But what about that?

Gu Yu is a **** on the top, even if you really want to get married, what about?

There is no you in her eyes.

Huo Hao picked up his lips and smiled. "Hey, you can't win."

As long as the person is Gu Yu, you will never win.

Although it was only a month, Huo Wei’s understanding of Gu Yu was no less than that of Ying Ying. There was nothing like her who could trap her.

This is more like exposing the urgency that he can't get, just like he was dreaming of the day and night.

After all, they are thinking about things that are hard to have.

Huo's words called Qi Yinghan's eyes deeper, because he knew that the other party had seen his intentions. However, even so, he has a bigger bargain than Hoo.

"Huo Wei, no woman will not care about her children." 祁 抿 抿 抿 抿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Auntie is pregnant."

Gu Yu is pregnant.

This sentence finally called Huo Wei successfully changed his face.

There was silence in the space of /forced/仄, and Huo’s palms were tight, and the smile in his eyes slowly disappeared. The back of his hand was green and the ribs burst out, grabbing the collar of Ying Ying.

"When did this happen?"

Huo Wei was one word at a time, and finally no longer disguised.

Yan Yinghan looked at the red marks on his eyes, and his heart paused. He calmly said: "A week ago."

"Huo Wei, you will not forget that we are unmarried couples, how can we do nothing?" Like looking at the opposite person's discoloration, Yan Yinghan's voice brought some irony, like taunting him.

The young man with the collar on his face slowly tightened, and the knuckles were white, and there was no easy look on his face. Anyone can't think of this. It was two days ago in the car like a smile and waiting for Ying Ying to open the door.

He counted everything, not even afraid of their marriage, but did not expect that Gu will be pregnant.

She is pregnant with a child who is chilling. This cognition is that Huo Xin’s heart is gradually sinking. The darkness in his heart seems to be no longer suppressed. For the first time, he wants, wants, kills, and people.

"how dare you!"

How dare you let her have children? Huo Ying's eyes. Scarlet. Red, the sound is like the one squeezed out of the scorpion.

He Yinghan let him pull, his expression is dull: "Huo Wei, you are the most unqualified person to ask this sentence."

"However, after reading our brothers, after learning the good news, I invited many friends to come and celebrate. Since you left the country, it has not been lively for a long time."

After he said this, he smiled lightly: "This way we can get together too well. After all, we are not brothers after tonight."

He deliberately emphasized the words of the brothers, and plainly told Huo Wei that he had no chance.

This is still a long time after Huo Wei’s time to see Yan Ying’s shot again. These years, the circle has stabilized, and Huo Wei almost forgot the appearance of this person’s decisive decisiveness.

Can become the master of the family, let him call the big brother for so many years, how can you be an ordinary person?

Huo's eyes paused and did not leave after understanding the intentions of Ying Yinghan. Because he knows that this is a game, if he takes a step back, he will lose.

The price is - Gu Yu.

Therefore, even if Ying Yinghan met him today to declare his sovereignty, even if he said that Gu Yu was pregnant, he could not leave. His good big brother wants him to see something, he has to see something.

He wants to crush his confidence and ask him to completely ignore it.

However, if it is only such a degree, it is not enough. Huo Huo picked up his lips and covered his eyes.

After all, what he is best at is to bear it, isn't it?

The two eyes looked at each other, and Huo’s lips and corners disappeared. He restrained himself and finally let go of the door after the door knocked. Dumb voice said: "That's really, thank you brother."

I didn't notice the strange atmosphere between the two people. The people who were invited were somewhat surprised, but they didn't think too much. After all, it was a good thing.

With the temperament of the elder brother, they all thought that they would have to drag on for many years before they got married, so even though he was engaged to Gu Yu at the beginning, everyone did not really think that the two would be together.

I received a message until today.

The invitations of the family were sent out one by one, saying that the wedding was the day after tomorrow, and everyone was taken aback. I have to guess if something is wrong, how can I be so anxious.

But these words were not dare to ask in front of Qi Yinghan, so everyone just smiled and talked about something else.

The last party before the marriage came with familiar friends, all of whom smiled and congratulated Xiao Ying.

Huo Wei also smiled and rarely talked throughout the whole process. Gradually, some people noticed something wrong. However, he did not think about the relationship between Ying Ying and Huo Wei. He only thought that he was in a bad mood today.

So I took a glass of wine and asked, "Huo Shao, what happened to you today?"

