American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 278

There are five people in total.

Superman's opponent is called Rashina. She is wrapped in many bandages, and there are many destructive weapons hidden in the bandages. The steel whip in her hand exudes extremely strong electricity, making it difficult for Superman to break through for a while. The Flash's opponent is called Stomp, with immense strength. The heavy metal boots under his feet can crush or smash the densest materials. Although Flash is very fast, the battle zone near the two is indeed the most exaggerated.

The ground is full of potholes - hollows, numerous cracks.

Green Lantern's opponent is called Crazy Harriet, and her weapon can cut through almost anything, including the weapon Green Lantern manifests.

The remaining two are called Bernard, one is called Gilotino, one is a spear knife and a dagger that can burn the wounded from the inside, and one has two hands that are sharp enough to cut anything and also carry two swords . The opponent of these two is Wonder Woman!

Wonder Woman holds the flame sword in one hand, and the magical sword given by Su Sheng in the other hand to defend from side to side. One against two seems to be manageable.

"There's none?"

Su Sheng curled his lips and muttered a little disappointed. If you want to say who is the most famous person in the Nemesis team, it is definitely the captain, Dabada. The most powerful one is famous because she abducted another new god, betrayed Darkseid and fled to the earth, and also joined the Birds of Prey squad. But now it seems that she didn't act with the team. I don't know if she stayed on Apocalypse or has defected.

The people she abducted were not ordinary people.

Apocalypse and Xinchuangshi fought for years, and finally Darkseid and Heavenly Father reached a peace agreement, sending each other's sons to be raised by each other. Darkseid's second son Orion was sent to the New Genesis Star. Although he was cruel by nature, he eventually learned to control his anger and fiery temper and became the strongest fighter. He also had a friendly relationship with the Justice League and others. In the New 52 In the comics, Orion once appeared to help Wonder Woman fight against the newborn.

The son of the Heavenly Father, Scott Foveli, was sent to the Apocalypse. However, he was kind-hearted. Not only was he not affected by the environment of the Apocalypse, but he finally escaped from the Apocalypse, which is said to have never escaped, and... Daba up together. Later it became known as Mister Miracle.

In this deal, Dakseid lost his wife and lost his army.

The other party's son ran away and took his own Deli clean, and his own son was even influenced to go to other people's side.

It's a shame.

"There's one more! He should be the guy who injured Steppenwolf, right? It's mine." Gilotino, one of Wonder Woman's opponents, noticed the confusion on Su Sheng's side.

After all, the attacks of so many monsters one after another are quite loud.

She licked the corners of her mouth showing ferocious excitement and directly gave up on Wonder Woman, turned around and rushed towards Su Sheng. She rushed to the vicinity of Su Sheng in three or two steps. They didn't even have a chance to dodge and were chopped into pieces one after another. Amid the flying flesh and blood, Gilotino's long sword pierced Su Sheng's chest, while another weapon slashed towards Su Sheng's neck from another angle.

The two weapons shot at the same time not only did not show panic, but complemented each other perfectly, blocking the angle that a single weapon could dodge.

He has quite a lot of fighting experience, after all, he fought all the way!

There is no angle to dodge, but Su Sheng did not dodge at all and even returned to the formless state. The azure blue lightning flashed in his eyes. Gilotino was slightly stunned and suddenly felt his neck tightened, followed by his body involuntarily. fell backwards.


Su Sheng choked her neck and smashed her to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the powerful impact caused the ground to sag instantly, and the surrounding demons were instantly crushed and smashed by the rush.

"Cough cough." The physique as strong as the new protoss couldn't stand the impact. Gillotino coughed and slashed with both hands at the same time. Years of fighting and fighting made her understand one thing, never let her guard down, especially when she was injured. Even the slightest slack can lead to death and a reversal of fortune.


The scorching hot rays burst out suddenly and hit the sword instantly.


