
In the deserted corridor, a cat meowed suddenly, and a very cute orange cat suddenly appeared in the corner.

In such a well-guarded archives center that even flies can’t fly in, the sudden appearance of this cat looks weird.

I don’t know how big Nick Fury’s heart is in the original book, but he can even play with the cat in this situation…….

Didn’t you know that cats are frequent stars in horror movies?

Of course, Wang Mang, who knew the plot, would not be afraid. What happened to horror movies? As long as you are brave, Sadako will take maternity leave……

Ah, bah, bah, this is not Sadako, this is just an element-devouring beast!

In other words, this is a very cute cat, and it’s quite powerful. It’s a good idea to take it back to your house and play with it. Kelly will probably like it!

After all, witches generally like cats and hate dogs!

Wang Mang picked up the element-devouring beast named”Gugu” and went to join the others…….

“I originally……Really once lived on earth. The missing pilot is me!”

Carol muttered to herself as she looked at a report. The pilot on the plane above was clearly herself.

“What Wang Mang said is true. They really have something to hide from me…….”

“Why is this happening? what is going on?”

“Who am I?”……

“One who can transform, one who shoots cannons from his arms, and a magic stick……What kind of people are these?”

Nick Fury murmured to himself while pacing at the top of the stairs.

“For so many years, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been looking for where the new enemy might come from, but they didn’t expect it to come from the sky…….This world is really terrible. In the future world, it may be difficult to protect the earth just by relying on ordinary armies.”

“Perhaps, all superpowers should be gathered together so that the earth can have the power to protect itself from the universe…….”

“Um? somebody is coming?”

Nick Fury’s eyes sharpened, and he immediately changed his posture.

It is impossible to dance, and it is impossible to dance in this life, so there is only……

“Hey! Pluto, dear Pluto, long time no see, do you miss me?”

Nick Fury hugged him with enthusiasm.

A soldier who happened to go upstairs said:”???”

“Wait, you got the wrong person. I’m not Pluto…….Damn it, don’t rub your beard against me!”

The soldier is going crazy. Where does this madness come from?

“no? That must be Goofy, right? I won’t admit my mistake. Do you still remember when you were three years old, who could pee farther than me?”

“No! And my name is not Goofy! I’m William, an active duty sergeant in the U.S. Air Force!”

“William? Oh, dear William, I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you! Come, to express my apology, I’ll buy you a drink……”

“No, no, no, I have to change my shift. Goodbye!”

The young man named William had goosebumps all over his body, and he ran away as if running away.

“Hey, young man, you’re a little too young to fight with me…….”

Nick Fury turned back triumphantly and found that Wang Mang and others had appeared in front of him at some point, looking at him with their mouths wide open.

The black braised egg makes me feel like I’m dead…………

“I can’t tell you, you black braised egg has quite a talent for comedy!”

Wang Mang smiled and patted Nick Fury on the shoulder.

Nick Fury had a dark face and didn’t want to speak. He was embarrassed today, so he couldn’t bear his shamelessness.

“Okay, now that you have everything, let’s go!”

Fortunately, Talos helped him break out of his embarrassment. He picked up a communicator:”The operation is over, everyone can go back.”

“action? What action?”

Nick Fury was stunned and suddenly had a bad feeling.

“Oh, I let people from SHIELD temporarily take over this place in the name of investigation. At this moment, my adjutant is turning into the agent named Phil Coulson and dealing with the person in charge here. Don’t forget that I am your boss now and have authority…….Or do you think that young man just now was so easy to fool?”

Everyone looked over at the same time:”You just know?”


A bolt from the blue!

Nick Fury’s black face suddenly turned purple:”Fuck Fuck!”

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that I am the only clown!……

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