Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 27 New Job (Part 2)

"Master Andrew." When he appeared in front of Andrew's laboratory, Gong Hao acted very calmly.

"Ha, it's Gler, come in quickly." Andrew was very satisfied that even now, Hugh Igles still respected him very much, unlike other apprentices, they only listened to Pierre.

"How do you feel about your new job?" Andrew asked.

"It's not bad, Ivo taught me a lot, and I found that I opened my eyes here. The feeling of opening the door of knowledge is really wonderful."

"Well said, knowledge is the sharpest weapon of an alchemist, tell me how much have you learned?"

Gong Hao replied: "In three days, I have learned almost twenty kinds of medicine making methods."

"Not a lot." Andrew frowned.

"I mean the part that can be independently produced."

"Oh, that would be nice. I knew you never let us down. So, in a few days, you'll be able to make all the potions yourself soon, right?"

"I'm afraid it's still far away." Gong Hao replied: "It's good if we only learn one thing, but with the increase in the types of medicines, the materials we need to use will often be confused in our minds. If it's just a matter of materials, it's fine. After all, we can always read the information in advance. But it's not so easy to master the temperature and dosage. After all, the records can't be so detailed. We need to master and understand them ourselves, especially when facing some special medicines, there are often unstable phenomena. How to deal with this situation requires us to have absolutely rich experience. I I think I still have a long way to go before fully mastering the making of these potions."

"Well, you're sober, Greer, you've always been sober, and that's what I admire most about you. Well, now that you've come to me, I thought maybe there's something I can do to help you?"

"Yes my lord, I wish I could get some glass and perennials."

"Oh? What do you want that for?"

"I just want to make some more convenient tools."

"If that's the case, you should go to Pierre."

"My lord, am I still your servant?" Gong Hao looked at Andrew with a smile. If you let yourself go to Pierre, then Pierre will definitely ask why.

For the time being, Gong Hao doesn't intend to let Pierre know his tools.

So at this time, it is necessary to be arrogant. Only with the help of Andrew, he can complete the work he wants without worrying about anyone noticing.

Sure enough, Andrew agreed. It was just a trivial matter to ask for some glass, and the four seasons grass was not a precious material.


The alchemy of Fengming Continent has never been used in civilian applications.

This is determined by the characteristics of the hierarchical society.

In the magical world, due to the existence of magical talent, bloodlines are different, which promotes and consolidates the stratification of the system, and due to the existence of the aristocratic system of social classes, the development of science and technology mainly serves the upper class rather than the lower class.

This is the basic characteristic of the feudal system - everything serves the nobility.

However, because of this, high-end alchemy often lacks support from the grassroots.

This makes the development of society have great flaws: people do not understand that basic technology is actually the cornerstone of high-end technology. Many high-end technologies are often built on sufficiently developed grass-roots technologies. If high-end technology is the leader of low-level technology, then low-level technology is the booster for its development. Without this booster, high-end technology will struggle even if it wants to develop. It is very, very difficult to drive the development of technology in the entire society only by relying on the leader in front.

It is very likely that a pen and a piece of paper that you use well when doing experiments come from folk technology, but due to the underdevelopment of folk technology, it also leads to restrictions on high-end technology.

And the alchemy in Fengming Continent is actually in such a deformed state of development.

Therefore, you can completely imagine that alchemy can create a cutting-edge existence like a puppet warrior, but it cannot create a thermometer.

It's not that they can't do it, it's that they simply don't want to. An alchemist is not an inventor, and it is impossible to invent everything. Since no one invented the thermometer, they had to use their brains and experience to replace it. And even if they thought about it, they might not invent it, because once it appeared, the alchemist would probably become worthless.

This is like the sound film that Chaplin was most opposed to. It was because of the invention of the sound film that Chaplin could no longer express his unique artistic thoughts with his good body language. The emergence of many new technologies will cause a group of senior workers with high skills to be laid off, but a group of young people will emerge. The reason is the same.

The same is true for alchemists. They are obviously the beneficiaries, and they are most opposed to these things. This makes it even less likely for them to think about inventing and making these basic tools.

But Gong Hao doesn't think about these, as long as he can do well, you don't invent, I invent and use it myself, wouldn't it be better?

Gong Hao made the thermometer almost easily.

A small airtight glass tube, a few drops of four seasons grass juice is considered a success.

