When he plotted to get rid of Sehit, many residents of Qingyuan Town were abducted by him.

Now it seems that just as the previous message said, he was punished by the gods...

A group of residents who were waiting for personnel at the entrance of the town couldn't help but panic when they saw the appearance of the lord.

They thought it was the lord who came forward to prevent them from leaving, but when they saw the lord's convoy passing them directly without paying attention, their slightly panicked mood calmed down a little.

In Qingyuan Town Castle, Gudern woke up early and plunged into the kitchen to start working.

As the 'Mid-Autumn Festival' in another world, the appearance of moon cakes is naturally indispensable. Gooden got up early in the morning and started busy making moon cakes.

Fortunately, this thing is a delicacy that has been around since ancient times. The ingredients are not picky, and the taste of the filling can be customized at will.

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the difficulty of production for people like Gudern in another world.

Various sweet and sour seasonings, or various fruit extract fillings, Gudern made more than ten flavors in one go.

Even the sweet and sour fruit tea that Irene often made for him, Gudern didn't miss it and made a batch.

Gooden was busy making more than one hundred mooncakes until around noon before he finished them all.

After the luncheon, Gudern received a notification from Joseph Sr.

"Master, Baron Gergil is here to visit. He is waiting in the drawing room now."

Seeing that the other party came to visit him in person so quickly, Gooden was a little surprised, but he still responded quickly.

"Okay, I get it."

He originally thought that Gergil would have to send someone to visit him in two days, but he didn't expect that he would arrive the next day.

Judging from the distance between the two sides and the delivery speed of the messenger, I am afraid that Gejier set off directly to Qingyuan Town as soon as he received the letter in the morning.

Charlieson's eager actions can also reflect the serious damage caused to the other party by burning the granary.

"By the way, let's go and inform Els that the rats can close the net. Since Gergil is here in person, there is no need to hide the town's information anymore."


Gudern has never forgotten the informants in the town. Now that the other party's big boss is here in person, there is no need to hide such little secrets.

In addition, the Charlesson family does not have much time to roam around, and Gudern no longer needs to hide and protect him.

After tidying up his appearance a little, Gudern went to the living room to meet Gezier.

In the living room, Gergil was holding hot tea brought by the maid, and soon after he heard Gudern's voice coming.

Looking up at Gudern, who was wearing casual clothes, he walked to the main seat in the living room and sat down.

When he first came in, Gudern couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Gergil's haggard and twilight appearance.

The last time I saw him was more than a month ago. At that time, Gejir didn't look like this. He had a restrained and refined temperament, and he didn't look like an old man over a hundred and fifty years old.

When we met this time, not only did the other party have a little more silver hair on his head, but the fatigue on his face could also be clearly felt.

"Baron Gergil, you don't look good like this."

Gudern was not polite when he came up and directly started to expose the other party's pain points.

"Alas, a fire burned down all the granaries in my town."

Gezier was frank. After sighing, he simply told the cause and effect without hiding anything.

"This year's food collection has not even had time to collect it, and it has also been reduced to ashes. Now you are the only one, Baron Gudern, who is willing to meet with me to discuss the food collection."

"No way? I remember that your family also has a lot of business dealings. How is it possible that no one is willing to help raise food?"

Gudern obviously didn't believe what the other party said, but Gergil smiled bitterly and explained.

"The war with the Ares Empire is inevitable. Those who have food in their hands are hoarding it to sell it next year. Now even if I increase the price to buy it, no one is willing to deliver it at this time."

It turns out that Gudern didn't completely believe it when he heard Gergil's explanation.

But considering this juncture and the profit-seeking character of businessmen, this situation is not completely impossible.

After all, the price of food now and food during war are two different prices.

After thinking for a moment, Gudern changed the topic to selling grain.

"This year is a good harvest year in Qingyuan Town. As neighbors, I should also help each other. Tell me, how much food do you need?"

Seeing that Gudern was so talkative, Gejir was stunned for a while, and then said quickly.

"Five hundred tons... no, four hundred tons..."

"Ahem...more, how much?"

As soon as he took a sip of the tea brought by Eileen, Gudern almost choked to death on Gergil's words.

Four hundred tons, according to the previous output of Qingyuan Town, this is already two-thirds of the amount, not to mention the matter of paying tax on grain.

The other party really dared to open his mouth.

"Well...if it's not convenient...three hundred tons is fine."

Seeing Gudern's surprised look, Gergil thought for a while and re-quoted the number.

"Baron Gergill, do you know what this number means?"

"Whether it's four hundred tons or three hundred tons, this is nearly half of the grain stocks in Qingyuan Town."

"Sell it to you, what will I eat next year? And do you really need so much food?"

