American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 633 Westchester Incident!


As soon as Zhang Yi talked about this, the waiter suddenly became energetic and no longer felt as sleepy as before.

Seeing that there were no other customers, the waiter took out a stool and sat down. He first admired Petra's beauty without leaving any trace, and then spoke.

"They are not locals. Basically, everyone living in our area is familiar with the X-Men. We have been learning about mutants since we were young."

"Since childhood?" Zhang Yi was a little curious.

"Yes." The waiter nodded. "The X-Men were established at the end of the last century. They are all superheroes, fighting to protect world peace, and even helped the moon landing plan that year. Don't you know?"

"Go to the moon," Zhang Yi said thoughtfully without answering.

This does seem to be something the X-Men would do. After all, the level of technology here is very high. In the 20th century, stealth fighters that could fly into outer space were developed. This is no joke.

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked again. "What happened to the comic book story on TV before?"

"You said that."

When the waiter heard this, his expression suddenly darkened. He sighed, shook his head and said.

“Since the X-Men became history, many people on the Internet have begun to smear and attack the X-Men. Even Congress has added fuel to the fire, denying the X-Men’s contribution to mankind and saying that they are a group of lunatics. Not a hero at all."

It is not surprising that this method is used to discredit heroes and deny history. Western countries are very good at using such unsightly tactics, such as the hotly debated incident about Joan of Arc.

At this time, Petra couldn't help but ask.

"Why did they become history? What happened to the X-Men?"

"do not you know?!"

The waiter stared at Petra as if she were an alien. He couldn't believe that the beauty in front of him didn't know such a big thing.

But he responded quickly.

"Since no new mutants have been born for many years, the X-Men have slowly begun to decline. Many of them have retired, but this is the official statement. Folk rumors say that they have all been 'disappeared.'

More and more mutants chose the 'healing potion'. They were willing to lose their superpowers and become humans. In the end, only some mutants were still walking in the city. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were rare species.

Later, about a year ago, the 'Westchester Incident' occurred. That incident resulted in the deaths of more than 600 people, including several members of the X-Men. Because of that incident, in the end, The mutants also disappeared."

"The Westchester incident!?" Petra's eyes widened suddenly. She was too familiar with this place name, because Westchester is where Professor X opened the school!

It was the birthplace of Charles, the place where he and Mystique grew up together, and it was Charles' home before the Mutant Academy was opened.

It was also there that Charles trained a large number of extremely outstanding students. Although Petra was not lucky enough to live there, she had heard many times about life there from her seniors.

To be honest, after experiencing the death of her family when she was young, Petra has always longed for a real family.

It was for this reason that she longed for the first school opened by Charles. For a long time, she even imagined what it would be like to be one of Charles's first students.

But now, after hearing about the tragedy that happened in Westchester, Petra suddenly felt as if her heart had been stabbed.

"What's going on? How did the Westchester incident happen? Are the military guys suppressing mutants? Or are they some extremists who hate mutants?!"

Clenching her silver teeth tightly, Petra's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

She had already experienced despair once. At that time, she had no power, and she was even transformed into a killing machine that slaughtered her fellow humans. But now, she heard that her fellow citizens in this world were also experiencing similar things.

Even Petra, who had been controlling her emotions, couldn't help but become excited at this moment.

Seeing the ferocious look on Petra's face, the waiter was shocked. He didn't know why this beauty suddenly reacted so strongly.

After thinking for a moment, the waiter said cautiously.

"The conspiracy theory you mentioned has been put forward online, but in fact, the instigator of the Westchester incident was Professor X."


This short sentence exploded in Petra's mind like thunder.

She froze on the spot, her mind went blank, and there was even a slight ringing in her ears, making it impossible for her to concentrate.

Professor X killed more than 600 innocent humans and also killed members of the X-Men. How is this possible?

Those are all his students!

Those are the family members he cares about the most! !

