American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 665


There were all kinds of strange brilliance in the darkness, and Natasha couldn't help opening her mouth when she entered. She found that she and Su Sheng were standing on the surface of a planet. "What is this place?"

"Dark Dimension!"

"Dark Dimension? What did you bring me here for? Didn't you mean to learn some advanced magic?" Natasha asked inexplicably.

"That is to help me find your teacher, someone you know!"

Su Sheng smiled and pointed not far away, a figure was jumping over quickly.

Wearing a pitch-black hood, when this person approached 5.8, Natasha seemed to feel the dark aura on her body. She frowned slightly and saw the person raised her hand. On her hand was a very eye-catching black ring. , the big holy emblem on it made Natasha think about it.

This logo, this style of ring, she seems to have seen it somewhere!

" ancient mage?"

Natasha looked in shock at Mage Ancient One who put down his hood, whose appearance and temperament had undergone a drastic change. "You, aren't you dead? Why..."

The ancient master did not speak but looked at Su Sheng. Natasha instantly understood that Su Sheng must have done something. Reminiscent of what Su Sheng had told her a long time ago that he wanted to find a mage to teach them, I am afraid he had planned a long time ago. Alright.

Chapter 812 Aunt Mei's invitation?

Some things can't stand scrutiny, but Natasha's top spy analysis ability is naturally the top priority. Knowing that the Ancient One mage was resurrected from the dead and turned into a black lantern corpse, she could naturally think that the red lantern ring must have something to do with Su Sheng, and she already knew that this kind of lantern ring and Su Sheng came from other people. The universe, so a series of things such as Su Sheng's strength, origin, and even purpose naturally made Natasha doubtful.

If Natasha discovered this when she first met Su Sheng, she would definitely continue to investigate without hesitation and even do something. But now Natasha is surprised, but she feels relieved. The more she gets along with Su Sheng, the less she deliberately hides anything. After all, there are many unusual and inexplicable things that he showed before.

So when Su Sheng left the dark dimension, Natasha didn't say anything, and she happily accepted the communication bracelet left by Su Sheng and put it on her wrist.

So what if Su Sheng has a problem? At least he's not doing anything right now, is he? It's nothing more than... It's just that she needs to calmly consider one more thing.

Going back to the Avengers Building, Su San found Wanda and told her that Natasha was going to learn magic from others and she had to think calmly. If Wanda wanted to go, she could also send her there. But Wanda, who was originally inclined towards the magic department, actually didn't have Natasha's strong desire to learn magic. Her own abilities were enough for her to dig and exercise.

Natasha's departure did not have much impact on the operation of the Avengers. Everyone is doing their own things and their own tasks. Su Sheng would occasionally go out to perform missions with him, and most of the time he would stay in the Avengers Building to help deal with intelligence or other things.

Every night someone would come to Su San's room.

Trish the Hellcat, Susan the Invisible, Wanda the Scarlet Witch, and sometimes Spider Gwen will come quietly. Of course, what is really interesting is that they seem to have formed a kind of tacit understanding, which is a bit tacit and tacit. At least a few days later, Su Sheng found out that they didn't bump into each other.

It's as if everyone knows who it is today.

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang, and Su Sheng answered the phone casually and looked up, only to find that several people in the hall looked over. When he found that Su Sheng was looking at them, they turned their eyes away and did other things one by one, which made Su Sheng feel a little nervous. As if he was being watched by them, he smiled dumbly and heard the voice from the phone.

"Is it...Mr. Su Sheng?"

The voice was a little familiar, and after thinking for a while, I quickly got on the number.

Su Sheng raised the corner of his mouth in surprise: "It's me."

"I don't know if you remember me? I'm Mary Jane's neighbor, my name is May, and I'm from Peter Parker..."

"Actually, you don't need to say so much, I immediately remembered your voice." Su Sheng said with a smile.

Aunt Mei on the phone giggled and looked a little happy. After all, what woman doesn't like to hear compliments from others, and she can be firmly remembered by the other party after seeing her once? Especially a big man like Su Sheng! "Thank you very much for remembering me. It's like this... Do you have time in the evening? I would like to invite you to my house for dinner."