Seeing Huo Huo’s words, the eye of the man who wants to get to the house is turned and deliberately lowered his voice. “Huo Shao, do you know what is going on today? I heard that it’s because Gu Jiaqian was pregnant. So I was so anxious to get married."

He originally wanted to reveal the news of his own hearsay, so he could have a conversation with Huo Wei, but he did not expect to see the cold eyes of the youth on the sofa.

Through the dim light, the eyes, though smiling, made people feel chilly in the back, as if they were stared at by someone who ate.

The speaker's words were stiff in his mouth, and it was only after Huo's regaining his gaze.

Sitting on the side of the cold, looking at this scene, holding a glass of wine and smiling.

The party was until ten o'clock in the evening, because everyone couldn't leave because they shouldn't leave.

Outside the bustling private room, the young man with a clear back has a cigarette, and he does not know what he is thinking. This is a banquet dedicated to him, and everyone is discussing the wedding of Qi Yinghan and Gu Yu two days later.

The name Gu Yu is like a thorn in the bottom of my heart, from the initial gaze is attracted, and now I will never forget. The more you can't get it, the more the thorn is deep.

The words of Ying Yinghan kept echoing in my ear.

She is pregnant.

Huo Wei listened to the noise in the room, calm on the face, staring at the number on the screen for a long time, only he knew that it took a lot of effort to restrain the suffocation of the bottom of my heart.

He refused to call Gu Yu for two days because he knew that the kiss that day might make her unacceptable. So he gave her time and let her think slowly.

But the only thing he can't accept is that she chooses others.

She is pregnant with a child who is cold.

This is the only soft rib that can pull the swan off the high platform. How can he allow it to exist? What's more, this soft rib is held in the hands of others.

There was only one person in the smoking room. I don’t know how long it took. Huo Xiao smiled at himself and coveted the darkness of his eyes.

He is never a good person, and this is the last chance he gave her.

The phone was dialed out and the phone screen flashed a little uneasy. Huo Wei listened to the ringing of the phone ringing over and over again, but until the end, no one answered.

Huo Wei finally had to admit that he was blacked out by Gu Yu.

It was like something she could do. He snorted and put the cigarette in the glass jar. The good-looking eyebrows gradually faded into a layer of suffocation.

I don’t know when it’s raining outside, and the atmosphere is even more alarming. Huo's eyes dialed again for the second time. Still the same result, no one answered.

The opportunity is over.

Huo Wei thought, he never gave a third chance.

"Auntie, this is your choice." He smiled slowly.

He broke through restraint, so that those thoughts could no longer be buried, how could she not do anything, and continue to marry others and give birth to children.

God has always been high, how can it be stained.

Huo Xiao chuckled, and for the first time, Gu Yu was really innocent. Innocent to think that marrying Ying Ying will be fine, naive to think he will let her go.

However, he is pregnant with a child. He will help her with her hands, hands, fights, and it. After all, the blind man can't give his eyes to anyone.

Huo Xiao whispered, and the hand holding the phone gradually tightened until he was patted on the shoulder.

"Huo Shao, how can I stand here alone? Everyone is inside, walk around, let's go in together." Someone started to groan.

The party gradually disappeared, and Huo Xiaoguang flashed and looked inside. The tone remained the same:

"it is good."

Gu Yu here does not know that he has been forced to become pregnant, except for kissing and even more intimate. He does not know the dark thoughts of Huo Xin’s heart. She has been in the room for two days, and the only fun after being confiscated is to sleep.

Although the day of sleep in the room is dim, the image of the flower in the outer high is still perfect.

Don't talk, don't ask for mercy, don't bow.

Gu Yu felt that he almost didn't die.

"I don't think you can say this to one thing." She tried to talk to the system.

The system stopped the hand of flipping the book, and the voice smiled: "Host, I very much welcome you to exchange literature with me. After all, there are some things, two people are more interesting than one."


Gu Yu finally wants to open his mouth and instantly closes himself.

She had thought that Guan Xiao. Black. The house was miserable, but even worse, whenever she wanted to open her mouth, the system would pollute her ears next to her.

Gu Yu feels that after the completion of the crossing, she will probably produce the yin and shadow.

After an hour, he couldn’t help himself, and he couldn’t help but ask the system again: “What is the fun of your life?”