This thermometer doesn't even have a clear scale, because Gong Hao can't complete the precise temperature distribution. But it doesn't matter, when the processed medicine reaches the target temperature, Gong Hao will directly make a symbol on the scale of the thermometer, and then mark it, such as writing the words of such and such grass, which means that when the temperature reaches this index, the materials can be put in.

This means that a constant standard is out.

Different potions can make different thermometers, and many potions can share one or more. In this way, for more than a hundred kinds of medicines, only a dozen thermometers are needed to control the temperature changes of all medicines in one go.

Gong Hao even directly made the thermometer into a stirring rod, which is more convenient to use, and at the same time, he doesn't have to worry about letting Ivo see anything.

Basically, with this thing, he will never have temperature measurement errors again. Of course, trial and error must be carried out before this to determine that the recorded temperature is the best standard. This required him to pay a large price for failure.

Fortunately, it is normal for new apprentices to fail, Gong Hao's failure will not surprise everyone.

After finishing the thermometer, Gong Hao made the measuring cup. For the same reason, Gong Hao doesn't know how to determine the scale of the measuring cup, but it doesn't matter, he just arranges it according to the use of the medicine.

The measuring cup is mainly used to determine the amount of materials to be put in. In the past, when apprentices put in materials, they always put in according to their experience. But now, Gong Hao directly uses the measuring cup instead of the hand feeling, which greatly improves the accuracy.

He then engraved some special symbols on the outside of the measuring cup and thermometer to replace the capacity, which made it difficult for anyone to understand. Of course, the best symbols are Chinese characters.

Under such circumstances, Gong Hao thought that it would take at least a month for Gong Hao to roughly master it, and a year for him to be fully familiar with the preparation of potions, but Gong Hao only took half a month to solve all the problems.

This is due to his own efforts on the one hand, the thermometer and measuring cup he invented on the one hand, and his days in the library on the other hand.

When he was in the library, he basically read all the records about potion making, and he was already familiar with the proportions of ingredients, dosage, and order of cutting ingredients, etc., but he lacked practical experience. With a theoretical foundation and combined with theory for practice, for Gong Hao, who is a tutor assistant in the chemistry laboratory, it is really easy to do this.

Therefore, when other apprentices took a month to gradually master something, Gong Hao used it so quickly in his hands, it seemed as if he had been studying for several years, even Hines was very surprised.

What is particularly surprising is not Gong Hao's speed, but Gong Hao's success rate.

Except for the continuous failures caused by determining the standard temperature and dosage of the medicine at the beginning, Gong Hao's error rate has been greatly reduced later on.

Generally speaking, the success rate of a skilled apprentice is only one-third, while the success rate of an alchemist is at best only two-thirds.

However, Gong Hao's success rate has already reached one-half. At least in terms of potion production, he only spent a month, which is already close to the level of a master.

This made Pierre feel very surprised and couldn't figure out how he did it.

Of course, he didn't know that it was Gong Hao's intentional over-reporting of some error records. In fact, his chances of making mistakes were even smaller. If he reported all the truth, he wouldn't even think about hiding medicine.

You must know that the medicines made by Purgatory Island are rare in the entire continent, and basically no formula has been circulated outside. Most of the medicines that can be made outside are low-cost and crudely made. Drinking a bottle of healing potion may not be able to help you recover much from your injuries, but it is entirely possible to make you have a headache for a few days.

After all, the production of potions requires not only recipes, but also rare materials. Looking at the mainland, only Purgatory Island has this condition. The one hundred and thirteen kinds of potions that Ivo mentioned are actually standard high-grade potions. Looking at the mainland, there are no less than thousands of low-level potions, which are completely incomparable with those produced by Purgatory Island.

With this opportunity, if Gong Hao doesn't make good use of it, he will really feel sorry for himself.

The improvement of the success rate brings about the improvement of work efficiency. Gong Hao can freely use a large crucible, and can refine ten bottles of potions each time, which greatly speeds up his refining speed. At the same time, due to the low failure rate, he can avoid duplication of work, further saving time.

In only twenty days, Gong Hao completed all the standard workload of an apprentice as a new servant, and also greatly saved the amount of materials used. This was done while he continued to work as a clerk and hunt monsters. This kind of work progress surprised everyone.

