The intense pain made Lin Jue groan in pain, and his whole body was buried in the ruins of the collapsed pyramid.

The entire small pyramid seemed to have been bombarded by artillery fire, and it collapsed instantly, burying Lin Jue's figure in the ruins. At this time, he could clearly feel that his back seemed to be ripped open, and some bones were even broken!

The intense pain made it impossible for Lin Jue to break away from the ruins for a moment.

Fortunately, Lin Jue, who has the body of his ancestor, can clearly feel that he is healing at a rapid speed, and the broken spine on his back makes crunching sounds from time to time!


For the first time, Lin Jue felt that things were beyond his control. When he was about to deprive the Blood God, he was stabbed in the back by his teammates.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have stopped those Bichi.

Lin Jue cursed secretly in his heart. He knew that things would not be so simple, but he did not expect that the accident would come so suddenly.


Suddenly, there was a soft crack from the bones on his back, and Lin Jue struggled to stand up from the ruins in an instant, and the heavy rocks on his body were instantly lifted away.

His whole body was filled with powerful aura. At this moment, above the pyramid, several thick stones flew out, and a figure with broken body and ragged clothes slowly climbed out of the ruins.

It was Lin Jue, looking at the ruins of the pyramid. He did not try to find the Blood God, because even when he was attacked and then suppressed by the collapsed pyramid, he was aware of Drake's condition.

On the one hand, it was to prevent him from pursuing the victory. Although it was unlikely, after all, although the frontal attack target of the rocket was him, the power of the close-range blast must have severely injured Drake.

In his perception, several of his "partners" picked up Drake and rushed out of the pyramid, leaving him buried here under the rubble.

Looking at the dilapidated special forces uniforms around him, Lin Jue smiled helplessly and threw the broken helmet aside. He looked at the sandy sky with his heart sinking.

The way back is not easy.


The helicopter made a huge roar and flew quickly through the sky.

At this moment, three of Lin Jue's former teammates were looking anxiously at Drake, who was leaning in the back cabin of the plane with an expressionless face.

One of the big white men was answering the phone and reporting something. From time to time he looked at Dracula, who had his eyes closed.

"Who's that guy? No, what the hell is that?"

Drake opened his scarlet pupils and looked fiercely at the three vampires sitting opposite him. He could feel the vampire aura in their bodies, which was completely different from the previous guy!

"He is also one of our teammates this time, and he is a vampire!"

A thin vampire said somewhat uneasily, but the next moment, an arm with bone spurs grabbed his neck and pulled him forward.

Drake's face transformed into his own body again, and he opened his huge scarlet teeth and bit down hard on his neck.


The screams stopped abruptly. Although the man was a vampire and possessed considerable strength, he was helpless in front of his ancestor. His hands were weakly pulling at Drake's chest, but he was completely unable to break away.

The other two vampires were so frightened that they immediately took out their guns and pointed them at their ancestor from a distance.

Frantically sucking the vampire's blood, Drake's face was intoxicated, and his originally dry skin quickly returned to ruddy color. In the blink of an eye, the vampire in his hand instantly turned to ashes.

He slowly lowered his red arm and looked at the vampire who was trembling slightly and pointing a gun at him with a look full of violence.

"If that guy is a vampire, then who are we?"

Derek yelled angrily, which made the two vampires look at each other, somewhat confused about the situation.

After all, in their impression, Lin, who was just an ordinary vampire, suddenly burst out with such powerful strength and once suppressed their ancestor of vampires. This had already shattered their three views, and now it was even more so from Drake. Mouth, I learned that the guy wasn't even a vampire.

Instead of continuing to attack the two vampires, Drake closed his eyes and carefully felt the cells in his body that were rapidly repairing and healing. He was also severely injured in the explosion.

New York.

Four pale-faced men and women quickly walked through the dimly lit corridor and slowly arrived at a place that looked like a prison cell.

The middle-aged woman at the head quickly arranged her clothes and walked into the room with a respectful and somewhat uneasy expression.

On Drake's exposed upper body, the bulging muscles showed his unparalleled strength. At this time, he was grabbing and biting a trembling man.

The picture is bloody and horrifying, and even the middle-aged woman who is a vampire and loves cannibalism can't help but look frightened.

Because Dracula was eating a vampire at this time, it was the first time she had seen a vampire sucking blood.

"Great Drake!"

The low words echoed in the closed room, and the pale woman stared at the man who turned around slowly.

"How about it, have you found out that person's identity?"

A scarlet light flashed in Drake's eyes, and there was still an aftertaste of intoxication on his face. He was much stronger now than when he just woke up.

He wants revenge! Suck up the guy who dares to despise you!

"Great Drake, we woke you up because there is another huge danger?"

A trace of doubt flashed across the woman's face, and then she spoke quickly.


"Putting aside the guy from before, the biggest danger to our vampire race now actually comes from the Day Rangers!"

"Is there a greater danger than that guy?"

Drake's eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes. Even though he had almost returned to full victory, he did not dare to say that he could defeat Lin Jue. After all, the guy at that time seemed to still have some strength left.

Now a stronger one suddenly appeared, which made him feel unbelievable and at the same time he became more and more cautious!

"That guy is a half-human, half-vampire. He is a miracle, but even though he has vampire blood, he hates us and kills our compatriots all the time and every day. Thanks to having half human blood, He is not afraid of the silverware and sunshine that we should be afraid of, just like you, the great one!"

The woman said angrily while looking at Dracula with admiration, with a hint of greed in the depths of her eyes.

"Oh? Half human, half vampire!"

A trace of excitement flashed across Drake's face, but soon he had new doubts. As his descendant, how could that guy be so strong?

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