All People’s Island: Opening Contract with Queen Medusa!

Chapter 19 Attack Absorption? Silk is so fragrant today!

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yang is currently counting the harvest of the past few days in the wooden house.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand! Six hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred! Hiss~"

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

This is the asset he has now!

A week ago, he had just arrived on this magical island.


And now!

A week later!

He has become an island owner with huge assets of 650,000!

This is nothing short of a miracle!

With this money, Lin Yang intends to purchase some powerful weapons or defensive measures.

He must first ensure that his town has the ability to protect itself.

After all, the island world is unpredictable, and it may be attacked by monsters at any time.

【Drip drip! 】


Lin Yang received a private message.

He opened it and saw that it was from Liu Yue.

【Lin Yang, are you there? The textiles of celestial silk have been completed, you see...]

"Well, I'll charge as much as you have."

Lin Yang replied.

【good! At this stage, Tiantian silk has been made into three textiles! I have asked others, the price of these textiles fluctuates from two hundred to two hundred and fifty, and I will sell you one hundred! May I? 】

Liu Yue asked Lin Yang.

Although the textiles of celestial silk fluctuate between two hundred and two hundred and fifty pieces.

But the demand for this luxury is not that great.

Coupled with the characteristics of silk this day, not many island owners would buy it.

Because Liu Yue was in a hurry to sell it, it was not a big loss for Liu Yue to sell it to Lin Yang at half price. On the contrary, she wanted to thank Lin Yang.

"Okay, I've taken all three!"

Lin Yang decided to buy Liu Yue's silk textiles.

【good! I will initiate a transaction request to you immediately! To remind you of one thing, the silk textile can change its shape according to the user's wishes, that is to say, as long as it is worn on the body, it can be turned into a short sleeve or a padded jacket at any time! As long as you have a thought on it! 】

"And this feature?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised, wouldn't buying a piece of silk from Tiantian silk mean buying all the clothes?

[That's why it's so expensive! Ordinary clothing may only be enough for five crystal yuan. (Grievance!) I originally wanted to increase the scale, but the demand for celestial silk is really not large, so I was wondering if I should give up...]

During the chat, Liu Yue sent a transaction request to Lin Yang.

[Partner Product: Celestial Silk Fabric*3]

[Our quotation: 300 wafers]

【agree or not? 】


【Transaction complete! Get celestial silk fabric*3! Epistar-300】

Lin Yang clicked Agree immediately.

And asked Liu Yue: "Then what are you going to do next? If you don't breed silkworms."

[It may be to raise small animals. There are many small animals on my island. If they are raised reasonably, they should have a stable income. 】

"Really? That's fine."

As Lin Yang replied, he took out a piece of celestial silk fabric from his dimensional backpack.

celestial silk

Rare Level: 0 stars (0/1)

Special: Can change form according to mind, provide 0 star attack effect absorption


Lin Yang was stunned when he saw the introduction of Tianchansi.

What does this second introduction mean?

Provide 0 star attack effect absorption?

And can silk silk fabrics also evolve?

Can it be evolved to absorb the attacks of higher stars?

"Try it!"

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Lin Yang evolved celestial silk.


【Successful evolution! Evolution Energy-1]

celestial silk

Rare level: 1 star (0/2)

Special: Can change form according to your mind, provide 1 star attack effect absorption!


Seeing the upgraded celestial silk, Lin Yang was so excited!

He never imagined it!

Celestial silk can also absorb attacks!

This should be the first one he discovered, because only he has evolutionary energy!

Unevolved celestial silk is the same as ordinary clothing, unable to defend against attacks.

But it's the celestial silk in Lin Yang's hands!

That's just like a tiger with wings!

As long as it keeps evolving, it will become an invulnerable protective suit!

You can also change the style of clothes at will, which is simply a fetish!

"Evolution! Continue to evolve!"

【Successful evolution! Evolution Energy -5]

Celestial Silk has been upgraded to two stars!

【Successful evolution! Evolution Energy -10]

Celestial Silk has been upgraded to three stars!

【Successful evolution! Evolution Energy -30]

Celestial Silk has been upgraded to four stars!

【Successful evolution! Evolution Energy -400]

Celestial Silk has been upgraded to five stars!

【Successful evolution! Evolution energy -5000]

Celestial Silk has been upgraded to six stars!


"I didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest!"

An excited smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yang's mouth.

Never thought that silk was so powerful today!

Now the silk has the defense against the six-star attack!

That is to say, as long as he is wrapped in celestial silk, even Queen Medusa cannot harm him!

This wave of transactions with Liu Yue!

It was he who made a fortune!

If his snake people also wear these celestial silk fabrics.

Isn't that invincible?


A great plan came to Lin Yang's mind!

He wants to build an invincible army!

"Liu Yue!"

Lin Yang sent a message to Liu Yue.

【kindness? I'm here, what's wrong? 】

"Are you interested in expanding the breeding of silkworms?"

Lin Yang asked Liu Yue bluntly.

[No, the premise of expanding farming is to be able to sell products, but Tiantian silk fabrics don't seem to be very popular...]

Liu Yue wanted to give up for a long time. After all, other than being able to change the style of clothes, clothes made of celestial silk had no advantages.

But if it's going to be sold cheaply, it might be more than you can make ends meet.

And Lin Yang smiled.

He replied, "What if I could buy all your celestial silk? Would you like to expand your celestial silk farming for me? Buy it at the original price!"

【Uh... um! ? ? ? (surprise!)】*

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