe me, if it violated the laws of the United States, it would have been banned a long time ago, not those experts and those congressmen who can only move their mouths incompetently. It can be in gold If it airs at the time slot, it means that it is not dirty, it is a standard family carnival show, it is true that it has some illusions that make people feel uncomfortable in style, but so what? That is what we must do in order to spread virtue , Dirty also has its meaning.”

"What's the meaning of existence? It's like a small movie?" A woman who was held by Tommy's shoulder turned her back to Tommy at the moment.

Tommy put his hands lightly on each other's shoulders: "No, ma'am, with all due respect, you must rarely watch small movies, right?"

"Of course, I have a husband and a regular life." The woman did not deny: "So I don't need to watch that kind of small movie."

"But you need to see The Imposter, because it's nothing like a little movie. No one knows a little movie better than me. It's holy. I don't want to be blasphemous. I'd rather help Nancy Reagan for her husband. Once the canvassing posters are posted, they will not make any disrespectful behavior towards these two heroines. Those who question the show's obscenity do so because they are obscene in their hearts, not the program itself. Borrowed skills." Tommy looked at everyone:

"Tell any American what the policies of President Kennedy's presidency have affected them, and they'll probably just throw their hands at you blankly and treat you like a boring idiot, but you tell them, hey man, Did you hear that President Kennedy and his brother had sex with Marilyn Monroe at the White House last night! The other party would immediately show a shocked expression, and then spread it to everyone around him as major news affecting the United States, This is the power of obscenity, and we just use obscene techniques to convey various virtues to the American people."

The employee whose tie was adjusted by Tommy before said: "Boss, why don't we just arrange a woman with her legs folded in front of the camera of BT TV network, as long as she reads all the virtue messages you want to convey at the top of the screen, the woman will put the Spread your legs and show them the nasty things they want to see?"

"Open your legs to be dirty?" Tommy quickly walked back in front of the other party with a displeased expression on his face:

"So, when your mother spread her legs and pulled you out, you gave your mother the word dirty? Are you sure?"

"That's different..."

"Of course it's the same as hell!" Tommy glared at each other: "This show is like your mother! Understand! It's a very holy and great thing for a woman to spread her legs. It's for pregnancy and new life, just like the Bible." Moses parted the Red Sea to bring hope and new life to the Hebrews! If anyone thinks it's obscene, it's because it's a heresy uttered by a fucking Egyptian who's about to be swallowed by the sea! It's the quality of when a woman opens her thighs to conceive a new life The sad cry of the poor tadpole! Answer me, are you the one with the worst quality among the countless tadpoles your father gave your mother in his life?"

"No, sir." The white man lowered his head and muttered softly.

Tommy stared fiercely at the other party for a few seconds before turning around: "It's better not."

"Does anyone have any memory of the name Vermont?" Back at the conference table, Tommy asked with a smile on his face and arms outstretched.

Everyone shook their heads.

Tommy continued to ask with satisfaction: "Very well, have you heard of the name Quincy Berdych?"

Everyone nodded wildly.

"I guess by now you're reminded that you've heard the name Vermont, and yes, news spread is always associated with nasty stuff, and that poor secretary of state was forced to help his wife arrange for a cowboy with a wilted club. To add to the fun, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the lumberjack who had raped him, the secretary of state, for countless times was actually a damn bisexual. Money, so that his strong gay man can provide excellent door-to-door service." Tommy spat out the gum, took out the cigarette and lit it:

"The whole of the United States now knows that Mr. De Monte's Secretary of State was beaten by a cowherd, and he can only lie on the bed with his wife and was fucked by a cowherd. Do you think this dirty news is not good? Wrong, news In the second week after it was made public, the number of tourists flying to Vermont increased by 32%, most of them were couples, and the income of cowboys from local entertainment companies increased by 27% compared with before. The clothes are on the door, does anyone else think that the Secretary of State who was forced to resign is obscene? In today's economic downturn in the United States, this news has helped many Vermont loggers find new jobs! He is fucking great and worthy of respect Man! He sacrificed himself and made a huge contribution to Vermont's economic recovery! If I were in Vermont, I couldn't help but want to help him erect a statue! Remember him forever!"