Petra stood up excitedly, and with her movements, the entire convenience store began to tremble slightly. The chandelier continued to sway, and chaotic light and shadows were distributed on the walls.


At this time, Zhang Yi spoke.

He had been thinking about this universe before. In Zhang Yi's memory, although the timeline of Wolverine 3: The Last Stand is a numbered independent universe, the previous history here and other timelines are not the same. No contact at all.

Strictly speaking, the timeline of Wolverine 3 should be connected to the timeline of Days of Future Past.

It's just that something unexpected happened in the middle, which caused this time to take a different fork.

The plot and memories of the other timeline should only be known to Wolverine and Charles. The other X-Men have no idea that Sentinel robots hunted mutants in another world.

In their memories, they should only have the Battle of the Statue of Liberty and the confrontation with Stryker. The only difference is that the Dark Phoenix incident has not happened here yet.

Hearing Zhang Yi's voice, Petra quickly calmed down, but she still couldn't believe that what she heard was true.

The waiter glanced at Zhang Yi gratefully. He had indeed been frightened by Petra just now. No matter how slow he reacted, he could see that the woman in front of him was a mutant with super powers.

After hesitating for a moment, the little brother quickly continued.

"The incident was so big that the FBI had no choice but to disclose their investigation files and information records. Judging from those records, those people all died of mental paralysis, and there was only one person who could do such a thing. "


Petra wanted to refute something, but she also understood that since those people dared to disclose the files, it meant that this matter had absolutely nothing to do with them.

After thinking about it for a long time, Petra still didn't understand why this happened, so she could only murmur.

"This is impossible. The professor would not do such a thing, he would not do it."


The waiter raised his hand carefully and said softly.

"Judging from the medical records found by the FBI at the crime scene, Professor

He did not continue what he said later. More than a year has passed since this incident. During this period, many private detectives and pro-mutant people have privately investigated the whole story of this tragedy.

But no matter how they investigate, the final clues point to a possibility, a tragic possibility that is unbelievable - that the sick Charles killed all his students and innocent people with his own hands in an unconscious state.

Thinking of this, Petra suddenly felt that all the strength in her body was drained. She slumped in the chair, unable to accept this fact.

If Petra's previous experience was physical destruction and destruction, then what happened in this world was extreme mental torture.

Petra couldn't imagine how painful Charles would be if he knew what he had done. Just the thought of it made Petra feel like her heart was twisting.

"Ahem, I, I won't tell anything about you." Looking at Petra, whose eyes were dull, the waiter turned to Zhang Yi and said.

"Thank you, please."

Zhang Yi nodded. In fact, he had already destroyed the surveillance here and was ready to modify the other party's memory.

Just when Zhang Yi was about to continue saying something, suddenly, Miss Time's voice rang out from his mind.

(Sir, a crack in the timeline has been detected!)

'What's the meaning? ’

Zhang Yi frowned suddenly.

(I was parsing information about this timeline. Just now, I saw an error report. There was a gap in this timeline, and it was a molded one.)

'So, what are the consequences of this? ’

Miss Time's voice sounded anxious.

(This means that the surrounding timeline is establishing contact with this world. Although I don’t know how this is caused, countless people who do not belong to this universe will descend here!)

Zhang Yi's eyes narrowed, and after listening to Miss Time's words, he immediately thought of the plot of Spider-Man 3.

Because Doctor Strange's spellcasting was interfered by Spider-Man, this resulted in powerful black magic energy directly transmitting all the beings who knew Spider-Man was Peter Parker into that universe.

This kind of change is simply undetectable to ordinary people. Only by controlling the power of the Supreme Sanctuary can Doctor Strange react quickly and catch Dr. Lizard who traveled through the past in advance.

‘Can you detect the location of those gaps, and when did you discover them? ’

(I just detected it too.)

Miss Time's voice sounded again, and this time, her tone was a little anxious.

(My lord, I'm afraid.)

Someone is already here!

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