Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Eighty-six: Murder and go to jail! 1 giant in the business world!

"Almighty daughter burns the sky ()"!

After the words fell, An Lizi continued: "He must be allowed to leave the house! Also, this supermarket can no longer be opened, let's turn it into cash!"

This is what Ye Zhuo specifically instructed An Lizi.

Once Xia Xiaoman agreed to the divorce, she had to transfer the supermarket that their family currently opened immediately.

If the supermarket had always been there, An Dongliang would definitely have been pestering Xia Xiaoman.

Open the door to do business, most afraid of such people.

Xia Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, not understanding what An Lizi said.

An Lizi explained the reason to Xia Xiaoman, and Xia Xiaoman nodded in agreement, "Lizi, what your classmate said makes sense!"

Worrying that Xia Xiaoman would think wildly, An Lizi continued: "Mom, don't worry, even if we get divorced, we can still live well with your ability! My classmate, she doesn't have a father, I think her mother takes care of her. You are young! So, Mom, don't be sad, don't be sad, this is a good thing for us!"

The daughter is so strong, she naturally can't be too cowardly.

Xia Xiaoman nodded, "Yes."

After the words fell, An Lizi remembered Ye Zhuo's words again, "Mom, if we want him to leave the house, we have to endure it for the time being, at least until the supermarket is successfully transferred out!"

This 'he' naturally refers to An Dongliang.

Xia Xiaoman naturally understood the meaning of An Lizi's words, "Don't worry Lizi, don't hold back, as long as I want, the supermarket can go out tomorrow."

Xia Xiaoman has been in business for so many years and knows many bosses.

There are many people who want to take over the supermarket.

"Really?" An Lizi's eyes lit up.

Xia Xiaoman nodded.

An Lizi continued, "Mom, let's go to the hospital now."

Surveillance is installed at home, with surveillance video plus injury identification and evidence of An Dongliang's derailment, it will be much easier to go to court to sue for divorce!

The mother and daughter came to the hospital.

The wound on Xia Xiaoman's head didn't look serious, but he had several stitches.

An Lizi was so uncomfortable, she regretted not pointing the beer bottle to the back of An Dongliang's head!

Xia Xiaoman held An Lizi's hand, "Lizi, Mom is fine, you don't have to worry."

Although Xia Xiaoman had several stitches on her head, she did not choose to be hospitalized. She prescribed some medicine, got the injury appraisal report, and took An Lizi home.

Xia Xiaoman is a person with strong executive power. The next day, he contacted the person who wanted to take over the supermarket before and talked about the transfer.

The other party's name is Wang Daqiang, who is 42 years old. He is very strong and has known Xia Xiaoman for many years.

"Xiaoman, you have been operating this supermarket for 12 years, are you really willing to transfer it to me?"

Xia Xiaoman smiled and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you? It's been 12 years and I'm so tired. I want to take a good rest."

Wang Daqiang and Xia Xiaoman have known each other for so many years, so they naturally know that Xia Xiaoman is a shrewd and capable woman, and said enviously, "Your husband married you, what a blessing for three lifetimes!"

Xia Xiaoman smiled and didn't answer.

"By the way, the transfer fee really can't be lower?" Wang Daqiang then asked.

Xia Xiaoman continued: "I have more than 2 million goods in here, and with this three-story house, you are not at a loss for 35 million! If it is not urgent to transfer, I am really reluctant to sell 35 million."

This house was bought by Xia Xiaoman himself.

Twelve years ago, the housing prices in Yunjing were not as terrifying as they are now, and it only cost 100,000 yuan to buy this house.

After living for so many years, I have feelings.

If it wasn't for this incident, Xia Xiaoman would really be reluctant to sell it.

"Okay!" Wang Daqiang thought for a while, "35 million is 35 million! When are we going to go through the transfer procedures?"

Wang Daqiang is not a fool either.

He knew that the value of this supermarket was far more than 35 million!

The house alone has already sold for 16 million yuan, and the supermarket business is so good, he really does not lose 35 million yuan.

"Go now." Xia Xiaoman said.

Wang Daqiang was a little surprised that Xia Xiaoman was in such a hurry, but he didn't ask much, "Okay, let's go then."

After completing the transfer procedures, the next day, Xia Xiaoman took An Lizi away from the home where she had lived for more than ten years.

Moved into a small villa that I just bought.