The sword exploded and shattered in an instant. Under the impact of the explosion, Gilotino grabbed his wrists around his neck and his feet wrapped around his arms and waist and twisted them hard.

Lock arm strangulation.

"Success!" Feeling that his legs had wrapped around his opponent's arms and even his neck, Guilotino twisted his body vigorously with joy.


A clear voice sounded, Guilotino's eyes widened in disbelief and he groaned.

Her foot... Her foot bone is broken?

Looking at Su Sheng who didn't even move, Gilotino only felt movements from his feet. This is a collision of strength. The opponent's strength is stronger than his own, so he failed to twist the opponent but hurt his own ankle. is this possible? How could his strength be so strong, how could his physique be so strong? Don't look at her thought activity seems to be a lot, but in fact she was stunned for a second or two, unable to writhe. Gilotino quickly kicked Su Sheng's chin with the other foot, and at the same time turned back hard, intending to continue to break free from Su Sheng's hand Clamp.


Her boots kicked Su Sheng's chin. At that moment, she felt as if she had kicked on the strongest rock or steel. The piercing pain spread instantly and the sound of bone cracking sounded again. She could feel her toes together with the boots. All were flattened, and I could feel the pain of my toes being pressed like the soles of my feet.

Before she turned up, her waist drooped, and her feet drooped in different degrees of weird shapes.

"No,'s impossible." Feeling the growing strength of the fingers on his neck, Gilotino's face turned red and he couldn't stop stabbing Su Sheng's arm with the broken weapon.

Clinking and crisp sounds sounded one after another.

A few times later, Gilotino has been reduced to powder.

"A real man is so tough!" Su Sheng raised the corner of his mouth and said with a chuckle.


PS; I recommend my old book "Marvel: Advent of the King", which is a type of multi-world background. "Marvel: The Immortal Throne" is the two big worlds of Marvel + DC, and it is currently my best Marvel theme. If you like to watch old Hong Kong movies, ghost movies and ghost movies, you can watch "Zombie: The Strongest Reaper" is a two- to three-million-word finished version, and the volume can be killed!

Chapter 309: Killing Three People in a Row and the Orange Lantern Ghost

"It's's impossible..." Gilotino murmured in disbelief as he looked at the weapon that had been shattered into powder, and at Su San's arm that didn't even leave a trace. She has fought countless battles and killed countless enemies. She has seen many strong men in the universe, but how can a mere human being on Earth... be so strong?

So strong that she was a little desperate.

"Did you feel it?" Su Sheng squinted his eyes and said suddenly, reached out and picked up Gilotino and put it in front of her with a light smile. "The smell of fear."

Guilotino couldn't help shaking.

"It's thicker!" Su Sheng smiled even more happily. "If you are afraid, the members of the Nemesis team will also be afraid. I thought you have already forgotten what it feels like to be afraid. In fact, you don't need to be afraid, because... fear is useless."

For a moment, the moment the voice fell.

Gilotino was even more frightened. She felt that Su Sheng was definitely not trying to comfort 12 herself, but that he was going to...kill herself.

Fear of death filled her brain, she struggled fiercely and shouted at the same time: "Save me, you guys come and save me, he's going to kill me, he's going to..."

Some warm fingers pressed against her forehead, making her instantly silent.


The simulated gunshot in Su Sheng's mouth tapped his finger lightly, and in an instant, orange light burst from his fingertips and pierced her skull directly, and the orange light penetrated from her head. Tino fell to the ground slowly, his pupils widened and he twitched a few times before he didn't move.

Gillotino is dead!

Although the Nemesis team members were shocked and angry, they didn't seem to be very sad. They didn't even come to help immediately after Gillotino asked for help.


They don't!

The training environment from childhood to adulthood made them regard almost anyone as an opponent, an enemy. Even if there was no rivalry after joining the Nemesis team, the habits formed for a long time could not make their relationship closer and personal. kind of. They had seen too much life and death, and Gilotino's death didn't make them feel sad, only angry.

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