Almighty Daughter Became The Group’s Favorite Little Pet

Chapter 80 Qin Sheng's strength protects his weaknesses

When Qin Sheng came out of the room, Lu Yanqing was already awake. He opened the door, frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

It was Xu Chi who knocked on the door. As soon as he saw Lu Yanqing, he said anxiously: "There is a problem with the technical department."

Without waiting for Lu Yanqing to ask again, he continued to quickly explain: "The leader went out this time to find the headquarters of the black prison, but at the last moment he was discovered by the people there and ambushed him. Bian located our equipment and tracked it, and is now trying to attack our firewall."

"I don't know where they invited the master hackers. The people in the technical department can't hold it anymore. Once they break through..."

Xu Chi didn't say the rest, but Lu Yanqing understood in an instant.

For so many years, the tasks Anbu has accepted are problems that cannot be solved on the bright side. The information stored in Anbu’s database is also extremely secret. Once people from the black prison break in, the consequences can be imagined .

At that time, not to mention whether Anbu can continue to be kept, the criticism from the society alone is enough to destroy Anbu!

Lu Yanqing's heart tightened, and he said decisively: "Take me there!"

He didn't even have time to get his coat, so he followed Xu Chi to the technical department.

Behind him, Qin Sheng frowned slightly, paused for a moment, then turned to look at Qin Zheng: "Can I follow to see?"

Qin Zheng was stunned.

It's not that she can't be allowed to go, it's just that after getting along these few days, Qin Zheng has discovered that her little girl can't say that she has no desires, but she doesn't care much about most things. Offered to do something for the first time.

Reminiscent of Lu Yanqing's attitude towards her, Qin Zheng's eyes flashed thoughtful, he nodded and said, "Come with me."

Although Qin Muyuan was seriously injured, this incident was not only caused by him, but also related to the survival of the Anbu. As the leader of the Anbu, he naturally couldn't just sit idly by, so he called someone to push the car to take him there.

When Qin Sheng and his party arrived at the technical department, there were already many people around there. Qin Sheng had basically seen them all, that is, the high-level officials of the dark department who were guarding Qin Muyuan's room before.

Seeing that Qin Sheng had followed, everyone was surprised for a moment, but when they turned their heads and saw Qin Muyuan behind him, they understood.

The leader also came over, so it's only natural that Miss Qin would be worried and follow her to watch.

Everyone didn't think much, and turned their attention to Lu Yanqing who had already taken over a technician's computer.

The technicians in the Anbu are basically brought out by Lu Yanqing. Although he hasn't made a move for several years, as a former master of the hacker world, Lu Yanqing is definitely a god-like existence in the hearts of the people in the Anbu. Can get a good deal from him.

My heart, which had been hanging high, instantly settled down.

But Lu Yanqing, who was in it, was not so optimistic.

Leaving aside that he is getting older, his hand speed and reaction ability are much slower than when he was young. As for the opponent, Lu Yanqing could feel it as soon as Fang played against him. The strength of the opponent is quite strong, not far behind his peak period too much.

But this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that the opponent seems to know him very well. No matter what defensive method he adopts, or replaces defense with offense, the opponent can detect it immediately and make corresponding changes.

Within five minutes of the fight, Lu Yanqing felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Suddenly, the screen in front of Lu Yanqing flickered a few times, and a line of bright red characters appeared on all the computer screens in Anbu.

【Admit it, you are old】

Three seconds later, the screen changed to another line of bright red characters.

【The world of hackers is the world of young people】

at last.

【Master, I'm back, are you scared? 】

Lu Yanqing's whole body couldn't stop trembling, but it wasn't fear, but anger.

He clapped his hands heavily on the keyboard, and the voice almost squeezed out from between his teeth: "Beast!"

He never dreamed that the person who disappeared for nearly ten years would appear in such a way, let alone that he would join such an inhumane organization like the Black Prison!

At this moment, Lu Yanqing's heart was completely filled with anger and remorse, and this emotion was even stronger than when he learned that the other party had instigated his hackers to defect from the hacker alliance!

Suddenly, a fishy and sweet breath surged into his throat, and Lu Yanqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's breath suddenly languished.

"Old Lu!"

"Third Grandpa!"

There was a sudden exclamation, and everyone rushed towards Lu Yanqing immediately.

Qin Sheng was no exception, she was even one step faster than everyone else.

Before Lu Yanqing fell down, she supported him by the shoulders and placed him on the chair beside him.

The girl's usually expressionless face, at this moment, was cold and irritable, filled with hostility.

Her voice was cold: "No one can bully my people." After a pause, she looked sideways at him, "He can't either."

Lu Yanqing trembled all over, and a pair of cloudy old eyes suddenly turned red.

The girl's fingers were slender and tender, as if they could be broken with a light pinch, but at this moment, those ten fingers seemed to contain unparalleled strength, and every tap was a fierce attack!

The white characters flicked across the black screen quickly, so fast that only a continuous afterimage could be seen, just like a girl's fingers typing on the keyboard quickly.

The anger that had just risen in the hearts of the Anbu executives froze, and the whole person stayed there, because the emotional changes were too fast and violent, and the whole face was distorted.

But at the moment, no one paid any attention to this. They were staring at the screen in front of them, and their eyes lit up bit by bit.

"Fuck! Block it, block it! Fuck it!"

"What's blocking it, why is it counterattacking back, okay! Counterattacking back!"

"Thirty-six seconds! Thirty-six seconds! It took only thirty-six seconds to break through the opponent's blockade! My God, what kind of hand speed is this!"

"What kind of fairy is this ahhhhhhhh!"

A series of extremely excited voices sounded in the space of the technical department one after another. The technicians who witnessed this scene went completely crazy, until a cold "shut up" sounded, and everyone fell silent for an instant.

Qin Sheng's fingers were still typing on the keyboard, but the speed had already slowed down. Lu Yanqing was the closest, so he could clearly see her typing a line slowly and sending it.

black prison.

Lu Fei typed the last letter, then picked up the Happy Fat House water and poured it into two mouthfuls. Just as he was about to browse Anbu's database, a sharp "beep" sounded from all directions in the room. The eight computers in the room sounded the alarm at the same time.

He was startled, and immediately sat up straight and looked intently, the next moment, his gaze suddenly became dark.

Haven't refined it yet, I have something to go out now, I'll change it later.

The two changes are over, see you tomorrow

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