The villa has an elegant environment and is very close to Northbridge High School.

On the third day after moving in, An Lizi invited Ye Zhuo and Zhao Pingting to be guests.

Ye Zhuo and Zhao Pingting arrived as promised.

An Lizi introduced the two to Xia Xiaoman, "Mom, this is Ye Zhuo, you can call her Zhuozhuo, this is Zhao Pingting, you can call her Pingting."

Xia Xiaoman smiled and said, "Hello Zhuozhuo Pingting, I'm An Lizi's mother."

"Hello, Auntie." The two greeted politely.

Xia Xiaoman knew that this time their family was thanks to Ye Zhuo, so he looked at Ye Zhuo more.

Eyes are full of amazing light.

This little girl is not only good-looking, but also very calm, without the impetuousness of her peers.

No wonder things are handled so well.

Letting her, an adult, stand in front of her makes me feel ashamed.

Xia Xiaoman continued, "Zhaozhuo Pingting, don't be restrained at Auntie's place, just like at your own home, I still have something to go out, Lizi, remember to treat Zhuozhuo and Pingting well."

Xia Xiaoman knew that today's young people are different from their age, and if they were at home, the children would definitely be unable to let go.

An Lizi nodded, "I see."

After Xia Xiaoman left, Zhao Pingting asked curiously, "Lizi, have your father and your mother divorced?"

An Lizi said: "My mother went out today to ask a lawyer to do this."

"What about your father?"

An Lizi said: "He should be with his mistress. He hasn't come back since the last time I fell out with my mother! My mother plans to send the court summons directly to Liang Xinyi."

Zhao Pingting then instructed: "If he is crying and repenting, then you must not be soft-hearted! As far as I know, all scumbags can act."

"Don't worry, no." An Lizi's eyes were firm.

But from the moment An Dongliang beat her and her mother, An Lizi lost her father in her life.

An Dongliang didn't go back for a few days because he wanted to give Xia Xiaoman a blow.

Let Xia Xiaoman feel a sense of crisis.

Xia Xiaoman loved him so much, she would definitely kneel and beg him to go back!

However, what An Dongliang didn't expect was that instead of waiting for Xia Xiaoman, he waited for the summons from the court.

Cause of action: Divorce disputes.

An Dongliang's head was buzzing, and he looked at the subpoena in disbelief.

Xia Xiaoman loves him so much, why would she want to divorce him!

But this subpoena is not fake.

The most important thing is that Xia Xiaoman not only wants to divorce him, but also wants him to leave the house.


It's so brave!

Everything in the An family belongs to him, he is the head of the family, and it is Xia Xiaoman who should go out of the house!

An Dongliang immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Xia Xiaoman.

I thought Xia Xiaoman would not answer the phone.

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiaoman actually answered, "Hello."

"Xia Xiaoman! You want to divorce me?" An Dongliang said angrily.

"Yes." Xia Xiaoman's voice was calm.

"Bitch! I won't divorce you! I won't go to court either!"

"Whatever you want." Xia Xiaoman continued: "It's just that if you don't go, the court will automatically dissolve our marriage."

After saying this, Xia Xiaoman hung up the phone.

Liang Xinyi walked over, "Dongliang, your wife wants to divorce you?"

An Dongliang nodded.

A light flashed in Liang Xinyi's eyes. After waiting for so many years, she finally let her wait until today.

From now on, she will be Mrs. Fu.

"Let's go then! Anyway, you have no feelings for her anymore!" Liang Xinyi hugged An Dongliang, "I will always be by your side in the future, forever and ever."

With Liang Xinyi's words, An Dongliang felt a lot more comfortable, "You stay at home first, I'll go back."

"Why are you going back?"

An Dongliang said: "I'm going to drive Xia Xiaoman out! The supermarket is our home, and that bitch Xia Xiaoman is no longer worthy of staying in the supermarket!"

"Then I'll go with you!" Liang Xinyi's mind changed.

"I'll go alone. You're not suitable to come forward at this time. When I divorce that bitch, you can go to the supermarket." An Dongliang picked up his suit and went out like this.

Come to Anjia supermarket.

An Dongliang discovered that a strange man was sitting in the living room on the third floor.

"Who are you? Why are you sitting in our living room? Where is Xia Xiaoman?"

This strange man is Wang Daqiang, "Xia Xiaoman has already transferred the supermarket to me."


