Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 55: Jungle Night (Part 2)

In the jungle in the evening, there was noise in the silence. Mosquitoes formed large black clouds above the jungle, buzzing and flying. Some smaller creatures ran around quickly on the bushes and trees, looking around vigilantly.

A small chipmunk came out of the underground hole, stood upright and looked around. After confirming that there was no danger nearby, it quickly ran to a big tree and picked up the fallen pine cones from the tree. The two little paws touched the pine nut and sent it to the mouth, and there was a crackling sound in the mouth, which was trying to bite the hard shell of the pine nut. Even when eating, vigilant eyes are still looking around, beware of possible hazards.

Although it was so vigilant, it didn't notice a dark shadow dormant in the grass behind it.

The shadow suddenly moved, and the little chipmunk was pinched by a big hand, and after screaming, it was pinched and exploded.

After solving the existence that blocked his sight, the black shadow continued to crawl and crouch in the grass, looking at the camp in the distance.

Damn, the target is gone!

In just a split second, the target person suddenly disappeared. Where did he go? Is it in the camp? Or behind that boulder?

Sombra was confused. He raised his body up, tried to widen his field of vision, and tried hard to find the target.

He tried to stretch his neck straighter and higher.

A deep voice suddenly came to my ears: "Are you looking for me?"

Heiying was terrified, his neck was broken before he even had time to make a sound.

Gently putting the body down, Xiuyi fumbled for the items on the black shadow: "The poison dagger, insect repellant, smoke and mask, not a single one, this guy is a poor ghost."

"There are six more people." Xu whispered.

"Maybe seven." Xiu Yi was a little unsure. He backed away on all fours, like a large reptile.

The other six people were distributed in other corners of the jungle. They were all experienced assassins in the jungle. They may not be very powerful in force, but they are quite good at hiding their whereabouts. It's a pity that they didn't know that what they were going to deal with was an alchemist, a genius boy who had scout bees to guard his surroundings and was almost impossible to be attacked.

Gliding deftly across a piece of grass, Xiu Yi quietly came to the back of another assassin, who was still slowly approaching the camp. His sneaking speed was very slow, but he was so silent that he didn't make a sound. If you capture his motion as a shot and put it on the screen, you will see a silent slow-motion shot. Although it is in slow motion, it is calm, steady and sustained.

Most assassins are extremely patient and resilient. In order to get the best chance to make a move, they can lie in ambush for several days in the most difficult environment, waiting continuously, just for the moment of making a move. Their battle qi may not be very strong, but each of them is proficient in the technique of concealing aura, and their mastery of battle qi is absolutely high. This determines that their frontal combat capabilities are relatively weak.

A discovered assassin is tantamount to death.

At least this group of people today has interpreted this truth with their lives.

Covering the opponent's mouth with one hand, the poison-smearing dagger in his hand was quickly inserted into the opponent's heart from the back and then pulled out. Xiu Yi's technique was precise and ruthless.

This small assassin-specific dagger does not emit any light, and is most suitable for assassination at night.

In this environment, this little dagger, which is not worth a King Witt, is even more valuable than the Dark Blade.

Putting down the corpse, Xiu Yi plunged into the night again like a ghost.

Breathe, and try to imagine yourself becoming one with the darkness without the aid of magic. Xiuyi seemed to have returned to the moment when he explored the valley at night on the island. At that time, I didn't know magic, I didn't know magic, and I only had a little crude fighting skills. However, relying on this little skill, he successfully comprehended the introversion and extroversion of Dou Qi, and successfully comprehended concealment. Although it was only the most superficial understanding, at that time, his progress was huge.

However, after that, Xiu Yi seldom had comprehension in this aspect, and was rarely able to understand the subtlety of so many battle qi overnight. He used to be because his understanding of fighting qi was enough, so it was difficult to make any progress. But at this moment, he finally understood the reason.

It's not that he can't improve, but because he relies too much on magic.

If it was in the past, he would not hesitate to bless himself with various spells. Wind magic made him faster, soul magic helped him hide himself further, space magic allowed him to go where he wanted without even moving, all kinds of magic brought so many benefits, but it also made him neglect to achieve the same goal with fighting spirit.