Even though Hines knew that this guy was a little genius, he didn't expect him to master it so quickly.

Of course, the greatest contribution is the thermometer and beaker he made. With these two things, Gong Hao doesn't have to worry about making potions at all. If time permits, he plans to set up a small test bench and make some more sophisticated tools used in the chemical laboratory before.

But two months is probably not enough anyway.

And if he wants Hines to keep himself, he must make more and greater contributions.

It is obviously not enough to rely solely on making potions.

No matter how good the medicine is, it is only a skilled trade. If you want to make Hines give up the possibility of being discovered by Gong Hao, and keep him in the alchemy tower for a long time, and let him do what he wants, you must let Hines realize his true value.

Irreplaceable value!

Gong Hao remembered that before he was reincarnated, he had encountered such a thing:

A worker complained that he always did a lot of work, but his salary was the lowest. But some technicians don't need to do anything, but earn several times more than them. At that time, I said to the worker: The value of a person is not judged by how much labor you put in, but by how irreplaceable you are. If you leave this position now, there will be a group of people behind you who can replace you at any time, and your irreplaceability is the lowest, so no matter how much labor you put in, the return is limited.

But if you are sure that after you leave, there are many things that only you can do that others cannot, then you have the capital to bid.

Yes, irreplaceability, Hines must realize that he has irreplaceable value! In this way, he will take the risk to keep himself.

However, relying solely on the proficiency in making potions cannot achieve this in any case. For Hines, the materials he squanders every day far exceeds what Gong Hao can save, so he doesn't care about it. For an alchemy lunatic like him, only the unknown, the mysterious, and the unachieved have value.

Whoever can do this is irreplaceable.

Improved potion formula! This is the only thing that Gong Hao can think of and is possible to do.


"Master Pierre."

Gong Hao came to Pierre's laboratory and saluted him respectfully.

"What's up?"

"That's it. The list of medicine requirements sent by the empire has been completed. I would like to ask if you have any other orders?"

Pierre put down the experiment in his hand.

He looked at Gong Hao with interest.

For some reason, he always felt that this was a boy who was a little unpredictable to him.

This kid is so smart, so smart that he can learn almost all the jobs quickly, so smart that he can always perform better than others expected, so smart that it is difficult for you to catch his fault, so smart that you can almost hand over everything to him, and then let go without asking.

I heard that after Ivo taught Hugh Iglesel once, he never had any more opportunities to teach him. Shortly after that, Ivo concentrated on his work and ignored Huey.

And now, in less than a month, Huey finished the work even earlier than Ivo, and then came to him to ask for a new job.

Not only smart, studious, but also hardworking.

He did even better than Neil.

It stands to reason that I should be satisfied with such a person, but why do I always feel uneasy in my heart?

He couldn't figure it out.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Pierre said, "So is there anything you want to do?"

"It's like this, my lord. If your lord doesn't plan to arrange me to do a new job, then I want to try to use the materials I saved to see if I can further strengthen the existing medicine formula." Gong Hao replied.

"Do you want to modify the current potion production formula?"

Gong Hao immediately replied: "The formula is researched by people, and later generations always make more innovations on the basis of predecessors. Since the predecessors can research it, why can't future generations make better ones? In addition, I think I may be able to help other apprentices do something, but you know that I can't go anywhere else at will."

"Don't you think your heart is too big?"

Gong Hao immediately expressed fear and fear: "My lord, I just want to do my best for the master and you, my lord."

"In this case, just be yourself. Well, I still have something to do, so go."

"Yes, my lord."

Gong Hao came back resentfully.

For the first time, Gong-ho was turned down by Pierre when he wanted more work.

He really is wary of himself, this damn bastard!

Back in his laboratory, Gong Hao frowned. Working under such a guy who is always on guard against him is much more difficult than working under Andrew.

Do you want to go to Andrew?

No, it's not good, going to Andrew for this kind of thing will only make Pierre feel more disgusted with himself. It's not worth it.

But if he wants to get in touch with the deeper secrets of alchemy, he must make Pierre aware of his own value.

Perhaps, Hines can help himself.

Gong Hao's eyes lit up.

Yes, in the Alchemy Tower, the real talker is Hines. Just like when he relied on Andrew's help in the servant circle to become the chief servant and enter the library, he can also go to Hines.

But now is not the time.

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