Mr. System stopped his gaze and thought about it carefully. He didn’t know what to do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for reading the book, he slowly picked up his lips and smiled at Gu Yu: "In fact, really Very good, you should probably learn."

"No, I refuse, you can't think about it."

For the first time, Gu Yu’s singer saw the person who was so obsessed with the singularity of literature. He couldn’t help but scream at the corner. He couldn’t find a rebuttal at a time.

... forget it, you are happy.

This time, she finally decided to take care of her mouth and no longer take the initiative to find abuse.

Gu Yu stayed in the room until he was cold.

When he came back, it was almost early in the morning. Gu Yu slept for a long time during the day. At night, he couldn’t sleep and just rolled over and rolled, and he heard the sound of the door being opened.

The sound of the smart lock was exceptionally clear in the quiet night, and Gu Yu immediately stiffened his body, and tried to relax his breath in the next second, making a look that was already asleep.

The door opens to reveal a hint of wine. He should have a cold footstep and finally turned to the bathroom. Because it is a happy event, there are too many people toasting today, and he has not rejected it.

What's more, where is Huo Wei still.

The youthful face of the cold face converges, and finally just look at the bed.

It’s funny to say that Qi Yinghan never feels how strong he is, but now no matter how tired he is outside, as long as he goes home and sees the aunt, those tiredness seems to be able to dissipate.

His aunt was sleeping so quietly.

As long as I think of this, I should not feel softer.

The warm yellow light in the bathroom was shining on the body, and the shower sound gradually became smaller. The people inside did not know how long it stayed. Gu Yu has some helplessness: "He won't sleep here tonight?"

The system calmly said: "After all, before you dismiss the marriage contract, you are his fiancee."

Is it closed? Is it black?

Gu Yu’s forehead jumped and she really hoped that the banquet would come soon. She couldn’t wait to go out and let her go.

It seems that I heard the voice of Gu Yu. After a while, the bathroom door was finally opened. Yan Yinghan changed his bathrobe and slowly walked out.

Gu Yu was afraid of being found to be sleeping, and immediately closed his eyes.

The bedroom was quiet and terrible, and the incense that was lit up at the table brought a bit of warmth. When Qi Yinghan walked on the edge of the bed, he stopped and he did not turn on the light. He looked at Gu Yu quietly.

Perhaps nothing can be seen in the darkness, but I should still look at her in the cold. Just when Gu Yu thought that he was sleeping, he was discovered. When he thought about how to be cold and elegant, he finally recovered his gaze.

But I still have to wait for Gu Yusong's tone, I feel that there is more than one person in bed.

Because of the shower, the person had a faint wet feeling, Gu Yu held his breath, felt a hand on her waist, and frowned frowning.

Qi Yinghan didn’t know that she was sleeping, and after she put her hand on Gu’s waist, she covered her quilt and slowly lowered her eyes.

He maintains this position and does not move, like protection and imprisonment, this is their first true sense of the same bed. Although I used to sleep in a room, but Ying Yinghan has been sleeping on the sofa, not to mention these days, Gu Yu was locked. In the room, almost no one has seen anyone.

Gu Yu thought for a long time, could not understand his mind, and he could only let him hold.

It is already late.

I thought that there would be more people around me who couldn't sleep, but I didn't expect it to be awkward after a while. She spit on her body and how to sleep and did not sleep enough to breathe evenly without burden.

After Gu Yu was completely asleep, the hand that was placed on the waist could not help but tighten.

Qi Yinghan slowly opened his eyes and fixedly looked at the woman's cold eyebrows in her sleep. The darkness in her eyes gradually subsided: "Good night, aunt."

He seemed to chuckle, and he printed his kiss on Gu Yu's cool forehead: "You will belong to me soon."

Gu Yu fell asleep without thinking, but the system looked at this scene, his eyes deeper.

It seems that things have changed a bit. He thought, the little swan, who couldn’t help but look at his eyes, had a slight eyebrow.

Gu Yu’s feelings went straight to the next day at noon.

When I woke up, Ying Yinghan was no longer around, and the sun outside the window was warm and comfortable on the bed. Gu Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one next to him, and then he remembered what he asked like: "I didn't do anything last night?"

She refers to her sleeping position, the swan sleeps have been more overbearing, Gu Yu is another individual. It takes a bed to get used to it. Some worried that two people slept together last night, and their sleeping posture destroyed the image.