Rick couldn't help but began to recall whether there were any style problems when this show was first planned. It seems that there was not. He really designed a family reality show for Americans that the whole family can sit on the sofa to watch. Absolutely It was those TV show critics who maliciously framed it.

Tommy continued: "People with a dirty heart look at everything and think it's nasty. I have a friend named Dennis. He is like that. Let's just say that he once forgot to bring the "Penthouse" poster with him and directly pointed at him. Looking at the exposed chest of Jesus on the cross in the church, does anyone think the bare-chested Jesus is obscene? Of course not, it is Dennis who is obscene."

"If we want to change our country, we must use a more understandable way, that is, let people learn to think about why a white girl from a prestigious school went to the streets of black people, and in the end she can only be a part-timer. Selling his body for a living, he doesn't even have the money to buy Torjan, why does a low-level black man get rich overnight and enter the upper class, the first thing he thinks of is to buy a bunch of shiny jewelry on his body, and then sell it to billionaires Crack?"

"What's the problem in this country? How long will it take for the road to racial equality? When will the problem of female employment discrimination in the United States be taken seriously? This is the real depth of our reality show. Every question is worthy of people's deep thinking. Well worth it, whoever asks these deep questions isn't fucking Socrates, it's you."

"Don't think of yourself as a disseminator of low culture, you are a philosopher greater than Socrates, Socrates can only talk, and you? You have all the virtues of wisdom, depth, greatness, holiness, kindness, etc., I would rather bear the stigma on myself than try to change America."

"You are true philosophers, doers, and social activists."

"I'm proud of you."

"BT is proud of you."

"The United States is proud of you, and your name will always be remembered in the history of television development, and it will be praised for those who come later."

Several young participants applauded excitedly, and then everyone else began to applaud hesitantly. Tommy was escorted out of the conference hall by Rick amid the applause.

In the corridor where no one else could hear, Tommy said to Rick: "The young people who take the lead in applauding will get a 15% salary increase. The old guy sent a few invitations, tricking them into resigning and getting out of BT, and telling the rest of them, don’t worry about the Emmy Awards and Congress, they will be shortlisted.”

"Okay, Boss." Rick said convincingly.

Who the hell can take a dirty show to the level of having sex with Jesus and Moses? Who can elevate the producers of this bawdy show to a level that philosophers like Socrates can only look up to?

Own boss, Tommy Hawke.

Before, Rick wondered why Tommy could become a billionaire at such a young age. Now he knows that not only can he become a rich man, but if the boss wants to, he can even become the leader of a cult with the most followers.

When Rick turned around and walked towards the conference hall, Tommy straightened his tie and strode forward, saying to Martin and Page who came up behind him:

"Martin, go talk to Earl, let his bottom-level black organization Rainbow solve those framings, by the way, you can also tell Big Jack and them, bring the fathers and folks in Compton to teach those newspapers in California a lesson, in short In a word, whoever dares to insult this dirty show that helps me make money is insulting all the dirty black people in America. Let Sophia arrange the funds for you and tell her that I allow you to take an extra five thousand yuan to help yourself Change into Bi Jian's custom-made suit."

"I'm going to blow up the newspaper right now. I, a dirty black man, have been insulted!" Martin heard that before he did anything, the boss had rewarded him with a custom suit worth 5,000, and he immediately pumped his fist excitedly and said, "Fuck it again!" It would be nice to have a few more incidents of insulting black people, and I also set my sights on a pair of fifteen hundred Italian handmade leather shoes."

Tommy ignored Martin's excitement and said to Page:

"Page, call Sean who is in charge of BT's public relations, let him think about it, and see if it is possible to convey a message to American audiences, that is, the experts who insult and slander "Fake Girl" are accepted by Fox Network Money, and remember to remind him that this is all Earl's decision, and I don't know anything about it, except for talking about philosophy with everyone, mainly talking about business with Koreans in Newport Beach."

Second update~

I have been stuck for a few days, checked the plot direction, redesigned the ending of the story of this volume and the final ending of this book, and also summarized the mistakes and deficiencies in the writing, so I will go to sleep and continue to get up Code words, try to finish this volume as soon as possible, open a new volume, and try to get back the relaxed style of the first volume~

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