Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 25: Hines' Decision

Gong Hao desperately rushed to the lake.

Lancelot was still in a deep sleep, Gong Hao took out a small bottle of waking potion and sniffed him, then ran out of the cabin immediately.

The wooden post outside had been rigged by him in advance. With a loud roar, he punched the wooden post more than ten times in a row until his fists were bloody, and then he kicked the wooden post to pieces.

This series of big movements caused his wound that had just been healed by the healing potion to burst open again, and he could no longer control his body, and limp on the ground weakly.

A warm current in his body suddenly overflowed, quickly restoring his physical strength, and it seemed to be the masterpiece of the new tenant again.

Sensing the actions of the new tenant, Gong Hao had to think, when the new tenant leaves his body in the future, will he use a violent method like a demon to break open, or will he adopt a gentler method so as not to hurt himself?

Well, this is indeed a problem.

One thing is certain, the new tenant can't avoid the inner vision of fighting spirit like the spirit seed. It is stronger than the spirit seed, but it doesn't have the power to avoid fighting energy. Gong Hao could easily find its location.

Do you want to dig it out again with a knife in your stomach?

Gong Hao thought.

He immediately felt a sense of fear in his mind, which should be the new tenant in his body.

Can this guy sense my thoughts? It looks scared and it's begging for mercy?

Well, if you promise you won't make trouble, that you won't hurt me when I was born, then I'll consider letting your life go.

born? Damn, how can I use this word? I don't want to be pregnant for ten months like a woman, right? Gong Hao felt a little sad.

Do you want to use the word hatch? No, I'm not a hen! I would rather be pregnant!

There were two emotions of joy and good-natured teasing in my mind.

Looks like a deal is done.

Gong Hao breathed a sigh of relief, alas, if possible, who would like to stab himself in the stomach?

"It seems that you really worked hard and didn't slack off when I was sleeping." Lancelot's voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

"Lord Lancelot, you are awake."

Gong Hao tried his best to get up, the sweat on his head proved that he was indeed exhausted.

Lancelot used healing potions to restore him, and Gong Hao only felt that his vitality had recovered again, and even the new tenant in his body felt like he was breathing heavily. It looked like it was really nervous about itself.

After a while, an apprentice ran over from the castle: "Hugh Igles, you are really here? Didn't you see something happened in the castle? Lord Andrew is looking for you everywhere."

"I'm sorry, Master Hughes." Gong Hao stood up with a face full of panic: "I didn't notice when I was practicing Dou Qi just now, so I'll go over now."

At this time, he changed back to the former Hugh Igles.

Hastily rushed to the castle, all the servants have woken up.

Andrew and Pierre were there, and even Hynes came out of the tower.

The entire castle is now a mess, with houses destroyed by monsters everywhere, and several magic plant gardens were trampled and gnawed by monsters, severely damaged, and even some rare magic plants died.

Looking at all this, Gong Hao felt a sense of revenge.

"Has the loss been counted?" Hines asked in a low voice.

Andrew replied tremblingly: "It is being counted, but the confirmed losses include about seventy-three magic plants, twelve of which have become extinct. I think we can only use alternative materials. There are also some finished materials that have also been damaged to varying degrees."

"What a pity." Hines shook his head regretfully: "Just because of the negligence of the guards, a few magical beasts ran out, and this happened. You must know that there are no other materials to replace some things, and because of the lack of one or two materials, some products may no longer be able to be produced. I'm afraid we won't be able to deliver them normally this month."

Andrew glared at Gong Hao who came over: "Gler, let's see what you did. The magic spar lost its energy and the cage lost its magic barrier. Several large monsters broke the cage and ran out, causing such a heavy loss! Why didn't you report the spar to me?"

For Andrew's anger, Gong Hao didn't feel surprised at all, this was what he had prepared long ago. And now, he is ready to start the next step.

He said calmly, "Lord Andrew, I just heard about the Warcraft escape. As for the spar, I reported it to you."

“Nonsense!” Andrew yelled, “When did you report to me?”

"Master Andrew, I sent you a work report five days ago. At that time, you were doing experiments, so I put the report on your desk."

"I have read those report records, but there is no report about the lack of spar energy."

"My lord, I can guarantee with my life that I did submit the report to you. Maybe you were busy at the time and didn't see it. You know, I can't get the energy spar without your consent. So I have been waiting for your reply, but you haven't given me a reply."

Hines immediately said, "Pierre, go to Andrew's room to see if there is that report."

Pierre leaves immediately.

After a while, Pierre came out with a report: "Mentor, there is indeed such a report. It clearly states that some of the spars in the cages have insufficient energy... If Andrew had replaced the spars earlier, this situation would not have happened."

"Oh." Hines sighed, "Andrew, you've failed your duty."

