All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

Chapter 40 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The fortieth chapter hugged me like a mass of clouds! Soft!

"Do not I good bad ah!"

Li Liwei people stupid.

Its not drink a few mouthfuls of blood, even by the Queen Medusa had a positive significant arrest!

She had to think of ways the job in a few mouthfuls!

The Queen Medusa is glanced Lin Yang.

Find Lin Yang is still in dreamland, it was not awakened.

So the Queen Medusa against Li Liwei snapped: "If you dare to master noisy to sleep, I'll make sure you regret it!"

Hear the words of the Queen Medusa, Li Liwei looking heavy.

She did not want to drink so little returned to the coffin!

"That depends on you have no ability to stop me !!"

Li Liwei mouth slightly raised.

Revealing two cute little eye teeth.

"It seems that you are the sight of coffins tears!"

Queen Medusa said the cold.

She wriggled its tail raised his body.

An oppressive instantly swept away to Li Liwei.

Make her feel a bit powerless against!


Lili Wei's mouth across a touch of Xiemei smile.

Immediately after.



Queen Medusa his hands on his neck.

She just seems to be something bite?


When the Queen Medusa see the palm of his own blood, and black fog dissipated.

She could react, it is a means of Lili Wei!


Before the Queen Medusa make a response.

Her vision began to blur!

The whole person groggy going into sleep.

"Hee hee hee! Although you are now becoming very strong, but the distance I almost!"

Li Liwei giggle said.

This is her lethargic factor will inject blood into the Queen Medusa.

Has been able to succeed is because the Queen Medusa is not much to her defense.

Otherwise, she changes out of the small moment will bat to smash the Queen Medusa.


Queen Medusa did not resist the power of live sleeping factors.

He fell to the ground.

This gives Lili Wei provides a good opportunity!

"Hee hee hee! Now the owner is mine!"

Li Liwei excited and jumped up.

Her gaze being asleep in Lin Yang.

I can not help but shed a disappointing saliva.

"Let's eat it!"

Lili Wei opened a small mouth, revealing two canines will launch a second attack to Lin Yang!

However, in her just bite Lin Yang's neck.

Lin Yang sleeping position has changed.

Grabbed her stand up straight.

Then Li Liwei still face Qinliaoyikou.

His mouth and muttered: "soft, so comfortable!"


Lin Yang Li Liwei was instantly grabbed the white skin color becomes bright red.

She never would have expected this from happening!

Lin Yang that he was to be 'anti-kill' up!


Li Liwei want to push Lin Yang's hand.

But she can not force.

So in the end we are doing useful work.

Only let Lin Yang hugged herself.

And she can not bite Lin Yang neck, enjoying the most abundant blood.

"Well ..."

Lili Wei finally chose to give up.

She hugged Lin Yang also found to be quite good.

She tilted his head.

Look to Lin Yang sleeping.

Mouth revealing a faint smile.

Then meet her, in the face of Lin Yang Qinliaoyikou.

He said softly: "Today's vampire, right here thank you for my master!!!"

Voice down, she will be buried in an embrace of Lin Yang.

Feeling meticulous care.

About to dawn.

Queen Medusa body lethargy factor was completely lifted.

She clutching his head from the ground up.

"Damn it's a vampire!"

She flew its eye on the bed, to make it look good vampire.

But found only at this time in bed Lin Yang a person.

He is still asleep.

And Li Liwei coffins have also been covered again.

It appears she has to go back.


This scene so the Queen Medusa bit surprised.

However, she was also understood, that guy could not be hazardous to Lin Yang.

They win in just Lin Yang sleep problems Bale.

Now it seems, Lin Yang still slept peacefully.

"Forget it! This time it spared her!"

Medusa Queen whispered loudly.

Then twist stature once again returned to the side of Lin Yang.

Gently around her most dear master, quietly waiting for the arrival of the morning!

The next day!


Lin Yang woke up.

It is in front of a snow-white.

"Master, you awake?"

Lin Yang holding the Queen Medusa's face smiles.

"Well, ah ~ yesterday is really slept a good sleep ah!"

Lin Yang yawned and said: "I dreamed I hugged a mass of clouds, it feels so good!"


Queen Medusa bit stunned at first.

Then immediately take the hint.

He smiled and replied: "!! This little clouds presumably also very happy to be the owner hug of gratitude owner of grace."


Lin Yang heard the words of the Queen Medusa, first frowned.

Then meet her directly Qinliaoyikou.

"What to do? My master?"

Queen Medusa am a little surprised.

"You are eating honey yet? Mouth so sweet?"

Lin Yang asked with a smile.


Medusa Queen could not help but laugh, and then twist the stature leaned Lin Yang.

He asked: "Master, that my lips sweet it?"

"I can also taste good!"

Lin Yang replied with a smile.

Queen Medusa mouth sweet, but also with a little lubrication.

"Then you have to try it in? My lips taste ~~" *

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