An Dongliang was so angry that he started to flip the table, "I opened this supermarket! I didn't say transfer, who would dare to transfer it! I am the real owner of the supermarket! Get out of here! This is my home!"

Wang Daqiang didn't do anything with him, and called the police directly, "Hello 110? Someone here forcibly broke into the house!"

The police came soon.

An Dongliang was taken away by the police.

Ten days later, the divorce case between Xia Xiaoman and An Dongliang was officially opened.

Because An Dongliang also cheated with domestic violence, the court ordered him to leave the house directly.

Now An Dongliang is really panicking! Kneeling in front of Xia Xiaoman, he wept bitterly, saying that he would immediately cut off all ties with Liang Xinyi.

Treat Xia Xiaoman and An Lizi well in the future.

Unfortunately, Xia Xiaoman is no longer the Xia Xiaoman of the past, "An Dongliang, we can't go back! I wish you and Liang Xinyi a long time!"

Poor couples mourn for everything.

Now that An Dongliang has nothing left, can he really live with Liang Xinyi for a long time?

Hearing this, An Dongliang's eyes lit up, and he immediately found the sustenance.


He also has Liang Xinyi!

With Liang Xinyi by his side, even if there is nothing, he can still make a comeback!

An Dongliang got up from the ground, "Xia Xiaoman! Remember what you said today and don't regret it later!"

Xia Xiaoman smiled, "Don't worry, I will never regret it."

After saying this, Xia Xiaoman turned around and left.

An Dongliang also returned to Liang Xinyi's residence.

In order to celebrate An Dongliang's successful divorce, Liang Xinyi prepared a sumptuous candlelight dinner.

Looking at the candlelight dinner carefully prepared by Liang Xinyi, An Dongliang was very happy.

He knew that Liang Xinyi really loved him, no matter what he became, Liang Xinyi would never abandon him.

But after learning that An Dongliang was purified and left the house, Liang Xinyi's gentle expression changed instantly, "Don, Dongliang, stop joking!" An Dongliang is the head of the family with such a large property, how could he be purified Out of the house!

An Dongliang sighed, "It's true! That bitch Xia Xiaoman confessed to me! I don't even have a chance to appeal now! Xinyi, I have nothing now, I have only you."

"Where's the court's verdict? Let me see!" Liang Xinyi said.

An Dongliang handed the verdict to Liang Xinyi.

Liang Xinyi originally thought that An Dongliang was testing her.

After reading the verdict, Liang Xinyi's heart went cold!

She didn't expect that An Dongliang was actually pursed out of the house!

Didn't get a dime!

"So, you are now a poor and penniless ghost?" Liang Xinyi looked at An Dongliang like that.

At first, she hooked up with An Dongliang when she saw that An Dongliang was rich.

Now An Dongliang is a poor man.

Then she doesn't need to pretend.

She didn't want to waste time on a poor ghost!

"Xinyi?" An Dongliang looked at Liang Xinyi in disbelief, thinking he had hallucinations.

"An Dongliang, since things have come to this point, I'll tell you directly! I never loved you at all, and I was with you before because of your money!"

An Dongliang looked at Liang Xinyi like this, his face full of disbelief.

In her eyes, Liang Xinyi has always been a kind and good woman.

How could she become like this?

"Xinyi, are you kidding me?"

Liang Xinyi said, "I'm not joking with you! You don't pee and see what your own virtues are! You're worthy of me? If you still have some self-knowledge, just pack your things and get out!"

Hearing these cold and ruthless words, An Dongliang's face was full of anger, and he slapped Liang Xinyi with his hand, "Bitch! You slut! I broke up for your wife and I have no money! You actually lied to me. !"

For so many years, An Dongliang never thought that Liang Xinyi was with him for money.

Liang Xinyi was stunned. She didn't expect An Dongliang to do it, and screamed, "Ah, how dare you hit me! You are a poor ghost! The toad wants to eat swan meat! Shameless!"

These words stimulated An Dongliang to lose control completely. He pressed Liang Xinyi to the ground, and greeted Liang Xinyi with whatever he caught.

"Biaozi! Bitch, you made me so miserable! I killed you today!"

Liang Xinyi struggled and said, "Help! Killed!"

"Call! I'll let you call!" An Dongliang's expression became more and more fierce, and he started to be more ruthless.

Soon, Liang Xinyi stopped moving.