Andrew didn't expect the situation to be like this. He was stunned for a while and didn't know what to say. Gong Hao hurriedly said: "Master Hines, Lord Andrew has been very busy these days. I think he may not have read the report, rather than ignoring the above content. In fact, this is still my fault, and I should remind you again. But you know, I have a lot of things to do myself, so... I am sorry, Master."

"Forget it." Hines waved his hand: "I know you are a good boy, and it seems that you and Andrew have a good relationship. But anyway, Andrew, you have neglected your duties. I will report this matter to His Majesty, and he will make a decision on punishment."

"Yes, mentor." Andrew replied helplessly.

"Master Hines, what kind of plants are those dead magic plants? I think maybe I have a way to solve the material problem." Gong Hao said suddenly.

Hines and Andrew were both taken aback and looked at Gong Hao.

Hines narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Unfortunately, I am not sure about this. I can only say that I will do my best. But Master, if I can do it, I hope Master can forgive Lord Andrew."

Hines and Pierre were a little surprised by Gong Hao's request, while Andrew was moved.

Hines asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Master, you also know that I have been following Lord Lancelot to capture monsters in the jungle of Lianhe Island for this year. I think I have a basic grasp of the situation in the jungle of Lianhe Island. I can't resurrect the dead magic plants, but I may be able to find plants that can replace them. The only problem is..."

"what is the problem?"

Gong Hao boldly said: "I don't know what their specific functions are. You know that they belong to the category of alchemy. Only by knowing their functions can I find the magic plants we need according to their functions. In addition, in botany, I have heard of a method called grafting. If I give me time, I can also use this method to breed some new varieties that meet the needs of alchemy. The demand for technical knowledge. People must know what they need before they can pursue what they want, just like they must know what they want to eat before they can grow what they want.”

Hines was lost in thought.

He is fully aware of what Gong Hao's request means.

At this moment, an apprentice hurried over: "Master Hines, two lords, something happened in the valley."


Looking at the corpses of Neil and Fink, Pierre's expression was extremely ugly.

Andrew, who had just "dereliction of duty" and was almost convicted, looked at Pierre with some gloating.

If the escape of Warcraft was due to Andrew's negligence, then what happened in the valley was due to Pierre's dereliction of duty.

It seems that Pierre's negligence caused a bigger mistake than Andrew's.

An apprentice died, and another young servant also died, and it also caused the demise of a spirit seed—the sword of the puppet warrior pierced Fink's chest, completely destroying the spirit seed.

Picking up the badge from the ground, the master alchemist sighed helplessly: "It seems that Neil made a mistake. He obviously underestimated the energy that a person can unleash when encountering danger. As a result, this servant ran away, and a fight broke out here. Neil's badge fell during the fight, so the puppet warrior killed both of them."

"It does seem to be the case." Pierre also agreed: "But teacher, I always feel that things are a bit strange. Why does something happen to the valley when something happens to the castle? Is this really a coincidence?"

Hines replied: "Maybe it's not a coincidence, but it's more like a chain reaction—one accident leads to another accident. If there is no monster escape in the castle, you will not leave. If you don't leave, this kind of thing will not happen. Isn't there such a song? If you lose a horseshoe, you lose a king; if you lose a king, you lose a war; if you lose a war, you lose a country. Many things are interrelated, just like the alchemy we study. The law of the existence of things, we can't use it. And there are always many mysterious connections between things that even we don't understand. Now it seems that what happened tonight belongs to this situation. We can only explain it by chance. Otherwise, do you have any better explanation? "

Pierre thought for a while, and said to himself: "I always feel that things are not that simple. These servants have been subjected to magic pattern experiments before, and their strength is almost exhausted. There is no reason for Fink to be able to run out of the valley, and there are puppet warriors in the valley. Why didn't Neil directly use the warriors in the valley, but chased him out and scuffled him? Neil's potion showed signs of being drunk, which meant that he had been injured before. How could Fink make him suffer such serious injuries? , so that he was forced to use the potion? Since the injury was suffered in a fight, how could Neil have the time to drink the potion and put it back again?"

Andrew frowned: "As the instructor said, people sometimes burst out with huge energy when they are in adversity. Isn't the extreme training method adopted by warriors when they cultivate their fighting spirit to expel that energy by pushing themselves into a desperate situation? Maybe Fink burst out with this kind of energy at that time. As for why Neil chased him out without using puppet warriors, heh, this kid has always been arrogant. Maybe he thought that Fink couldn't escape, so he just chased him out. As for the potion , perhaps because Fink tore off his badge when he was escaping, but he was also severely injured, and he was beheaded by the puppet warrior when he escaped from the valley. When Neil saw Fink was dead, he wanted to see how the situation of the spirit species was and whether it could be restored, so he drank the potion for himself. But he didn’t notice that his badge was torn off, and he was also killed by the puppet warrior.”

"If that's the case, the place where the badge fell seems to be too close to Neil's body."

