All the Protagonists I’ve Scummed Come To Me For Revenge

Chapter 94: The brave becomes the devil (10)

Xia Yu insisted on traveling with an injury, but after persuading her twice to no avail, Annie could only follow her ideas.

Yuhuo happened to go out, and Annie, who helped Xia Yu organize things, had a straight face when she was alone with her: "Xia Yu."

Xia Yu, who got dressed and got out of bed, looked at Annie suspiciously, and when she saw her serious expression, she couldn't help but raise her heart.

"What's wrong?"

Annie's expression was serious: "that fishing fire, she is not as simple as you seem."

Xia Yu's eyes twitched, and she said, "This, I know if you don't say it, but she solved Peina's problem by herself and took back the heart of God from her."

If it's simple, what is she

"No, I'm not talking about that." Annie shook her head: "It's nothing to defeat a demon dragon attendant. What I want to tell you is her identity. I suspect that she has a problem."

Defeating a dragon servant is nothing!

You are so easy to say!

The corner of Xia Yu's mouth twitched. Last night, she was accidentally shot by a mobs, and she was extremely embarrassed to have to avoid its edge and escape. Scratching his head, he said with erratic eyes: "What's wrong with her identity, do you think she is a spy sent by the Demon Race? But which spy would spit out the flesh in her mouth in exchange for trust..."

"I didn't mean to say she was a demon." Annie also felt that it was unlikely to be a demon. After all, Xia Yu's power would be incomplete if she lacked the heart of a god, and it would be even more difficult to deal with the demon king, and she would even lose. in the hands of the devil.

If she was an undercover agent of the Demon Race, there would be no need to **** the Heart of God back overnight and put it into the Sword of God.

Xia Yu: "Then you think it's strange that she can use the Sword of God"

Annie shook her head again, and she said solemnly: "Although it is surprising, this is not the point of my suspicion of her. I tried to fortune her information yesterday, do you know what I saw?"

Xia Yu was startled, followed her words and asked, "What did you see?"

Annie took a deep breath: "I didn't see anything!" Her voice was still full of disbelief.

saw nothing

Xia Yu raised her eyebrows.

"You may not know what I said, so let me put it another way?. As the son of God, I can read your information, and I can also see the whereabouts of God's heart. Although it costs a lot, it doesn't matter. It's not that you can't see anything in a fog. But in my divination, the fishing fire is a fog, and I can't predict any information about her!"

The heart of the **** with divinity can be seen by divination. Annie has deep knowledge in divination, but she can't divination any news about fishing fire.

This is really rare.

Yuhuo is powerful, she is not the son of God but can control the sword of God, her body is shrouded in a fog, and she can't see the truth at all.

Yuhuo will never be an ordinary person.

The well-read Annie couldn't find anyone who could match the situation of Yuhuo, and she was very vigilant against Yuhuo, who was divination.

"Maybe she has a way to block divination."

Annie nodded: "it's possible, but I still hope you can pay more attention to her."

Xia Yu smiled: "I will pay attention, but this is not because I doubt her and pay attention to her. Since she promised to walk with me, we are now companions. Trust is the most basic thing for companions, right?"

Annie's mouth twitched when she heard her words, and she glanced at her angrily and walked out of the room alone.

After Annie left, the smile on Xia Yu's face disappeared. Her eyes darkened, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and an extremely incredible thought flashed through her mind.

The mist that Annie couldn't see clearly on Yuhuo's body, her strength that should not be underestimated, the voice she heard in a trance last night.

Yuhuo, will she be the heroine? !

Xia Yu thought of the first time she met Pei Na, who appeared in the sky and stared into her eyes.

She has been with the heroine for a very long time, and it is not surprising that the heroine can recognize her at a glance.

Will it be her?

Xia Yu was not sure, but the seeds of doubt were planted in her heart, so she decided to listen to Annie and pay more attention to fishing.

"Xia Yu, are you okay?"

Yuhuo pushed the door and walked in, with a smile on his face: "I said goodbye to them. By the way, the person you rescued last night brought something to thank you when you fell asleep."

Yuhuo walked to her side and took out a boxy thing wrapped in oil paper from the backpack he was carrying at any time.

Xia Yu smiled: "Let's put you here first?"


Xia Yu lost too much blood, and her face is not very good now. She suddenly frowned and reached out to grab Yuhuo's arm and said, "I'm a little dizzy."

Yu Huo said displeasedly when he heard the words: "It's said that you should rest in bed for a day or two, but you don't listen."

"I also want to rest for two days, but I'm worried, Pei Na can fly and seems to be able to locate the position of the heart of God, we can't be left behind by her."

"Okay?." Yuhuo sighed and supported her and said, "Then I'll support you."

"Thank you so much."

Annie was waiting for them outside and saw Xia Yu being helped out of the door by Yuhuo, her expression did not change.