Su Sheng leaned back on the sofa slightly and raised his legs and said with great interest: "If you want to thank me for what happened last time and invite me to dinner, then you don't have to, it's just a matter of lifting your hands. But if... this is a date If so, I think I'd be happy to be on time."

"You really know how to joke. I don't dare to date you at my age. If I were twenty years younger, even if the chances were slim, I would take the initiative to ask you out. It should be completed in about an hour, my The craftsmanship is not very good, if you don't mind and you happen to have time, I look forward to your visit very much!"

She first tactfully denied the date and jokingly teased herself that she recognized Su Sheng's charm and took the initiative to tell the time, made the invitation, and pushed the final decision to Su Sheng, neither making Su Sheng feel disappointed or vaguely that it was not a date Push him to a point where it is difficult to refuse, after all, people have told the time and are looking forward to your visit, how can you refuse?

At least Su Sheng's previous rhetoric can no longer be used.

After saying a few words with a smile, Su Sheng hung up the phone.

May's active invitation is definitely not just to thank her for her previous autograph or photo. There are nine out of ten that she may be asking for something and it should be related to Peter Parker. I am still a little interested in Mei Susheng, she belongs to the more mature and more attractive type, and judging from the last contact with Mei and this phone call, it seems that it is not difficult for me to get her into bed.

Just... poor Peter Parker.

Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, these two girlfriends, were picked up by me before they knew each other. Spider silk, who may have an ambiguous relationship, was also included in my bag early, and even Liz, who he loves now, is 010 Lun also belonged to him who could wash away the state of waiting for him on the bed for nothing with just a phone call, but now...he was thinking about Mei, the most important woman in his life, was he a little too cruel to him?

"I'm going out for a while, and I may not come back at night." Su Sheng put away the phone and got up and said.

Almost an hour later.

The night has fallen, and the street lights on the side of the road have been turned on.

In the kitchen, Mei put the prepared dishes in the restaurant, and took a bottle of good red wine to put away. Looking at the time and the phone, Mei hesitated to take a shower and went back to the room to find a long red dress. Putting on the dress and looking at herself in the mirror, Mei couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Some are too revealing.

It seems that there are only two triangle cloth strips on it. Although the key is not exposed, it gives people a feeling that a lot has been exposed. The back is completely empty. Two thin ropes are interlaced to fix the upper body. The red belt slightly covered the somewhat low-waisted skirt.

"Phew... don't be nervous, and... don't plan to happen anything, just expressing grandeur for his arrival, if... If he can agree, I have nothing to worry about in this life."

Chapter eight hundred and thirteenth about Mei's bloody plot

"Tick tock."

Mei sat on the sofa and looked at the hands of the clock with a slightly sad expression. An hour was almost up, and Su Sheng hadn't come yet.

Is it not coming?

That's right, how could someone's status accept an invitation from a small person like himself for no reason.

Mei shook her head in disappointment. The doorbell rang suddenly, which made Mei stand up suddenly and hurriedly ran to open the door with surprise on her face.

outside the door.

Su Sheng was holding a bouquet of roses and standing at the door with a smile. His eyes lit up slightly when Mei opened the door and appeared in his sight. "you look pretty today."

"Thank you." Feeling Su Sheng's direct and fiery gaze, Mei slightly shyly looked at the rose in his hand.

"For you." Su Sheng handed it over with a smile.

"Thank you." Mei happily took it over and said, "Is this the first time I have received flowers?"

"I don't believe it." Su Sheng smiled lightly. "You're so beautiful and sexy, doesn't it mean that no one pursues you, and no one sends you flowers? Your husband should have pursued you, or received flowers when you got married, right?"

Mei shook her head: "Really not, we..." Mei shook her head again in the middle of speaking. "He's a nice guy."

He is a very good person, this doesn't sound like judging her husband, does she have any unknown things with 'Uncle Ben'? Su Sheng thought for a while and asked: "It's a bit abrupt to say, your husband..."

"He passed away by accident." Mei said.

"Sorry." Su Sheng said.

Mei shook her head and invited Su Sheng to come in, found a vase and put the flowers in it. Seeing Mei with her back turned to her, Su Sheng threw away her psychic ability. She didn't detect her purpose of dating her today, but the memory of 'Uncle Ben'. Seeing this made Su Sheng a little surprised, just like Mei's current attire.

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