At the time, he thought it was just that people didn't understand his behavior, but now it seems that they were most charitable in their behavior. (The asterisks are your own guess.)

After retracting his thoughts that flew away, Gudern looked at Erin.

Judging from the attribute of her entry "wholeheartedly", maxing out the scholarship seems to be a sure thing...

After a moment of silence, Erin was ready to give up, and then Gudern agreed.

"I have approved the request for leave. The salary will be paid as usual. Then you can ask other maids if they also want to study. If so, you can study in groups."

Having said this, Gooden paused and joked.

"I don't want to wake up and find out that everyone is studying at school and no one is waiting for me."

With Gudern's permission, Irene's face suddenly showed a smile and she quickly said happily.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Go and do your work. Just leave these and let others collect them when the time comes."

After taking a bite of the shortbread, Gudern spoke vaguely.

"Yeah, I'll take my leave now, young master."

Irene was in a very good mood at the moment, and she was bumpy when walking. If Gudern hadn't been here, she would have jumped up.

Looking at the slowly closing wooden door, Gudern's smiling face disappeared in the next second, revealing a thoughtful look.

This common-sense mistake and stupid thing set off a warning bell in his heart. Putting it here with some modern people's thinking, he seemed to be nothing.

But for people in this world, that's a bit 'stupid (sha) stupid (bi)'.

With all the existing knowledge he could produce, he could use the modification of entries as an excuse to get rid of suspicion by awakening the 'empowerment' ability.

Like Old Joseph, he also showed off the abilities given by many modified entries to reduce his suspicion.

But if he makes a common sense mistake that is only known in some native worlds, then he will be in danger.

He still has an excuse in Qingyuan Town, but when he becomes famous in the mainland in the future, he will attract the attention of giants and even gods.

At that time, if it was discovered that someone was not from this world, would he be taken away for study?

Or what about causing panic and causing hostility from others?

No one knows this kind of thing...

After eating afternoon tea, Gooden got up and did some simple activities for a while, and then continued to devote himself to writing the outline of the subsequent development plan of Qingyuan Town.

At night, after using up three revision opportunities, Gooden went to bed early.

The next morning, Gudern got up early to prepare the equipment for going out.

Heading to the exit of the town in the direction of the manganese mine, fifteen carriages and horses are already ready here.

The car contained ten days' worth of living supplies for No. 70 people, as well as some iron tools made by the blacksmith.

After Gudern led the soldiers and hunters to join the convoy, everyone set off straight to the manganese mine.

This time going to the mine, Gudern had made complete preparations.

In addition to wearing the rifle and staff, a special manganese steel inner armor is also worn on the body.

Regarding the craftsmanship of making armor, Gudern is now said to have become proficient in it.

After bringing back a batch of manganese ore this time, I can officially build a set of exclusive armor and weapons for Irene.

Since not everyone had horses to ride on this trip to the mine, half of the people were going there on foot, so the pace was slow.

It was not until noon that the journey was only about half completed.

After a brief rest and lunch, everyone continued on their way. Under the shining of the setting sun, everyone arrived at the manganese mine.

The top priority at this time was to establish a camp for accommodation. About seventy people had already arranged their work when they set off.

After arriving at the destination, they began to work individually, digging holes to build houses, cutting down trees and getting materials, and some housewives accompanying them gathered together to prepare dinner.

Gudern, on the other hand, led the hunters and soldiers around the mine to inspect.

Since the orc scouts can appear nearby, it also means that more orc scouts may be hiding in this vast land.

In order to ensure the safety of the mine, Guente brought two hunters to check the surrounding animal traces.

As an orc, some basic habits will still be retained. Claw marks, footprints and even excrement are all very obvious features.

The old hunters didn't know what the lord was looking for, but they still searched the area based on the characteristics of many animals living together.

Until the starry night rose, no relevant traces were found.

Gooden was also expecting this result. If traces could be found now, he might not be able to sleep well tonight.

Back at the camp, Gudern looked at the people who were still busy building and thought about the combat power of both sides.

Among the seventy people who came to dig in the mine, one-third had served in the imperial army.

Seven or eight years ago, the empire's conscription method was still compulsory service, and all adults had to join the army and serve for three years.

With the weakening of foreign enemies and the stability of the mainland, compulsory conscription was abolished and replaced with voluntary service and a certain number of soldiers supplied by the region.

With the foundation to join the army and some basic defense arrangements, if you encounter an orc scout, you should be able to resist it, right?