An Dongliang sat on the ground with a numb expression.

It took a moment for An Dongliang to react, looking at Liang Xinyi, who was already beyond recognition on the ground, and said with a smile, "Good death! Bitch! Damn you!"

Just when An Dongliang packed his clothes and was about to escape overnight, the door was kicked open by the police.

It turned out that the neighbor downstairs heard the wrong sound and called the police.


An Dongliang's salute fell to the ground, and a cold handcuff bound him.

Xia Xiaoman was not surprised after learning that An Dongliang was imprisoned for murder.

Because from the beginning, she knew that An Dongliang would not end well.

An Lizi went to see An Dongliang.

In any case, An Dongliang is his father, and now An Dongliang's life has entered the countdown.

She should have come to see him.

separated by a glass.

An Lizi saw An Dongliang with a haggard face. In just a few days, An Dongliang seemed to have changed.


"Lizi." Facing An Lizi, An Dongliang put on a smile, "Thank you for coming to see Dad."

When the prison guard said that family members came to see him, An Dongliang thought it was a mistake.

Unexpectedly, An Lizi really came.

"Are you in there?" An Lizi asked.

All the people who lived with An Dongliang were executed prisoners.

These people can do anything.

Ordinary people can't imagine what kind of torture this is.

If he could do it all over again, An Dongliang would never betray Xia Xiaoman, he would take good care of his wife and daughter.


Can not go back.

An Dongliang nodded and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry. Lizi, you and your mother have to do well, study hard, get into a good university, and don't let your mother worry about it."

"Your mother is a good woman. I'm obsessed. I'm sorry for her, and I'm sorry for you. I'm not a good husband, and I'm not a good father."


"Lizi, if you want to get married in the future, keep your eyes open and never meet someone like me! Listen to your mother, she is your mother, older than you, and has more social experience than you. Rich, and has a better eye for people than you..."

"Lizi, you must be on good terms with your mother!"

People who are about to die are also good at their words, and before she knew it, An Lizi had already burst into tears.

Once upon a time, she also had a happy family and a father who loved her...

The ten-minute visitation time passed quickly.

Walking out of the gate of the prison, An Lizi looked up at the sun above her head and tried her best to hold back her tears.

All the haze has passed, and in the next days, she will prepare for the college entrance examination wholeheartedly, and strive to be admitted to the same university as Ye Zhuo.


These days, Ye Shu has been learning English, and even when he was eating, he did not forget to read an English dictionary.

When Ye Sen came home from a business trip, he was stunned!

The person in front of him who is chatting with Ye Zhuo in English is really Ye Shu?

After learning English for a while, Ye Sen is not a layman, he can tell that Ye Shu's pronunciation is very standard!

"Sister, are you hanging up! It's only been a few days? You speak English so well?!"

Ye Shu raised his head with a smile, "Do you think everyone is you? How can you learn English well after three days of fishing and two days of netting?"

In fact, in the first few days, Ye Sen was still very serious.

After a few days, he couldn't hold on anymore.

Ye Sen is only interested in things that interest him.

English is too boring.

When Ye Shu's words broke his heart, Ye Sen scratched his head embarrassedly, "Who said that, I'm working hard too, okay?"

Ye Zhuo answered lightly, "Uncle, Mr. Tom, who is in charge of your class, sent me a message yesterday and told me that you haven't been to his live broadcast room for three days."

Ye Sen: "..." What the hell! ruthless! How cruel!

After the words fell, Ye Zhuo continued: "Uncle, you can't do this. Learning English will do you no harm! Immediately, my mother will dump you for several streets, and you are still standing still!"

Ye Sen nodded and said firmly: "From today onwards, I will definitely study English well!"

"This is for you." Ye Zhuo handed Ye Sen a book.

"What is this?" Ye Sen looked puzzled.

Ye Zhuo continued: "The above are some of the methods I recorded for learning English. Good memory is not as good as bad writing. You can memorize it when you have time. My mother will check it in a week."

Ye Shu nodded cooperatively.

Ye Sen, like a child sometimes, must be supervised.

Otherwise, he will never learn English well.

And the person Ye Sen was most afraid of was Ye Shu.

Ye Sen took the notebook and said with a smile, "Why don't you just memorize something? It's a piece of cake!"

After lunch, Ye Shu and Ye Sen went to work.

