American Comic World of Martial Artists

Chapter 379: Great Harvest!

No. 036 barracks base, in the courtyard of the villa on Huxin Island.

Luo Hua sat comfortably on the stone bench, and began to count the harvest of this trip to the ruins and treasures.

The first is funding.

Because the blackmailers are all aliens, the protection fee they handed over cannot naturally be a mixed unit that belongs to the human virtual currency, but various precious items of the same value, among which metal puppets are the most.

As the power of thought swept through several space rings, Luo Hua quickly figured out these precious items, a total of about 450 billion Hunyuan units.

The second is to kill the Blood Fiend King, Canglu King and other extreme kings, as well as the spoils obtained from the peak of the king, including weapons, armor, spaceships and other items. After counting, the total value is about 510 billion yuan units .

Then there is the metal box in the treasure room.

There are nine metal boxes in total.

This is the biggest gain for the Luohua Ruins Treasure Team.

"The treasure-opening method used by the aborigines in the vortex ruins continent is different from the sacrificial towers on the Yanji continent. It needs the aborigines to open it. It requires a very special secret method to open it, and this secret method is actually the inheritance of the treasures in the ruins. Secret method." Luo Hua looked at the nine metal boxes and thought about it secretly, then his consciousness entered the virtual universe, and he used his authority to inquire.

Because before opening up the battlefield, many strong people in the Hongmeng had obtained this secret method of inheritance, so it can be found in the treasure house of the virtual universe company's secret method.

Soon, Luo Hua found out that this inheritance secret method is mainly about the amplitude of the soul, which is relatively precious, but the level of the secret method is not high, and the soul amplitude can only reach the level of 3-5 after cultivation.

"Basic inheritance..." Luo Hua thought for a while, and understood that if it was a high-level inheritance secret method, it would be difficult for the aborigines in the vortex ruins to cultivate, and the treasures left behind would be meaningless.

At the moment, he spent millions of points to purchase this basic soul inheritance secret method.

Luo Hua's soul is very special and has undergone transformation, so it is not difficult to practice this basic secret method of inheritance. It only took less than a month to understand the first level of the secret method.

To open the treasure, only the first floor is needed.

"Nine metal boxes, I don't know if there will be any special treasures." With anticipation, Luo Hua couldn't wait to use the secret method to open the boxes one by one.


Each metal box contains a world ring, and all of them are ownerless.

Luo Hua's thought power penetrated easily.

The scope of the world ring is very wide, and there are densely packed various items, including weapons, spaceships, armors, shields, etc., and they are of different levels from the universe level to the immortal level.

For this, Luo Hua was psychologically prepared. After all, this was the ethnic heritage of the aborigines in the vortex ruins mainland, and the items naturally had to be suitable for all levels.

There are three metal boxes, which are three world rings. The first world ring stores various valuable items, the other one stores precious secret techniques practiced by the aborigines, and the last world ring stores a A powerful weapon suitable for the king and the strong.

As for Chongbao, there is none.

"There are three metal boxes in each treasure room. Except for the treasure room I went in personally, I only got two-thirds of the metal boxes in the other three treasure rooms. If the remaining three metal boxes are stored Chongbao, I'm really out of luck." Luo Hua frowned secretly, although his strength is strong, if he really monopolizes all the treasures in the ruins, he will definitely make everyone angry, even if those kings are too afraid to do it, they will invite the camp they belong to Feng Wang Wudi came over, so he gave other camps a chance.

Shaking his head, suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind, he continued to investigate.

The two metal boxes in the second treasure room contain various items and precious secrets.

The third treasure room contains precious secret techniques and weapons suitable for kings and immortality.

The fourth treasure room contains all kinds of items and weapons used to seal the immortality of the king.

After the investigation, Luo Hua couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face. Obviously, there were no heavy treasures among the treasures in the ruins.

"I'm greedy. Heavy treasures are extremely rare in the first place, and it's impossible for the Aboriginal Venerable Universe to put heavy treasures in the inheritance treasures." Thinking of this, Luo Hua felt relieved.

In the next two or three months, he sold all the items and precious secrets, as well as the weapons used by King Immortal, through Hongmeng and Virtual Universe Company.

Among them, precious secret methods and items of different levels were mainly sold to the virtual universe company, with a value of about 1.5 trillion Hunyuan units, and the weapons used by Fengwang Immortal were auctioned out one by one through Hongmeng. A lot of auction fees, but the total value is around 600 billion mixed yuan units.

That is to say, the total value of the nine boxes this time is 2.1 trillion yuan units.

Except for the 240 billion Hunyuan units given to King Sha Yu and Cangxue King, Luo Hua's treasure trove from the ruins added up to 2.82 billion Hunyuan units.

"Master, post it, post it!" Xiao Luo, the assistant intelligent life, became excited.

Nearly three trillion mixed yuan units are a lot of money for the Venerable Universe. Of course, the Venerable Universe has treasures on him, and each treasure is of immeasurable value, even in the virtual universe. The company's treasury has to be exchanged with treasure points, and the points are useless at all.

"Indeed, it's nearly 3 trillion yuan in assets. At least when buying secret methods, you don't have to count carefully." Luo Hua couldn't help but smile on his face. The stronger his strength, the more amazing his accumulated wealth. When he was at the cosmic level, he did many tasks like crazy and earned less than 100 million points, but now his strength has reached the level of invincibility, and he has obtained trillions of points for just one treasure.

"It's no wonder those extremely strong king seals, knowing the danger in the treasure room, rushed in without hesitation. This time, the harvest has accumulated over tens of thousands of years, but fortunately, the invincible king seals from the Star Tower did not join in, otherwise It will be very difficult for me to obtain so many assets." Luo Hua sighed a little, if there is an invincible king, it would be almost impossible for him to blackmail the metal boxes in the other treasure rooms.


Thunder Island in the virtual universe, inside Celestial Eclipse Palace.

"Liu Li Wang, who has reached the level of invincible combat power and can teleport, block, and time-suspend, is interesting. My disciple really has an unimaginable talent in laws!" , when he learned of Luo Hua's reputation, he couldn't help being amazed, especially when he heard the trick of Liuli King's Three Laws, he lost his mind for a moment.

You know, it will teleport, and the blockade means that it has been recognized by the law of space, and it has a deep understanding.

And the time suspension also means that it has been recognized by the law of time.

Both superior laws are recognized, but most cosmic overlords cannot.

After all, once you understand the two superior laws of time and space, and control time and space, you will be the master of the universe!

"Even my teacher is not optimistic about Luo Hua taking the road of multiple fusion laws, but now it seems that it is a waste not to take multiple fusions with such a transcendent talent of laws." The Celestial Eclipse Palace Master's eyes seemed to pass through the layers. In the first layer of space, as if seeing Luo Hua, he muttered to himself.


Thank you for the 100 coin reward of life is like a dream 0 fantasy dream nothingness, thank you for the 200 coin reward for this blockhouse of youth, thank you for the 100 coin reward for the smoking bear, and thank you for the 100 coin reward for Guo Ai Yuan.

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