Wu Yichun was also not idle. After accepting the mission, he set off with a group of brothers. Now that his strength has improved, he still did not choose to eat alone. Instead, he did his best to assist his brothers to complete the mission and obtain Task rewards.

During the mission, Wu Yichun always charged forward and retreated behind, setting an excellent example among the players.

This boy knew very well that the reason why his ship could be upgraded to a light aircraft carrier so quickly was not because of himself, but because of Ye Bai's help. Even his small fleet of more than 20 warships could not be upgraded to a light aircraft carrier. It was also given free of charge by Ye Bai.

To reciprocate, he would of course help Ye Bai win over more players and improve the strength of his brothers as much as possible. Although doing so would cause his own fleet to suffer more losses, Wu Yichun didn't care.

To put it bluntly, all of his current strength comes from Ye Bai. As long as he can help Ye Bai, even if the entire fleet is wiped out, it is still worth it. What's more, if his fleet suffers losses, Ye Bai will not suffer any loss. Will turn a blind eye.

Therefore, even after seeing Ye Bai's strong support for Wu Yichun, although the players were a little envious and slightly jealous, they also admired it, because Wu Yichun had earned it with his own actions and hard work, even though Ye Bai Bai was indeed a little too generous, but as the number one player, it was normal for him to be so generous.

Wu Yichun led a group of players around, looking for trouble with the NPC pirate fleet and accumulating strength for the subsequent dungeon space. Ye Bai also continued to stay on island No. 308, waiting for the launch of a new batch of main warships in the small space.

Island No. 308 and Yuntong Island have returned to normal status. The damage caused by the war has been repaired, and the missing carrier-based aircraft and coastal defense artillery have been deployed one by one. Even if there is no main fleet, the island itself The defense system has also been completed. Unless a huge fleet of more than a few thousand ships comes, there is no way to easily break through the island's defense system.

It has been some time since the Chinese fleet occupied the island No. 308. In the entire territory ranking list, Ye Bai still stands out, with a big"2"~ written in the column for the number of territories.

After occupying the second island again in a short period of time, Ye Bai originally thought that he would once again cause a sensation among the Blue Star player community. Maybe a large number of players would try their best to harass him.

As a result, the players seemed quite calm and did not harass him too much, except of course the previous disturbance caused by the promulgation and implementation of the power contribution policy.

But after the turmoil subsided, the players no longer had any achievements to discuss. This really made Ye Bai feel a little awkward. It wasn't that he wanted to show off, but that this situation was obviously not consistent with common sense. ah.

Ye Bai, who had stopped paying attention to the chat section for a long time, initially thought that these Blue Star players were somewhat different from their compatriots on Earth and were more likely to be conquered by the strong.

As a result, after listening to Wu Yichun's explanation, I realized that Ganqing had been robbed of his popularity, and the players no longer cared to pay attention to his record.

Ye Bai knew about the first large-scale battle between the player organization and the aboriginal forces. Such a big event would certainly have enough charm to steal Ye Bai's popularity. It was no big deal.

But what Ye Bai didn't expect again was that in addition to this group of players who were deeply stimulated, the aboriginal forces were also not idle.

I don't know if it was a hidden setting of the system. After Ye Bai took action against the aboriginal forces and successfully occupied two small islands, it seemed as if a switch was turned on. The entire world of navigation was completely plunged into large-scale war..

If we want to talk about a specific time, it would be the second week after the system officially recognized the Chinese fleet's occupation of Island No. 308, when the war between the player organization and the aboriginal forces had just come to an end.

Originally, there was no peaceful coexistence with each other. Although there were occasional minor frictions, wars of unprecedented scale broke out between the indigenous forces that had never really fought to the death.

The first ones to take action are of course those large indigenous forces that are powerful and have large islands in their hands.

These large aboriginal forces themselves have mastered various levels of warship construction technology, even if they are just basic old warships, at least they will not be controlled by others.

The island area is also much larger than those of small and medium-sized islands. The islands also have more raw material resource points. In addition, the occupied offshore resource points, in terms of the supply of raw materials, are smaller than those of small and medium-sized islands. The residents' power is much better.