Ye Zhuo was the only one left at home.

Ye Zhuo sat at the desk, lowered her head and drew something, with a focused expression, the sunlight shone in from the window, casting a faint halo on her brows and eyes.

Just then, the doorbell rang in the air.

Ye Zhuo picked up a book, pressed down the drawing, and went out to open the door.

The door was opened, but there was no one outside.

Ye Zhuo frowned slightly.

Did she draw a picture and make her brain stupid?


"Who is it? Anyone?"

Ye Zhuo asked a question, but no one answered.

Just as Ye Zhuo was about to close the door, a group of figures jumped out from the corner, "surprise!"

Ye Zhuo looked at the visitor in surprise, "Grandma Cen?"

"Ye Ye!" Mrs. Cen trotted over, wanting to give Ye Zhuo a warm hug.

But when he was about to walk to Ye Zhuo's side, he accidentally slipped his foot and was about to fall to the ground. Ye Zhuo quickly supported her, "Be careful!"

"Ye Ye, you are so good!" Old Mrs. Cen hugged Ye Zhuo.

As expected of her grandson daughter-in-law!

Ye Zhuo touched his nose habitually, "Generally the third in the world."

"What is the third in the world!" The old lady Cen said with a serious face: "It is obviously the number one in the world! NO.1!"

Ye Zhuo was a little embarrassed by Mrs. Cen's praise, and dragged Mrs. Cen into the living room.

"Grandma Cen, are you cold? Would you like to make a cup of milk tea for you?" Although it's early spring, it's been cold in the past few days, and it's still a little cold outside.

"You can still make milk tea, Ye Zi?" Mrs. Cen said in surprise.

Ye Zhuo nodded.

"You are so amazing, Ye Ye!"

With such a powerful leaf, her great-grandson will definitely be a little genius in the future!

Good looks and smart brains!

Her great-grandson must be rare to die.

The more old Mrs. Cen thought, the happier she was, her eyes seemed to have seen her lovely great-grandson.

Ye Zhuo came to the kitchen to make milk tea for Mrs. Cen.

Mrs. Cen also followed to the kitchen.

The two talked and laughed. The atmosphere in the kitchen was very warm. Although there was a big age difference between the old and the young, there was no obstacle to communication.

After a while, the smell of milk tea wafted in the kitchen.

Ye Zhuo took out a cup of the prepared milk tea and handed it to Mrs. Cen, "You drink it slowly, be careful of the heat."

Mrs. Cen blew and took a sip carefully. A strong aroma of black tea permeated her entire mouth instantly, with a hint of milk and caramel.

It was so good to drink!

Old Mrs. Cen was born into a nobleman, what drink have you not drunk in these years? But it was the first time I drank handmade milk tea.

Taste is second.

Mind is the most important thing.

Such a beautiful and ingenious leaf is really cheap for her sand sculpture grandson!

Finish drinking milk tea.

The old lady Cen continued: "Ye Ye, are you free tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is Sunday, Ye Zhuo has nothing important to do, so he nodded slightly, "I'm free."

Old Mrs. Cen grabbed Ye Zhuo's hand and said, "Ye Zi, then you can visit my house tomorrow! You cured my head problem last time. My daughter-in-law and my eldest grandson want to thank you in person!"

For so long, Mrs. Cen has been wanting to invite Ye Zhuo to sit at home.

Unfortunately, Ye Zhuo has never been free here.

Ye Zhuo said with a smile: "Grandma Cen, you have thanked me many times. You brought so many gifts last time, so I really don't need to thank me any more."

Mrs. Cen frowned and said, "Ye Ye, do you dislike me?"

"how could be!"

The old lady Cen continued: "Since you don't dislike me, then you can go to my house tomorrow to play, and I'm not just trying to thank you. You see, I know your house so well, and you'll pay it back even once. Haven't been to my house! Ye Ye, are we still friends?"

Of course, she didn't simply want to thank Ye Zhuo.

She also wanted Cen Shaoqing to meet Ye Zhuo.

Ye Zhuo is so beautiful, Mrs. Cen doesn't believe it, he won't be moved!

Old Mrs. Cen said so, and Ye Zhuo couldn't refuse, "Since that's the case, then I'll be more respectful than obeying my orders! Where is your home? I'll be there tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Mrs. Cen's eyes lit up, she was so excited!

Finally, the plan to abduct his grandson's daughter-in-law back home took a step forward.

