“What is this thing?”

Although Modu is old, he has obviously transformed himself into a primitive man after staying in Kama Taj for so many years, and he has a certain understanding of electronic communication equipment…….

“The interstellar communicator allows Thor, the god of thunder, to receive messages from Asgard.”

Wang Mang is very satisfied with Modu’s expression at this moment. You can buy this kind of communicator at any mobile phone store and just modify it a little.

Although he doesn’t have the alien technology like Captain Marvel, he can use magic! Besides, Thor Although he is a little stupid, he is still a mage in essence. It is enough for the two of them to work together for an afternoon.

Therefore, Wang Mang now has a gold medal fighter at his disposal. After all, Thor is a fighting maniac…….

Of course you have to control the wine!

“All right……”

Modu was helpless……

At this moment, a battle is taking place in a spacecraft in low-Earth orbit.

A woman with her hands wrapped in iron gloves is as invincible as a big bear charging into a herd of sheep, with no enemy in her path.

The heavy metal gloves seemed to be tailor-made gloves. Even the Skrulls with reasonably good physical fitness could not withstand a punch.

A Skrull attacked from behind and stabbed the woman in the back with an electric baton.

“Bah la la……”


The woman only froze for a second, then turned back angrily and hit the Skrull behind her with an elbow.

Well, after the identification, this is a fierce person much more fierce than the God of Thunder. At least she is not afraid of the electric baton!

After a fierce struggle, the woman finally used her powerful superpower to break open the restraints on her hands, snatched a fighter jet and fled.

Unfortunately, before the fighter plane took off, it was shot by Talos, the leader of the Skrulls who came over. There was a malfunction during the flight and finally crashed to the planet below – the Earth…….

Nuyo Sanctuary, one of Kama Taj’s three major sanctuaries on the other side of the ocean, Wang Mang, who was practicing magic there, suddenly looked into the distant sky and saw a meteor falling.

“The plot begins!”

Wang Mang took out the communicator and pressed the button

“Let’s start a group. The opponent is a super fierce female man and a group of aliens. They will treat you to a drink after the fight!”……

“Come on, cheers!”

“Good wine!”

Asgard, Thor drank a barrel of beer in one breath. Looking at the three warriors of Asgard who were lying dead, he was dancing with excitement and prepared to continue to attract people to the entrance:”Sif, you come too!”

Sif turned her head away with a look of disgust.

Thor was immediately bored and turned his eyes to Loki, who looked innocent.

“Hey, no, no, no, I’ve seen this look before, no way!

Loki said with a irritable expression:”No!””

He is an elegant British gentleman. He can just take a sip of wine. How could he drink like an uncivilized savage and roll around on the floor?”

“Come on, let me feed you……”

Thor was obviously drunk and staggered closer…….

Damn it!

Loki was shocked and was about to run away. Unexpectedly, a hammer fell from the sky and knocked him to the ground.

“Hey hey hey……What’s the name of that one? Oh, Wang Mang, he told me that women are all duplicitous…….”

“Damn it!”

Loki was immediately furious. I’m a pure man. Is your brain moldy because of the beer?

Seeing Thor carrying a barrel and approaching him with a sinister smile, Loki felt extremely sad and angry. He Decided to fight!



A scream resounded throughout the sky, spreading throughout Asgard. Many soldiers were alerted at the same time and began to explore the source of the sound.

Then they saw Thor’s palace

“Oh, that’s okay.”

The soldiers dispersed……

Let’s not get involved when brothers are fighting. It would be a shame to have to be scolded by two princes in the end!

In the palace, their eldest prince was rolling around on the floor clutching his old back pain. A black communicator fell to the ground, and the screams of”didi, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep…….

Woohoo, my dear Loki stabbed me in the waist again!……

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