Naturally, Gooden would not tell the other party the true inventory situation, but he would only add a little more than in previous years to a certain extent.

Facing Gudern's question, Gezier was silent for a while, feeling a little helpless.

"Baron Gooden, let me tell you the truth. All the granaries in my town were maliciously set on fire. The fires burned for a day and two nights. Now, not a single grain has been saved."

"The most important thing is that I can't even collect the amount of food from the empire now. I plan to use these 300 tons to hand over, and the remaining 100 tons will be reserved for the town to survive the winter and survive the coming year. spring."

Gudern could not completely believe what the old fox in front of him said. After all, he clearly remembered all the bad deeds of the other party.

And until the two parties have completely broken through the final pretense, he does not dare to point it out directly, for fear that the other party will destroy it to the death.

This kind of family, which has been entrenched in the border territories for more than a hundred years, would not be believed by Gudern without any back-up.

If you dare to plan a treasonous incident, what fear will the other party have to kill another lord?

Pretending to be thoughtful, Gudern nodded after a while.

"It's not that I can't get the four hundred tons, but we have to discuss the price carefully."

Seeing Gudern agreeing, Gergil's eyes were full of surprise and he nodded repeatedly.

"No problem, now is a special time, the price is negotiable."

"Okay, then I'll give you a price, ten copper coins per pound of wheat."

Upon hearing Gudern's price, the smile on Gergil's face froze.

"Baron Gooden, are you kidding me? Or did I hear wrongly?"

What is the concept of copper coins per pound of wheat? Even during the war, the price was not that outrageous.

This kind of price would only be possible unless a disaster caused a drop in national production.

Gudern came up with the price of ten copper coins per pound, which made Gergil mistakenly think that Gudern was playing tricks on him.

"No kidding, that's ten coppers per pound."

Gudern nodded seriously and determined the price for the other party.

Just when Gergil wanted to retort, Gudern explained in advance.

"Ten copper coins per pound is just the initial price. If Baron Gergil wants to get a reasonable price, please listen to me continue."

Seeing that there was still more talk, Gezier closed his open mouth and motioned for Gudern to continue.

"Qingyuan Town now needs a large population for development. This happens to happen in your town. How about we cooperate with each other."

"I will provide food, you will provide people, and I will offset the cost of purchasing food at the price of five silver coins per person."

"If we can attract 500 people from Qingyuan Town, the price of ten copper coins per pound will be reduced to seven copper coins, and at the same time, it can offset the price of twenty-five gold coins."

"If you can bring in a thousand people, the seven copper coins will be reduced to five copper coins, which can offset the fifty gold coins for food. At that time, you only need to pay me three hundred and ninety gold coins to take away the four hundred tons of food. .”

"The population of Snow Valley Town must be larger than that of our Qingyuan Town. If there is really nothing left in your granary, a hundred tons of grain may not be able to survive this winter. It is better to reduce the population and send it to our Qingyuan Town." superior."

Gudern's words made Gergil stunned for a while. It took him a long time to realize that he was trying to attract the attention of the residents of his town.

And at this moment, a thought came to Gejier's mind, could it be that the little brat in front of him set this fire?

Otherwise, he couldn't find any conditions to refuse, was this something he just thought of on the spot?

So what happened to the fool that he played for three or four years before?

But then again, Gergill was also very moved by the conditions proposed by Gudern.

If he can send away a thousand people, not only can he get the lowest discount, but he can even reduce the cost of a lot of gold coins, and he can also reduce a lot of expenses during the winter.

Under the triple temptation, Gejir immediately decided.

"Baron Gooden, if I can send more people, is there a downward discount on the price?"

"No." Gooden shook his head, "But the five silver coins per head fee can continue to be calculated. If you recruit 1,500 people, I will convert it into 70 gold coins for you. If you recruit 2,000 people, I will convert it into 100 gold coins for you. "

Seeing Gudern's appetite, Gezier took a deep breath.

"Okay, then I'll go get ready. I hope Baron Gudern can also arrange the food I need."

"No problem, but there is one more thing I have to say in advance." Gudern nodded and said, "I can accept that there are old people, children and women in this group, but I also require that there be adult men under forty years old. Four percent."

"If it is less than 40%, then the discounted price is eight copper coins and six copper coins, and the head cost is only two silver coins."

Regarding this request, Gejir thought for a while and nodded.

"no problem."

Snow Valley Town has a population of more than 5,000 residents, so it is no problem for Gejir to gather such a group of people who meet the requirements.

Then the two simply made a paper contract as a voucher.

After discussing the solution to the food crisis, Gejir immediately left.

As for going to the tavern to meet the informants, he also guessed that all of them had been discovered and controlled.

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