The eight characters finally have a stroke.

She is simply the number one invincible grandma in the universe!

"Guozhuo! Then we agreed, then you are not allowed to let me doves!"

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I won't break my promise."

Old Mrs. Cen said with a smile, "My family lives at No. A2, Jinxiu Manor. Ye Zi, remember to come early tomorrow! Remember to call me when you're almost there! Forget it, I'll call you!"

Ye Zhuo of Jinxiu Manor knew it.

The famous wealthy area of ​​Yunjing.

It is appropriate to use an inch of land and an inch of gold to describe the houses there.

Living in such a place, Mrs. Cen deserves to be someone who has mines at home!

After staying at Ye's house for an afternoon, after repeatedly confirming that Ye Zhuo would come tomorrow as scheduled, Mrs. Cen reluctantly left the Ye's house.

Ye Zhuo sent Mrs. Cen to the gate of the community.

The Cen family's car was already waiting on the side of the road.

The driver is still Xiao Wang, the driver.

After the old lady Cen got into the car, the smile on her face still did not diminish, she leaned back in the seat, "Xiao Wang, are you tired of driving recently?"

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, and a strange sense of familiarity emerged spontaneously.

Mrs. Cen took the initiative to talk to him twice.

The first time was to show off that she had a beautiful granddaughter-in-law.

The second time was to show off that she was a good Chinese grandmother.

I don't know what to show off this time.

He is so hard!

"Thank you old lady for your concern, I'm not tired."

The old lady Cen continued, "Are you looking for a girlfriend now?"

"No." Xiao Wang shook his head.

Mrs. Cen frowned, "Last year, you were a single dog. It's been a year, why are you still a single dog?"

Xiao Wang: "..." So heartbreaking!

After a long while, Xiao Wang said, "Old lady, you are so fashionable, even a single dog knows it!"

Mrs. Cen is almost 90 years old this year.

It's not easy for a 90-year-old man to speak the internet buzzword like a single dog.

Xiao Wang remembered the last time he told his grandma that he was still single, his grandma greeted him with a slap without saying a word...

The old lady Cen said proudly: "That's right, I not only know about singles, I also know about Singles' Day! Every November 11th is the festival that you singles celebrate! Originally, my eldest grandson was going to celebrate it too! This festival, now with the help of my good grandma in China, he no longer needs to celebrate this festival! There is no way, who will let him have a good life! Meeting a good grandma like me! If it weren't for me, he would It is estimated that, like you, I am still a single dog."

Xiao Wang: "..." It turns out that Mrs. Cen came here today to abuse the dog.

Mrs. Cen continued, "Xiao Wang, what do you think of my vision?"

Finally no more dog abuse!

Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "It's good." Although old Mrs. Cen was very old, she really had nothing to say about what to wear. Even Xiao Wang, a young man, sighed.

Old Mrs. Cen said proudly, "That's right! If I have bad eyesight, can I deceive my eldest grandson into such a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Wang: "..." After going around in such a big circle, I still haven't escaped the fate of being abused.

at the same time.

Cen's Group.

Top office.

The man was dressed in a plain button-down robe, holding a Buddhist bead in one hand, while the other hand was reviewing documents.

It's obviously a very simple action, but in every gesture, it exudes an innate tyrannical aura that makes it difficult for people to ignore it.

"Knock knock knock." There was a sudden knock on the door.

The man raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of dark eyes, "Come in."

It was none other than Li Qiandong.

Li Qiandong held a stack of documents in his hand.

"Fifth brother, these all need your signature."

"Put it here."

Li Qiandong continued: "By the way, fifth brother, do you know ZY Technology Company?"

"I don't know." Cen Shaoqing twirled the beads with a light expression.

Li Qiandong said with a face full of surprise: "Damn it! Fifth brother, you don't know ZY! I tell you, this company is going to go against the sky! It actually produces air-conditioning clothing! Do you know what an air-conditioning clothing is? That kind of clothes that can adjust the temperature! ZY company has only been registered for a few months, and it is already preparing to go public! Even the European and American markets are afraid of it!"

Although ZY technology company is an emerging industry, its momentum is unexpectedly fierce! Every time a new product comes out, no matter how high the unit price is, it will be snapped up.

Among them, the appointment of the gold medal designer Z is even later in the year.

