American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 95 San value is crazy! (Please count the votes, family members)

Magical dimensions refer to those dimensions that do not obey the physical laws of the real world. It is a fantasy world bound by endless magical energy.

They are closely related to the real world but far apart. Ordinary people basically cannot explore their mysteries for the rest of their lives. Even those powerful wizards cannot understand the existence of these dimensions without extreme luck.

The Limbo controlled by Mephisto is such a dimensional space. There are many similar 'Hells'. For example, the 'God of Death' Hela also rules a so-called Limbo. In addition to these, there are some powerful existences. You can also use your own divine power to open up a new dimension.

For example, Avalon, the Kingdom of the Gods, the Star World, and the dimensions created by the ancient gods at the beginning of creation, etc. These worlds revolve around reality independently with their own laws. From the beginning to the present, each dimension has experienced They have fought grand wars across dimensions, but they have never been disconnected from each other.

At this moment, the separation between the hell border and the chaotic dimension gave Zhang Yi an uneasy feeling in his heart, just like the calm before the storm.

Under the surface of the sea, in places that humans cannot see, countless lives have already sensed the coming storm. They swim crazily deeper, trying to avoid the devastating disaster.

But on the sea, the real world is like a small boat. What awaits her will be the result of destruction of the world!

"Tell me, Moon Knight, how long has it been since you last seen Kong Su?" Zhang Yi retracted his thoughts and focused his attention on the two superheroes in front of him again.

"Khonsu?" Moonlight Knight frowned upon hearing this. As the source of his super power, all his superpowers come from the legendary moon god Khonsu, one of the Egyptian gods.

As one of the ancient Egyptian gods, Kongsu's strength is extremely terrifying. Not only can it travel freely through various dimensions, it can even grant Moonlight Knight extraordinary divine power and the ability to resurrect. In addition, it even controls the heaven and earth. The authority possesses the artifact to control time.

As the Moon Knight of this generation, Mark, while maintaining peace, would often receive orders from Kong Su to participate in some major events involving games between the gods.

But when he heard Zhang Yi's question, Mark was suddenly stunned. Yes, Kong Su.

Kongsu, who is it?

Moon Knight's mind suddenly went blank.

He suddenly felt a chill crawling up his back from the soles of his feet. This feeling of distorted memory put Moon Knight into a state of self-doubt.

However, as a superhero, Moonlight Knight quickly adjusted his trembling heart. He has multiple personalities, so he often suffers from split personality. It is precisely because of this that he faced this incredible situation. Only then can we adjust so quickly.

"Ah, it seems you don't need to answer." Seeing Moon Knight's reaction, Zhang Yi's lips curled up. He had already got the answer in his heart, although this answer was not good news.

"What on earth is going on?" Moonlight Knight asked the question he wanted to know most.

He knew that this was definitely not just a matter of missing a part of his memory. If it was just amnesia, then he would quickly find the problematic areas by relying on the cognition of other personalities and past experiences, and then quickly retrieve his own memory.

But now, what he is facing is an indescribable 'self-confirmation bias'.

Mark, or other personalities in his body, are affected by this thing, and are too inclined to seek and accept information that is consistent with his own beliefs and expectations, causing 'him' to ignore and reject all contradictory information, falling into a kind of Extremely dangerous cognitive biases.

He had never noticed the existence of 'Kongsu', and even the god who gave him all his superpowers had been erased from his cognition. However, he himself did not notice anything was wrong, but was still pursuing it. Deadpool investigates this case of massacre of superheroes.

Something wrong with Moon Knight quickly attracted the attention of the Punisher. Although Punisher Frank seems to be a reckless man, he is definitely not a fool. Anyone who underestimates him will pay a heavy price, and now, the Punisher also feels faintly A little uneasy.

"I can't answer your question because I'm also looking for the source of all this." Zhang Yi said slowly. "What I can tell you is that Mephisto has severed all ties between him and the earth. Whether this is voluntary or not, it at least proves something."

With that said, Zhang Yi took another deep look at Moonlight Knight and spoke word by word.

"I'm afraid the Ghost Rider has lost his ability to be immortal, and you, Mark, if you die during this catastrophe, then I'm afraid you are really dead."

This may explain why Deadpool was able to kill the Ghost Rider under the protection of Mephisto. After being separated from the border of hell in the real world, the effect of the contract can no longer last. After losing those great powers, Moonlight Heroes like knights are no longer immortal.

Listening to Zhang Ye calmly speaking these chilling words, both Moonlight Knight and Punisher were a little frightened. Although their reason told them that everything was normal, they still noticed something unfathomable from Zhang Ye's words. sense of dissonance.

"There is something that has affected my cognition. I can't recall anything about Kong Su now. I can't even remember what he looked like. And my reason makes it impossible for me to think about it. Is there something? You're stopping me from thinking any more!" Moon Knight hit his head hard.

"I'm afraid I've been tricked too, Mark. Although I don't know anything about you, I have lost my memory about 'Mephisto'. I remember there is the Ghost Rider, but other things about him, what do I know? I can’t even remember it, or maybe the words are on my lips but I can’t say them out at all.”

Sighing, the Punisher also put down the gun in his hand. At this time, they were able to confirm that the guy in front of them was one of their own. I am afraid that as the Witch Crow said, some unreasonable things are affecting everyone's cognition. .

"The thing that worries me the most has happened," Moonlight Knight said quietly.

"I should have thought earlier that Deadpool's brain is so wild and unrestrained that Red Skull and others can't control it. Being able to control Deadpool shows that they have something even more terrifying in their hands. That thing can even modify Deadpool's identity." Knowing that, nature can also affect us.”

"By the way, you just said that this laser gun was tampered with by Deadpool. What do you mean?" The Punisher suddenly raised his head, looked at Zhang Yi and asked.

"Literally. Deadpool left it here on purpose. He 'knew' you would pick it up, and he 'knew' you would use it!"

Zhang Yi stared at the punisher with a calm expression, letting the chaotic knowledge tear apart their sanity.

"It not only contaminates your brains, it contaminates the timeline."

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