After several tests, Lin Jue called his ability to directly command other vampires and even curb their bloodthirsty desires "mantra!"!

It seemed that as soon as Lin Jue's thoughts fell, information flowed into his mind.


Lin Jue was slightly shocked.

I saw that this ability actually appeared in the original ability panel of the Vampire God.

Mantra: The vampire god has absolute dominance over all blood descendants or indirect blood descendants under his command. He can curb the blood lust of vampires and suppress all blood descendants! (To be optimized!)

Boy, I gave myself the full details!

In fact, from the beginning, Lin Jue had a certain understanding of the fact that the description of some ability data on his panel was not detailed enough, including the previous ability gap, which Lin Jue had already discovered.

Now that he can even give himself complete information, this has completely labeled his panel as unreliable.

When he sensed the detailed information of the mantra's ability, he also understood that his control over his direct blood descendants was not even as strong as those at a lower level of blood.


Lin Jue directly used the mantra to dilute all the blood lust in the hearts of the three newborn vampires in front of him.

Feeling that her bloodthirsty desire had completely dissipated, Harley said nothing, but Kyle and Faso knelt on the ground.

"Thank you my Lord!"

In fact, Kyle didn't dislike blood lust very much. He even enjoyed the feeling of sweet blood, which was better than every drug he had ever taken. It means he can't drink.

As for Faso, he was completely following the actions behind Kyle. At this time, he also understood his current identity. At the same time, after understanding these things, he did not feel any resentment towards Kyle. He felt the powerful power in his body. Strength, he felt a sense of joy instead.

"I'm about to fall into a deep sleep!"

The low voice resounded throughout the factory, and the three of them had different emotions. Harley didn't seem to care about the pressure of the superior at all, and directly hugged Lin Jue's arm.

Lin Jue, who was somewhat helpless, simply let her hold his arm. This image actually made Fasuo a little concerned.

Lin Jue slowly revealed his plan.

"The Blood God Group, a subordinate organization located in the Trial Council, is responsible for maintaining the security of Gotham East District when the major speakers of the Trial Council are secretly hiding..."

Kyle's eyes lit up. He had no interest in punishing crimes or maintaining law and order, but he was secretly happy about Lin Jue's imminent sleep.

As for Faso, he was a little excited and excited in his heart. Now that he was very human, he naturally wanted to experience a completely different life from his original one, punish evil and promote good, and become a hero who protects order. This seemed very handsome to him. , in line with his temperament!

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Fasuo looked at Lin Jue with excitement.

Lin Jue's eyes paused for a moment on this completely unexpected white man and cast an admiring glance. He was very satisfied with Faso's reaction. As for Kyle... he had other plans in mind.

"You can leave now, Faso stays!"

After receiving the confirmation, Kyle couldn't wait to leave the factory. His figure moved at high speed and quickly disappeared into the night.

However, Harley did not leave. She looked at Lin Jue with burning eyes, as if she would go wherever Lin Jue went.

As a direct blood descendant of Lin Jue, she seems to be much more resistant to the power of the mantra than her indirect descendants.

Lin Jue frowned slightly, and knowing the reason, he could only let Harley go for the time being.



Fasuo looked at Lin Jue with a firm expression. He had the utmost respect for Lin Jue, both in terms of truth and his own situation.

"I hope you can find some oppressed people and transform them into blood descendants. You people alone are not enough to fight against those dark forces!"

"We people?"

Faso looked puzzled. As far as he knew, no, everyone in Gotham knew that the Judgment Council had two speaker-level figures, the Judge and the Blood God. He could even get it from the Blood God's words. You know, there are at least ten speakers, and the Judgment Council has unfathomable strength, but at this moment, it looks like it is about to fight against them?

"I can't tell you the specific reasons. Although the Judgment Council will disappear for a while, our eyes will always be on you!"


Faso looked excited after accepting the task. Although he didn't quite understand why Lin Jue didn't arrange for Kyle and Harley to do such a thing, he was already excited to be able to form a vampire army at this moment. Yes, he wanted to Forming a vampire army...this is in line with his temperament!

If the youngest daughter of the Grace family knew that I had joined the Judgment Council, would she die of envy... Hehe!

Watching Faso's leaving figure, Lin Jue slowly looked at Harry who was still holding his arm.


The mantra ability was directly pushed to the maximum. Sensing that Lin Jue seemed a little angry, Harley looked embarrassed and slowly let go of his arm.

Fuck...we need to optimize this ability quickly.

Lin Jue couldn't help but secretly complain, his brain was working rapidly, and suddenly, the originally oppressive voice became slightly softer.

"I only believe in you..."

Sure enough, it was just the beginning. Harley's eyes suddenly lit up, meeting her expectant gaze.

Lin Jue directly expressed his thoughts.

"I don't 100% trust Faso and Kyle. I'm worried that they will abuse my abilities wantonly. I need someone to monitor them, no, some people!"

"I do!"

Harley's fair face showed an eagerness to try, and she looked at Lin Jue expectantly.

"You need to find a group of reliable people, at least three, one of whom is responsible for the security of Wall Street. It is the most orderly neighborhood noted by our trial council. We will not allow changes there, or you can personally guard it. , and then arrange for other people to keep an eye on Kyle and Faso, and even notify me directly when the situation is serious!”


"Go ahead, is this task too difficult? You may have to report to me from time to time!"

This sentence completely moved Harley. Seeing that the girl in front of him finally left him, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he could also get rid of it by himself, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. God knows, it seems that his brain is now What are some unusual girls capable of?

After all, she is Harley Quinn!

I filtered the various steps of the plan in my mind. In fact, the most fundamental key to this plan lies in the power of the mantra. Kyle must be an unstable factor, but Lin Jue wants to take advantage of his instability... Who said he would Must we stand on the side of justice?

Evil is more deterrent than justice!

As for Faso, Hikari seems on the surface to be following his plan, perhaps even going to great lengths to accomplish it given the effect the mantra has on him.

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