"Who knows? Maybe it was blown by the wind?"

"It's also possible that someone killed Neil and deliberately faked the scene."

"Oh?" Andrew laughed: "Who would that be?"

"Hugh Igles has this ability. He learned battle qi from Lancelot. You and I both know this. He has the ability to cause Neil to be severely injured. He also has a badge, and he can freely enter and leave the valley."

"But the problem is that Neil also knows this. He can't let Graier kill him without even using the puppet warrior. Only when Fink escapes can he not use the puppet warrior in the valley because of his arrogance. You don't think that there is any way for Graier to make the puppet warrior disobedient? And it turns out that the two of them were indeed killed by the puppet warrior of Taniguchi. A junior warrior, he has no ability to do all this, he can't even beat a puppet warrior!"

"But he is still suspicious. Don't forget that he was the last one to arrive when something happened in the castle. He has enough time to do all this."

"Maybe you think this kind of conspiracy theory can cover up your mistakes in this matter, but you'd better not pour dirty water on my favorite minion."

"Just because he said something nice for you just now? Andrew."

"Shut up Pierre, do you have to drag my people into the water after one of your apprentices dies?"

"That's enough, both of you stop arguing!" Hynes suddenly shouted. A crystal ball appeared in his hand: "I just contacted Lancelot. Tonight, Igleser has been at the lake. For several days in a row, Glare has been practicing the extreme training method of warriors. According to Lancelot, it is very difficult for people who have undergone extreme training methods to stand up, let alone run into the valley to kill people. And... this is not good for him."

"Indeed, mentor." Andrew replied respectfully: "If I were Hugh Iglesel, even if I knew about the Spirit Seed, I would only choose to run away instead of coming to this valley just to kill an apprentice."

"Maybe he was trying to save his friend Fink." Pierre was still a little unconvinced.

"But the problem is that he didn't save him. Fink died, and he died by the sword of the puppet warrior. He had a badge. He could have taken Fink with him."

"Maybe he couldn't be rescued."

"If that's the case, Greer can't escape by himself. Don't forget that Neil still has a way to activate the spirit seed. He has too many ways to kill Greer, instead of letting him leave Fink and run away."

"Okay." Hines said, "Stop arguing with the two of you. It has been confirmed that the matter in the valley cannot be related to Greer. We have no reason to suspect that Lancelot is lying. And we are alchemists, not the police dogs from the Public Security Department and the Legal Department. We don't have their good noses, and we can sniff the air to restore the scene of the murder. We don't have their problem of suspecting anyone and distrusting anyone. So there is no need to argue about this matter. This is a simple accident. Let's stop here You know this is Purgatory Island, and I don’t think any of a group of half-grown children can play tricks under our noses. And we are not conspiracy theorists or bards, and it is impossible to speculate countless possibilities based on a little clue. Alchemists should always only pay attention to data and facts, not reasoning! Hugh Igleser is a good boy. I have always admired him. So far, there is no evidence that he discovered our secrets, so we don’t need to frame him because of jealousy or other reasons. And he will die sooner or later , if he really did it, then the punishment will only be sooner or later."

"Yes, mentor." Andrew and Pierre nodded at the same time.

Hines used the words jealousy and framing, which showed that he was already very dissatisfied with Pierre's random speculation.

"Then we have a more important problem to solve now." Hines said: "An apprentice died, and we lost a batch of important magic plants. Tonight is the worst day in the history of Purgatory Island. The problem now is how to solve the problem of manpower allocation and material replenishment."

Pierre said: "The work of the apprentices is already very heavy. We can't arrange more work for them. It's better to let the Liberty bring another apprentice over."

Andrew immediately said: "The problem is that the Liberty just left today, and they won't come until next month. And even if we notify them next month, they will have to wait another month to send apprentices. So there are still 60 days. What should we do during this time? This doesn't include the time it takes to select a suitable apprentice. You must know that apprentices are not servants. Now it's not so easy to find an apprentice who has comprehensive knowledge, excellent skills, is willing to guard a desert island for the empire, and can accept our live research. ...there are also those magic plants."

Pierre was dumbfounded.

Hines let out a long sigh: "It seems that I can only let Xiu Yiglaer go on top first."

"He?" Andrew and Pierre were shocked at the same time: "Can he do it?"

"Of course, he can do it. I believe he will be qualified for this new job. This kid has always been a fast learner, and he has read many library records, so he has enough theoretical foundation, so let's settle this matter. Pierre, go and tell the other apprentices that Hugh Iglell will temporarily join the Alchemy Tower. Seal up all the experiments related to the valley and keep them secret. They are not allowed to discuss this matter in private in the future, so as not to let Graier find out the inside story. Then let Graier officially take over Neil's work, of course. , except for the demons and other parts, I think he will be a good assistant."

"Yes, mentor!" The two agreed at the same time.

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