His reliance on battle qi has decreased, and the opportunities to discover their use value have also decreased.

Well, for the same reason, magic should be the same, right? The weak link of magic is also covered up by the samurai. He has speed and skill, so he doesn't depend much on the speed of using magic. As his strength improves, his magic using skill progresses stagnantly.

No wonder there are so many strong people in the world, but no one has ever achieved extraordinary achievements in magic and martial arts.

Perhaps, this is the most important reason.

Because they assist each other, while producing a huge effect, they also limit their respective progress.

There is no shortcut in the way of cultivation, it seems that I will have to impose some restrictions on myself in the future. In some non-essential moments, using only a single ability to fight as much as possible may be of great help to your own growth.

No one has ever reached two peaks in magic and battle qi, and Xiu Yi himself didn't know what the consequences would be. But if it can be done... Xiu Yi couldn't help shivering.

What does that mean? Double Sanctuary?

What does that mean?

He didn't understand, and didn't understand, at least no one had done so before, so there was no answer in front of him. But at this moment, Xiu Yi had an unprecedented direction in front of him.

Yes, break through both at the same time and see what the real limit is in this world.

His brain was spinning rapidly, and one terrifying idea after another appeared. Since coming to this jungle to practice, not only has his strength improved every day, but even some strange ideas keep appearing. In the life that is no longer dedicated to intrigue, after the brain that has become accustomed to high-speed rotation changes the thinking target, various ideas appear in his mind one after another, which makes him very excited.

Still keeping hands and feet, he quickly touched the side of the third assassin. Before the opponent noticed, the sharp dagger had already scratched his throat. Following the splash of brilliant blood, the killer lay down in the grass without a sound.

Xiu Yi is like a dead soul, floating like a ghost, and started a silent killing in this jungle.

The battle energy in the body is constantly flowing, but like a quiet stream, it does not flow out of the body at all. In the past, when warriors exercised fighting qi, a little of this internal power would leak out. Therefore, when warriors run their battle qi at full strength, their bodies will emit energy rays of various colors. This is also why it is difficult for a person with grudge to assassinate the opponent, because the power of movement will make the target opponent aware of the existence of abnormal energy around him. Especially high-ranking warriors have an unusual ability to sense this kind of fighting spirit that contains strong hostility.

As for high-level assassins, they may not have strong grudge energy, but they must be able to make their grudge energy run without the slightest leakage.

It's a pity that they haven't completely integrated with the natural environment. I heard that some assassins can not only deceive the senses, but even deceive the vision in the concealment of fighting spirit. They can be perfectly integrated into the natural environment, even standing in front of your eyes, it is difficult for you to see his existence.

What kind of concealment skills are needed to reach this point, Xiuyi can't imagine, at least the current self can't do it. He even doubted that such a capability existed. But vaguely, he thought it should exist.

Continue to push forward, the fourth assassin is already approaching the camp. The Assassin chose a good hiding place, with a small water bed behind him, which allowed him to avoid anyone coming up behind him without being seen.

This good habit can prevent him from being counter-assassinated.

Xiu Yi noticed that if he didn't kill this assassin, it might be difficult to get close to the remaining three assassins, because the positions of those three were within the assassin's field of vision. If I deal with other people first, I am afraid it will be easy for him to find out.

He looked around with some headache. If it was before, he would not hesitate to use magic to solve this problem. A soul shock can put the assassin into a coma, and he can easily kill the opponent, making all problems unproblematic.

But now he wants to work hard to solve the problem using only grudge.

There must be a way, Xiu Yi racked her brains hard.

It's impossible to rush him without being detected by the opponent, but it may be possible to quickly approach him while he is aware of it, and kill the opponent before he makes a sound.

It is not difficult to approach quickly. Xiu Yi has mastered the explosive use of fighting energy, and can complete an instant sprint. The only problem is how to prevent the fighting energy from escaping from the body when the fighting energy explodes, so that others can find out.