When these large islands first appeared in the world of navigation, the military strength of the indigenous forces occupying the islands was still relatively weak, and the size of the main fleet was less than a thousand ships.

But after such a long time, especially after the system has almost completely relaxed restrictions on indigenous forces, the development speed of these large indigenous forces is crazy.

Let’s not talk about some hidden powers that are invisible to the players. Just the military power on the surface is quite surprising to the players who are active on large islands.

Almost every day, new warships are launched and added to the main fleet. As of today, the number of warships parked in its military port has exceeded 2,000. This does not include the defense fleets at the offshore resource points and the surrounding areas. A patrol fleet that patrols large areas of the sea.

If all these warships are added up, the total number of warships of a large aboriginal force will be at least more than 3,000. Some players even revealed that the main fleet of a large aboriginal force has reached a scale of nearly 4,000 ships, so The total number of warships it owns exceeds 6,000.

With such a military power, not to mention those players who were inspired by their ambitions, even Ye Bai felt a little frightened, otherwise he would have chosen a large island as the base island of the Chinese fleet.

The apparent military strength of these large aboriginal forces surprised the players, but until the battle officially broke out, the terrifying strength of these large aboriginal forces shocked countless players even more.

With his own strength, he dispatched a huge fleet with more than 2,000 warships, and the scale of this fleet is still expanding, with small-scale fleets constantly joining the team.

At first, the players didn't know where these fleets came from. It was only later that they learned that as a large indigenous force, its sphere of influence was not limited to the large island where they were located.

0 Request for Flowers

The small and medium-sized islands in the surrounding waters are also under their control, or they belong to their affiliated forces. Those who are unwilling to bow their heads have been wiped out before this large-scale war begins.

The powerful military power gave these large aboriginal forces great confidence and confidence. They did not need to play any tricks and launched a full-scale attack on the selected targets.

Of course, the main fleets under the aboriginal forces were not the only ones participating in the battle. A large number of players were also attracted and joined the battle by receiving relevant tasks from the mission hall.

It's not that these players want to fight for the aboriginal forces. It's actually that in this battle, these large aboriginal forces have too great an advantage.

I don’t know if these guys have discussed with each other. As the first opponent in the official expansion battle, they are all carefully selected. There are no aboriginal forces of the same level at all. They are almost all small and medium-sized aborigines. power.

The gap between the two sides is not just a little bit. If it is not an active attack, but a pure competition of strength, these targets will be similar to an affiliated force under the large aboriginal force.

With such a big strength gap, the players are not idiots. Before the war, the players are still unable to determine the attack targets of these large indigenous forces, and some cannot easily make up their minds.

When the battle starts and you still don't know who they are going to fight, then there is not only a problem with your eyesight, but also a problem with your brain.

There is no shortage of players with brain problems, but the vast majority of players still have normal brains and naturally know what choices they should make. They strive to be first, hoping to perform better in the battle and gain better results. mission rewards.

On the other hand, the party being attacked, just like the war between Island No. 308 and Yuntong Island, not many players chose to participate in it. A battle that they knew they would lose, no matter how generous the mission rewards were, could not attract too many players. Players, after all, the mission reward is just a piece of pie. If the mission cannot be completed, no matter how many rewards you get, you will not be able to get it. You may even lose your own life. The price/performance ratio is really too low.

In this all-out war, it was not just these powerful aboriginal forces that chose to take the initiative to attack other aboriginal forces. Those small and medium-sized aboriginal forces were also not idle, and they all invariably launched attacks on other surrounding forces.

However, compared to the nearly one-sided battles between the large indigenous forces, the battles between these small and medium-sized indigenous forces were much longer and more brutal.

The medium-sized aboriginal forces are relatively better. After all, they did not choose the medium-sized aboriginal forces with the same power as themselves, but chose the small aboriginal forces that were weaker.

Although the gap between the medium-sized indigenous forces and the small-sized indigenous forces is relatively small, they still have the absolute upper hand. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem for these medium-sized indigenous forces to win. It just needs It just consumes more time and pays more price.

There is no such good thing for those small aboriginal forces. After all, their targets can only be among the small aboriginal forces that are similar in strength to them..

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