Shaking his head, Gudern returned his thoughts to night safety, and then took a rest after arranging night sentries and early warning traps.

Late at night, countless stars twinkle in the sky, and insects and beasts hum around.

Just when everything seemed very quiet, a huge flash of light suddenly exploded in the air more than ten kilometers away.

Suddenly, a small sun appeared in the sky...

Chapter 49 Night Rescue

The ball of light emerging from the sky set off sentries on alert at night, and many residents who were sleeping lightly were awakened by the bright light.

Gudern was also awakened by Els in his sleep. Looking at the ball of light in Qingyuan Snow Ridge in the northeast, Gudn looked serious.

"What... is this thing?"

As more people were awakened by bursts of exclamations, the originally silent camp became lively again.

Veterans who have served in the military will recognize what this is at a glance.

"This is like an army lighting scroll. If it is used suddenly at night, I am afraid that it is an enemy attack..."

The veteran who recognized the light ball muttered to himself in a deep voice, and Gooden quickly learned the function and origin of this thing.

Then the first thing that came to mind was Captain Dedalo, who had escorted him a few days ago.

"Emergency combat preparations. Now there are five people in groups. One group prepares horse weapons. Let those with combat experience prepare combat weapons and send out the weapons and shields of the tail car."

"Another group quickly organized personnel to prepare to hold on to the mine. Five minutes later, all the soldiers gathered and prepared to go with me to check the situation."

Gudern understood the seriousness of the situation in an instant and immediately started preparations for battle.

The trained soldiers executed Gudern's orders as quickly as possible after hearing the emergency battle preparation command.

The miners and residents didn't know what was happening at the moment, but with the preparation plan and the guidance and arrangements of the lord's soldiers, everyone was quickly prepared.

The original five minutes of preparation was now compressed to three minutes.

Looking at the people who had prepared, Gudern said loudly.

"Now I will take my soldiers to investigate the situation. If I have not returned before noon tomorrow, the remaining personnel will immediately evacuate as quickly as possible back to Qingyuan Town and report the news to Old Joseph."

"During the evacuation, all materials were discarded and destroyed, and only the carriages and horses were evacuated."


After speaking, Gudern did not wait for the miners to ask, raised his whip and ran away, followed closely by the soldiers who followed him on horseback.

As time goes by, the brightness of the light ball in the sky begins to weaken significantly.

But Gudern, who had been running wildly for seven or eight minutes, couldn't help but retreat when he saw the ball of light that was still so close.

I came to support out of my duty and desire to understand the situation.

Don't wait until all the local people are dead. Go and support a lonely person. There is even the possibility of giving someone away. This makes him have the urge to return the same way.

But then, the second lighting scroll took off and exploded.

This can also show that the situation of the attacked imperial army is not that bad at present, at least they still need to rely on light to fight.

Gritting his teeth, Gudern said loudly: "Everyone is here, keep running!"

No one in the team of ten spoke, they just silently stepped up their horses and let them continue to run at a faster speed.

After about ten minutes of running, everyone suddenly and clearly heard a brutal beast roar coming from the front.

Looks like we've arrived!

Horses are not flexible when crossing the woods. Now that the destination has been reached, Gudern directly ordered to advance on foot.

The third ball of light above the head has risen, and the orange-white light illuminates the entire area as brightly as noon.

Gudern and others quickly moved forward less than 200 meters before they could see figures colliding and fighting.

The sounds of fighting and the clanking of metal collisions were clearly audible in an instant, and Gudern even saw clearly visible air waves making the surrounding area rustle.

But this situation only lasted for about ten seconds before it became silent. Due to the obstruction of the trees, Gooden could not see which side was temporarily victorious.

"Keep moving forward, in semicircle formation. Don't rush out to fight the enemy. Just report the enemy's location to me."

After Gudern whispered instructions, the ten people quickly formed a formation and continued to move forward.

The task of the small team of soldiers is to protect his close safety, and the main killing task is the rifle entrusted to him.

Holding the magic rifle tightly, the manganese steel bullets in the gun chamber have been filled, and three magic charges are ready to be continued.

Suddenly, a leaf slowly fell from the sky and caught Gudern's attention.

He raised his head slightly and looked at him with a pair of scarlet eyes between the treetops.

"Overhead, enemy attack!"

The terrifying aura made Gudern roar, and then he directly activated his magic guidance, and three bullets flew out in a straight line.

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