Judging from the current situation, it won't be long before ZY will become a giant in the business world!

The rise of ZY Company also gave Huaguo Technology a sigh of relief in the European and American markets.

After all, air-conditioning clothes that can adjust the temperature, even the P country, a big technology country, has not been able to produce it.

"Who is the founder of ZY company?" After saying this, Cen Shaoqing was also interested.

The ability to invent a human body chip that can adjust the temperature is enough to see how terrifying this person's strength is!

Li Qiandong continued: "ZY's top executive is Zhao Yang, but Zhao Yang has no shares, he is just a hired professional president. So far, the real founder of ZY has never appeared in public! No one knows who he is or what his name is!"

Cen Shaoqing squinted his eyes and continued, "Aren't our company's products in the next quarter focusing on environmental protection? Then we can replace the disposable heating pack with a recyclable heating chip."

Li Qiandong's eyes lit up, "Brother Fifth, do you mean to cooperate with ZY Technology Company?"

Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

Li Qiandong said excitedly: "That's great, fifth brother! I will talk to the R\u0026D department about this tomorrow!" Once he cooperates with ZY Company, he may meet the legendary founder!

At that time, he must see what the legendary founder looks like!

Cen Shaoqing's joy and anger were indistinguishable, and his expression was light, and no one knew what he was thinking.

the other side.

When Mrs. Cen returned home, she immediately told Zhou Xiang that Ye Zhuo was coming to be a guest.

"Xiangxiang, my granddaughter-in-law is coming to play tomorrow, remember to be more enthusiastic!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiang said excitedly: "Really? Is the legendary leaf finally coming?" Zhou Xiang couldn't wait to see what kind of fairy the leaf looked like!

Knowing medical skills and looking good, Zhou Xiang couldn't imagine what kind of person would be perfect like this.

"You are the tree leaves!" Old Mrs. Cen rolled her eyes at Zhou Xiang, and continued, "Tomorrow my granddaughter-in-law is here, you are not allowed to call others leaves! You are going to scare my grandson-in-law away, and I can't stop with you. !"

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm measured! No matter what, she's your old savior. For that alone, I'll treat her well! Besides, do you think I'm such a mean person?"

The old lady Cen then instructed: "But you can't be too enthusiastic. If you are too enthusiastic to scare my granddaughter-in-law away, it will not be worth the loss."

Zhou Xiang quickly picked up his mobile phone, "I also want to invite Zhuozhuo to play tomorrow."

She wanted to see who the two of them looked good when they stood together!

Could it be that there is someone more beautiful than Ye Zhuo in this world?

Ye Zhuo replied quickly, [Sorry, Sister Zhou Xiang, I have an appointment tomorrow. 】

Have an appointment?

Zhou Xiang was disappointed and frowned, "How come there is an appointment?"

Mrs. Cen looked at Zhou Xiang with a smile, "I think that Zhuo Zhuo didn't dare to come? She must have been frightened by my granddaughter-in-law! My granddaughter-in-law is so beautiful, it's normal for her to dare not come!"

"Who said that! Zhuozhuo looks beautiful, okay?" Zhou Xiang continued, "She really has an appointment!"

"Who knows if it's really an appointment!" Mrs. Cen snorted softly, "Could it be that you are the roundworm in her stomach?"

Zhou Xiang can never be as good as Mrs. Cen when it comes to lip service, so he can only say, "There's no basis for what you say. When you meet someone next time, you'll know how beautiful she is!"

Mrs. Cen said with a 'cut', and then said, "Just wait, tomorrow I will make Shaoqing fall in love with Ye Zi! It's the kind that she won't marry!"

Zhou Xiang smiled and said, "Mom, let alone falling in love, it's not certain whether Shaoqing will stay at home obediently tomorrow."

The old lady Cen smiled, "Don't worry, he will definitely not run around tomorrow!"

"Do you have a solution?"

The old lady Cen nodded.

Zhou Xiang asked curiously, "Can you tell me?"

Mrs. Cen said with a mysterious face: "Don't worry, you will find out in the morning."

The next morning, the family of three sat at the dining table to eat.

Looking at a green vegetable leaf and a few dry slices of bread in Cen Shaoqing's bowl, Mrs. Cen couldn't help but said, "Shaoqing, do you really plan to be a vegetarian for the rest of your life?"