He held his breath and tried to compress, compress, and compress the energy of fighting energy.

But instead of fully compressing it like before, it tried to divide the fighting energy energy into two streams. One is used for explosive use, and the other is gathered on the body surface to cover the fighting energy from escaping.

He has never tried to use fighting energy like this before, but at this moment he is forcing himself to constantly explore the way to use fighting energy.

Fortunately, as early as in Royue City, he had already understood the context of most fighting qi through a short promotion to a seventh-level warrior, and mastered the knack for their substantive realization, so he also understood many principles of fighting qi. It's just that at that time, I was too eager for quick success and didn't give full play to the essence of these principles.

It is like a student who came out of school and has mastered many mathematical formulas, but has never had the opportunity to apply these formulas in essence.

But today, he was able to use at least one of them - the split use of battle qi.

Xiu Yi divided the vindictiveness in his body into two equal forces, one for bursting out and the other for covering up breath. He has never done this before, but it is not too difficult to use it at this moment.

Step by step approaching the opponent, Xiu Yi felt that it was almost time. Dou Qi suddenly erupted in his body, running on his feet, and a huge reaction force shot Xiu Yi towards his opponent like a cannonball. Before the assassin could react, the dagger in Xiu Yi's hand had already scratched the assassin's throat.

"Fight!" The slight sound that was produced when the battle energy burst at that time was only heard now.

Damn it!

Xiu Yi couldn't wait to scold, it was the first time he used fighting qi, after all, he still lacked experience in mastering it, and he overlooked one thing.

Two strands of grudge energy, one is used to explode, and the other is used to form a wall to cover the breath. Although his method of equal distribution is balanced in terms of power, the energy of the explosion actually far exceeds the power of blocking. This is like the relationship between pressure and pressure. Under the same pressure, the smaller the acting surface, the greater the pressure. That's why Xiu Yi failed to completely cover the escaping breath produced when the Dou Qi erupted, resulting in a sliver of energy escaping.

Sure enough, the three assassins in other places moved at the same time, obviously feeling something was wrong.

Every assassin was extremely vigilant, they reacted quickly and retreated to the rear at the same time.

Can't let them get away.

A stern look flashed in Xiu Yi's eyes.

He can only gamble on one thing now, this little escape of fighting spirit cannot make those assassins sure that he has been found. Because it is entirely possible that an assassin accidentally exuded his breath. Assassins can sense fighting energy, but it is impossible to sense who released the fighting energy.

Their retreat is a kind of instinctive self-protection, and the situation must be confirmed before they can resume, so they will continue to remain silent.

This is the last chance, and they must all be assassinated when they retreat to a safe area to gather, otherwise Harry Gunns and others will be alarmed.

Xiu Yi didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly threw his body into the darkness. This time, he was more careful when distributing his fighting energy. The explosion just now allowed him to grasp the direction of the flow of fighting energy when it exploded. On the one hand, he redistributed the battle energy, and on the other hand, he distributed the energy used to cover the outbreak of the battle energy according to the path of the battle energy flow, no longer covering the face, but covering the key points.

The vindictiveness in the body continued to erupt in a small area, while Xiu Yi adjusted the arrangement of energy in the body at any time, he quickly approached the opponent under the cover of the surrounding trees. This is a method that consumes a lot of physical and mental energy, and the result is only a short-term acceleration and better concealment, but Xiuyi has already desperately tried to master his newly discovered method of using fighting energy.

In the beginning, there was still a small amount of fighting energy escaping, which caused the three retreating assassins to be puzzled and confused, not knowing exactly what happened. In this silent forest, they did not dare to call out to their accomplices, so they could only retreat one after another.

An assassin had just retreated halfway when he saw a black shadow running towards him. The huge killing intent contained in the familiar small amount of escaping fighting energy almost made him fly out of his mind. He didn't even have time to shout out, and he was already killed by Xiu Yi's sword.

All five assassins were killed with one blow.

Xiu Yi looked sideways, hummed slightly, and chased forward again. The scout bee was always staring at the opponent, and the opponent's position was heard from time to time. This silent assassination in the jungle made Xiu Yi feel extra exciting. He was immersed in the thrill of distributing fighting energy, approaching the opponent quickly and without breath, and killing the opponent.