"If you mean that you almost smashed the male partner last night." The system deliberately hung Gu Yu’s appetite until he saw that Gu’s face was a little stiff/hard, and he smiled and said: “I lied to you. of."


Gu Yu sighed in the scorpion. Before she got angry, she heard the system slowly shifting the subject: "However, if there is bad news, there is indeed one."

"What a bad news?" Gu Yu frowned, decided to put the little wings of the stupid / desire / move back.

The system remembered what I knew last night, and regretted it: "I am sorry to tell you that we may need to change a plan."

Since confirming the dissolution of the marriage contract with the system, Gu Yu has been waiting for the banquet, and even the lines of the dissolution of the marriage have been read several times, trying to be perfect.

I did not expect the system to suddenly tell her to change the plan.

Gu Yu paused, some did not understand: "Why?"

The light outside the window shone on Gu Yu, but it didn't bring a warmth to the delicate eyebrows of that person. Mr. System’s gaze passed from her good-looking face, and she stayed in the eyes of doubts but still no feelings, and her heart was quite clear.

Perhaps, he understood what it was like to be so anxious. Thinking this way, the system slowly said: "Because the male match will advance your wedding."

"You can't wait until the evening party to open your marriage contract. You will be transformed from an unmarried relationship into a husband and wife relationship one day in advance."

Gu Yu listened to his explanation. After he finally digested it, some did not know how to open it. In the end, he could only come up with a sentence: "Are you humans so sloppy?"

Like looking for a partner to marry, shouldn't it be prudent to be careful, how do you get married when you get married? And is there no objection to the family of the original Lord?

Gu Yu was so powerless to vomit, the system smiled and reluctantly comforted her: "Host, you have to know that even human life has many unreasonable places."

"And, if it is not for the Civil Affairs Bureau to close this evening, it may be more sloppy." It said, slowly twitching the lips.

Although I know that the system is correct, Gu Yu is still a desperate discovery. Whenever she has any plans, she will not have to wait until the next day, and the plan will definitely change, which is more accurate than the lottery.

Gu Yu sighed and understood that there was a problem with the plan now, so the dissolution of the marriage contract should be advanced, or it would become a divorce directly.

She was originally prepared to raise the matter on the day of the banquet, so that she could cross back on the spot. But now that the time is ahead of the day, Gu Yu is somewhat unsure of what happens if he says it in person.

After all, after playing a big face, she still has to stay here for a day.

In the heart of the construction, Gu Yu took a deep breath, and for the first time in a few days, he rang the doorbell in the room.

The sound of "dudu" sounded several times and was finally connected.

Gu Yu gritted his teeth and thought about it on the phone. Just about to open his mouth, he heard that the phone on the other end was hung up. Then someone knocked on the door.

Forget it, the coming is always coming, Gu Yu maintains a good look, the tone is cold:

"Come in."

The sound outside the door paused and finally opened the door. Qi Yinghan still has a cup of hot coffee in his hand, which is Gu Yu’s favorite taste.

When he came in, he put the coffee on the table and stared at her face before he slowly opened his mouth: "Auntie, this is the first time you have been looking for me for so long."

No, actually I don't want to find you at all.

Gu Yu looked at the man with the cold face, the heart is not good, but the face is still a proud and indifferent.

She didn't look at the cup of coffee, just frowning at the cold, and asked coldly: "How long are you going to shut me?" Her straightforward disgusting eyes were like a knife, and she poked straight into the heart.

He paused and put a cube of sugar into the coffee: "Auntie, I remember you don't like to drink too much."

This is the only place where Gu Yu is not so unappealing. She likes sweetness.

Qi Yinghan said this and did not answer the question just now.

Listening to the opposite person answering questions, Gu Yan frowned.

The flower of Gaoling has no good temper, not to mention the fact that it is restricted in freedom. When the coffee was handed over, Gu Yu looked colder.

"Be careful." Ying Yinghan reminded him.

Then the next second, Gu Yu knocked over the coffee in front of him. Without any explanation, she simply disliked what he had brought.

The hot coffee was sprinkled on the ground, and the person holding the coffee was also red on the finger.

Looking at the traces of Ying Yinghan's hands, Gu Yu was afraid of death, and felt that Ying Yinghan did not make her a braised goose. But even then, the performance has to be played.

Then Gu Yu raised his jaw and heard the crisp cracking of the cup. The tone was cold and cold: "It has been two days, if you are crazy enough, you should be cold."

"--We will cancel the marriage contract."

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