"Well." Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

"You don't want to eat meat?" Mrs. Cen took a piece of meat and shook it in front of Cen Shaoqing, "The meat is very fragrant! Do you want to eat it? I'll give it to you if you want it!"

Cen Shaoqing was indifferent, and even wanted to laugh a little, "You are too naive."

Old child, old child, this sentence is absolutely correct on Mrs. Cen.

Old Mrs. Cen: "..." I really want to scold you, you are naive and your whole family is naive! But when she thought about it, Cen Shaoqing's family also included her! Therefore, Mrs. Cen held back abruptly.

Retracting the chopsticks, Mrs. Cen continued, "The genius doctor who healed grandma today will come to our house as a guest."

Mrs. Cen knew Cen Shaoqing's temperament.

If she directly said that your future daughter-in-law will come to our house, then Cen Shaoqing will definitely not cooperate obediently.

But another way of saying it is different.

Moreover, she didn't lie, Ye Zhuo was a genius doctor!

"Come here today?" Cen Shaoqing raised his eyes slightly.

Cen Shaoqing has always been very grateful to the genius doctor who has never met.

If it wasn't for him, Mrs. Cen would not be well at all.

For the first twenty years, Mrs. Cen had been suffering from illness, and it was during this time that Mrs. Cen really smiled.

In addition to being grateful, Cen Shaoqing is also very curious about the miracle doctor who cured Mrs. Cen.

After all, Mrs. Cen's headache has not been cured for so many years.

In the hands of this genius doctor, a prescription will solve it.

Old Mrs. Cen nodded, "Why don't you go out today, stay at home and entertain the guests well. No matter what, she is grandma's savior."

"It's natural," Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly, "he cured your headache, I must thank him personally."

Old Mrs. Cen nodded with satisfaction. Although her eldest grandson can be quite irritating and stubborn at times, there is absolutely no problem with her personality!

"When will he come?" Cen Shaoqing asked.

Old Mrs. Cen looked back at the clock hanging on the wall, "It's said to be in the morning, it's time to set off."

Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly, "Then I'll go upstairs to explain the secretary's work today, and hold a video conference by the way. When the doctor comes, ask someone to come upstairs and call me."

"Okay." Mrs. Cen nodded.

Looking at Cen Shaoqing's back going upstairs, Zhou Xiang gave Mrs. Cen a thumbs up, "Mom, you are still amazing!"

The old lady Cen said proudly: "That's right, otherwise how can Jiang still be too old!"

Ye family.

Ye Zhuo came back from running and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

ten minutes later.

Ye Zhuo walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, and went to the closet to start picking out clothes.

Like all girls, Ye Zhuo's wardrobe is always missing a piece of clothing.

After choosing for a long time, Ye Zhuo chose a plain white skirt with a pinch waist, put on a long coat, and a pair of Martin boots under his feet. The whole set is so cool!

After changing his clothes, Ye Zhuo whistled at the mirror, "How can I be so good-looking!"

It was past nine o'clock in the morning when I came out of Ye's house. When I booked a car online, the driver in the front seat couldn't help but secretly glanced at the rear mirror several times.

After being an online car-hailing driver for so long, this is the first time I have received an order to go to Jinxiu Manor!

Who does not know about Jinxiu Manor in Yunjing?

This little girl must be a rich second generation!

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of Jinxiu Manor.

Ye Zhuo leaned out of the car and walked straight inside.

Jinxiu Manor has access control. Normally, ordinary people can't get in at all, but Ye Zhuo is not an ordinary person at first sight. She is wearing a wine red coat, she walks in a rage, and the field is full! Extraordinarily domineering!

It's too cold.

No one dared to stop her.

The people living in Jinxiu Manor are rich and powerful. If you accidentally offend the nobles, you will not be able to eat and leave.

These security guards are very discerning!

Jinxiu Manor is worthy of being a wealthy area. Along the way, it is not small bridges and flowing waters or all kinds of rare animals.

Black swans, alpacas, peacocks...

And all kinds of expensive luxury cars parked on the side of the road.

Ye Zhuo came all the way to the Cen family's manor and rang the doorbell.

Soon a servant came to open the door, "Hello, may I ask who you are?"

"My surname is Ye." Ye Zhuo's tone was light.

The servant hurriedly opened the door and said respectfully, "Come in quickly!" Then he said to the people around him, "Come and inform the old lady and madam, and say that Ye Shenyi is here!"

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