“Xif, my father has said that we can agree to Master Wang Mang’s reasonable request as much as possible.”

Thor said, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

Who is the biological son? Why don’t I get this treatment?……

Sif glared at him fiercely:”Is this reasonable? I have said before, Lorelei’s ability is too terrifying and will bring disaster to the Nine Realms!”

Thor patted her shoulder and shook his head:”It’s okay. Only those who are weak-willed will be tempted. Strong people like us are not afraid of challenges!”

Sif rolled her eyes. A”sexual male, hammer-loving” weirdo like you is unique in the Nine Worlds!

Just as he was about to speak, Thor came over and whispered:”Direction, my brother Wang’s strength is very average. Even if he is controlled, I will go up and knock him out when the time comes, and you will be responsible for taking down Lorelei.”!”

“Hey hey hey, I heard it!

Wang Mang shouted angrily:”You golden lion king, I remember it!””

Thor smiled coquettishly, but Sif looked over in surprise: Is this a fake prince? He actually knows how to use his brain?

Under the gaze of Thor and Sif, Wang Mang stretched out his hand to Lorelei’s face, and said Pulled off the restraints


After finally freeing herself from the restraints, Lorelai panted violently for several minutes like a drowning person before turning her head.

“call……this……Strong man of mankind, thank you for saving me! Can you tell me why you saved me? No matter what conditions you have, I can promise you!”

There seems to be a special magic in her voice that makes people unable to help but indulge in it.

Wang Mang said calmly:”Your ability is very valuable to me. So I want you to do things for me”

“Yes, you are very discerning…….”

Lorelai slowly came to Wang Mang’s side, held his face with her delicate hands, and her voice became gentler:”No one has ever been able to conquer me. You may be the first. I can be yours in every sense of the word.” Oh!”

Hiss –

Wang Mang suddenly changed his mind, and the beautiful woman in front of him became more and more friendly, as if he had been obsessed with his lover for several lifetimes…….

“drop! Sage mode activated!”

A flash of ice-cold chill instantly woke him up. Wang Mang’s eyes immediately regained their clarity. He looked at the girl in front of him who was still smiling gently, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn, if it weren’t for his passive skills, he might have capsized this time. Wow!

She is indeed the banshee who started the war among the nine kingdoms, so terrifying!

“Thor, open the cell, she is already with us.”

Although Wang Mang can walk directly through the cell, Lorelei can’t…….

“no problem!

Thor walked forward excitedly, but was stopped by Sif:”No, I have to confirm that he is not controlled!””

Mmp, although everything seems normal now, you acted like a pig just now and I didn’t think I saw it!

Wang Mang was helpless:”I’m normal, there’s nothing wrong with me.

Sif insisted:”No, everyone controlled by Lorelai feels that they are unique, and in the end they all become her slaves!””

Sif looked wary. To be honest, this man is quite good as a mage of Karma Taj. He can withstand the voice of the banshee. This is much better than those licking dogs who can’t even hold hands after licking for a long time…….

This woman is so alert!

Lorelai was secretly angry, but it didn’t matter. She had heard some rumors after being locked up here for so many years. She knows something about Kama Taj’s mage…….

“Oh well. Wang Mang shrugged and said helplessly:”I think you should understand one thing.” Since I can pass through the cell barrier without any hindrance, the rune prohibiting teleportation here has no effect on me.

He turned to look at Lorelei and said,”I’m sorry, since they don’t believe it, they have no choice but to make a declaration of surrender.” Well, who told you to be dishonest!

Lorelai:”Wait?” What did you say?”

This script doesn’t seem right…….

Before she could say anything more, a golden magic rune appeared on the ground.



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