He began to understand that the world is so big that there are still many things that he needs to learn and understand.

The figure was traveling at high speed in the extreme darkness, bringing with it the slightest sound of the wind, but there was less and less battle energy that could escape. Xiu Yi approached an assassin again, but this time, the assassin's skill seemed to be a bit clever.

He sensitively sensed that someone was approaching from behind, and he knew that his companion would never approach him in this way, and the person approaching him now could only be an enemy.

Without looking back, a long black sword swept backwards. The assassin's attack method was extremely extreme, and even if he shot, he would not leak any energy. The way they use their power is ingenious. The sword itself doesn't have much power, but if the opponent charges with all his strength, he will hit the sword by himself.

The rushing figure stopped suddenly, and let out a slight "Huh", obviously also shocked by this sword.

For Xiu Yi, these guys are generally only around level four, and they are of a considerable level in terms of vigilance, concealment ability, or combat skills, which are far from comparable to those level four warriors he has seen before.

Compared with the assassin in front of him, if a fourth-level warrior like Bailey came, he would only be killed by the opponent's sword.

To use the superficial power to the extreme, especially in the aspect of concealed assassination, it really is a different environment and different needs to create different talents.

But admiration is nothing but admiration, and Xiu Yi quickly made a response.

He had comprehended the sudden stop ability of fighting qi as early as on Purgatory Island, so at this moment, he quickly stopped outside the black sword, only 0.01 centimeters away from the tip of the sword. However, Xiu Yi didn't intend to have any fate with this assassin. The next moment, a small stone was thrown out of his hand.

The white vindictive energy wrapped around the stone, turning an ordinary stone into a terrifying weapon, piercing the back of the assassin's head and sinking into the forest.

The assassin's body shook a few times and fell down.

This move was learned by Xiu Yi from the four-winged toothy beast in the alchemy tower. Since magic can be attached to an object, so can vindictiveness. Although the progress in ability has been limited during this period of time, it is still not the case that there is no progress at all.

The impact sound when the assassin fell to the ground alarmed the last assassin.

He was already sure at this moment that this was definitely not an accident caused by some accomplice unintentionally, but a killing under the control of the enemy.

This thought made him extremely frightened, and the speed of his escape suddenly accelerated.

No longer committed to hiding himself, the burst of grudge energy also began to increase significantly. Fortunately, it was already far away from the camp at this time, and the people in the camp did not notice it. Xiu Yi also no longer concealed himself, and all his fighting spirit was carried on the sword in his hand. Under the direction of the scout bee, he suddenly let go of his hand and threw a fierce sword towards the void.

This sword, wrapped in a large amount of dou qi, made a lethal whistling sound as it traveled through space.

A splash of blood exploded in the forest, accompanied by a painful moan.

Xiu Yi walked over slowly, and as the distance approached, he could clearly see that the last assassin had been fixed on a big tree by the sword, and his eyes were still open in horror when he was about to die.

"Phew, it's all resolved at last." Xiu Yi let out a long breath.

This seemingly simple anti-assassination in the jungle took only ten minutes from the beginning to the end, but the process was full of thrills. Even for Xiu Yi, it was the first time to use such extreme battle qi.

The real shot was only seven times, but the fighting energy in his body was consumed extremely.

However, compared to the previous battle with Warcraft, tonight's progress was more obvious, which made him gain a lot.

When she was in full bloom, she felt a warning sign in her heart, and a cold chill rose from the bottom of her heart, quickly permeating her whole body.

"Not good!" Xiu Yi almost yelled.

Without any hesitation, he didn't even have time to dodge, using all the battle energy in his body, he shot forward like lightning.

A trace of wild grudge energy exploded behind him, hitting Xiu Yi's back.


Xiu Yi spit out a mouthful of blood, he kept walking, and shot forward crazily. In the dark night, a broken alloy steel thorn gave off a cold and cold light of death, chasing Xiu Yi like a god of death.

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