"There is no one who wants to go out in the town. We can only travel by ourselves. If we start now, we should not meet the town on the way to Winter City. We can only make do with one night in the wild today."

After speaking, Annie raised her chin towards Xia Yu.

Let her decide whether to go now or not, and if they go now, they will have to sleep in the wild today.

Usually it's nothing, but now that Xia Yu is still injured, it's probably not good to just stay out all night.

"Then let's go now?" Xia Yu didn't mind sleeping in the wilderness today, she said with a smile, "This kind of injury is not a problem."

Annie didn't say anything, just led the way. She also knew that Xia Yu would not agree to stay, but just told what she knew.

Xia Yu is not a vase in a greenhouse. Her name as a swordsman came from her hard work and hard work. This kind of thing should be a common occurrence for her.

Winter is located in the north, relying on snow-capped mountains, and is a city that is covered with snow all year round.

Winter is no longer under the jurisdiction of Moonlight, it is a free city-state, rumored to be sheltered by the Lord of Winter.

The Heart of Water appeared directly inside Winter City, and almost everyone knew that the water-attributed God's Heart was in Winter City. The people of the Moonlight Empire immediately sent a letter to Queen Anna after discovering the Heart of Water, and Queen Anna told her sister the news in a special way.

It will take a long time to cross the border this time, but it will take at least a month to reach the winter if you just walk.

Xia Yu wanted to rent a car, but had no money to do it.

"My grandfather was a very powerful mage. He had followed the previous Son of God and was a close friend of the Son of God."

When I asked Yuhuo's family on the road, Yuhuo said it without hesitation, as if there was nothing worth hiding.

Annie was very curious and slowed down to stay on the same level as Yuhuo: "Well, can you take the liberty of asking about his name?"

"Of course!" Yuhuo smiled unconcernedly, clenched his fists in admiration and said, "My grandfather, his name is Lieyan!"

"Your Excellency Lie Yan" Annie heard the name, knew the man Yuhuo said, and said in surprise, "Is that the man who used to be called 'Vulcan God'?"

"Yes! It's him!" Yuhuo said happily.

"It is rumored that after the monster was destroyed, Your Excellency Lie Yan disappeared, and the team of the Son of God also disappeared."

Yuhuo said: "After the Demon King was defeated, my grandfather and his friends lived in seclusion in a place called Xianggu Village."

Xia Yu, who was held by Yuhuo's hand, was a little confused, because he was the descendant of his former companion, the Son of God, and someone who came out of the magical village full of secluded bosses, so Yuhuo was so powerful.

Xia Yu didn't know what the last Son of God was like, but after thinking about it, it wasn't too bad. Maybe there was a strong senior in that village who had a deep knowledge of divination and helped Yuhuo stop it. Annie's private spying on her.

This explanation also looks plausible.

Did I want to go wrong?

She is not a heroine at all, but she has a really strong background, so she looks so different from ordinary people.

Is the fishing fire lying?

Xia Yu could guess from Annie's reaction that what Yuhuo said should not be false.

The idea that Yuhuo might be the heroine just stayed in my heart for less than a long time, and it was completely disintegrated with Yuhuo's explanation.

She looked down at the intimate movements of Yuhuo and Yuhuo, and suddenly felt a little annoying. She was a little fortunate that she was just thinking about it in her heart.

In the evening, the three of them set up a bonfire, and the wild survival skills of fishing fire were still better than the two of them, at least their cooking skills were better than theirs.

"When there is no seasoning in the wild, this delicious grass is the best seasoning."

Annie, who had previously said to be careful about Yuhuo and be wary of her, is now chatting happily with Yuhuo, no, not now, since Yuhuo explained that he came from Xianggu Village, the two of them had a good chat.

As if to verify her guess, there are indeed fortune-tellers skilled in divination in the Xianggu village of Yuhuo, and Yuhuo, as an inspirational and famous existence in the new generation, has learned all their skills.

Compared with Xia Yu, Yuhuo is more like the son of God.

An existence that has inherited the legacy of the previous son of God.

The background of Yuhuo is so strong and the strength is not weak, why did she not exist in the original plot

Xia Yu couldn't remember what the original plot was like. She basically knew the characters that appeared in it. She had some impressions of the names of Queen Anna and Annie.

Yuhuo, the name she heard for the first time.

Maybe the plot changes are too big, is it the butterfly effect caused by her? .

Xia Yu was silent all afternoon, thinking about it all the time in her mind, she couldn't stop at all.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

When Xia Yu heard the voice close at hand, she looked up and saw Yuhuo who was concerned. They didn't know when they ended their chat, and Yuhuo was watching her beside her.

"No." Xia Yu said with some doubts.

Yuhuo had a worried look on his face: "Your spirit doesn't look good."

Annie said, "Maybe you're sleepy?"

Annie gave excuses, but Xia Yu didn't bother to explain, so she nodded along with Annie's words.

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