It turned out that these aboriginals were extremely calculating. They knew that in a frontal naval battle, the number of warships in their own fleet was too small, and it was very likely that they would not be able to sustain it. So they simply used a trick and mobilized the main fleet, leaving some warships to garrison. islands.

After the battle broke out, they pretended to resist for a while and then evacuated directly. Even the carrier-based aircraft units in the air were only dispatched in small numbers, and the coastal defense artillery fortress was not used.

After attracting all these players to the port terminal, the main fleet mobilized to return, and came to close the door to fight the dogs. The previously hidden carrier-based aircraft fleet was dispatched on a large scale, together with the coastal defense artillery fortresses with fixed targets. The player's warship on the dock exploded.

Speaking of which, these players who were deceived into the port were even more miserable than the other players who were also maimed. After all, it didn't matter if they were treated as fixed targets by the indigenous people. The residents' main fleet was blocked in the port.

The loss was huge. When many players saw that the situation was not going well, they immediately activated their battleships in an attempt to escape from this bloody hell. Fortunately, this aboriginal force did not seem to receive support from other forces, and only had hundreds of directly subordinate battleships..

Even with closed doors and dogfighting, as well as fire support from carrier-based aircraft units and coastal defense artillery fortresses, it was impossible to truly block thousands of player warships, and they were still rushed out by many players who reacted quickly.

He escaped, but was completely classified by the aboriginal forces into the hostile camp. He appeared on the radar screen with a bright red color. He might be chased by the aboriginal force fleet at any time.

Not only are these fleets directly under the aboriginal forces, but the aboriginal forces have also issued missions to clear out these player warships in the government affairs hall. The rewards for the missions are so generous that many players who have returned to the activity are quite envious..

For the sake of generous mission rewards, some players did not care about the friendship between Blue Star compatriots, and actually accepted the mission and joined in the pursuit of these players.

The players who were so angry that their plan to attack the aboriginal islands failed completely, and they also offended the aboriginal forces and were forced to leave the sea area, kept yelling and scolding these players in the chat section. He is not worthy of being a"Blue Star person" and is actually engaging in quarrels with each other.

In fact, these players who disregarded the friendship between their compatriots, accepted tasks from the indigenous forces, and joined the team chasing other players were not really just doing it for the generous task rewards.

There is also a huge key factor. This is the battle between the aboriginal forces and the players. It is obvious that the aboriginal forces won. It also allowed many players who were stimulated by Ye Bai's success to see the aboriginal forces. of strength.

I had never chosen to help the aboriginal forces before. When the overall situation was decided, I had to show off quickly. If I still wanted to hang out in this sea area in the future, I would join if I couldn't beat them. It was all for survival and not to be embarrassed.

The first head-on conflict between the aboriginal forces and the player organization ended in the complete failure of the player organization. Not to mention the loss of a large number of players, players who had already established a firm foothold in the world of navigation and slowly began to grow and develop The organization completely collapsed in the blink of an eye.

Although the player organizations involved in this battle had high-level players and many ordinary players surviving, in the process of escaping from the current sea area and going to other sea areas, no matter how the top leaders of the surviving player organizations called, they no longer had confidence. , even ordinary players with some resentment didn't have many choices to go and join together.

On earth, Uncle Ge once said:"It's hard to lead a team when people's hearts are broken."

This is the case for these player organizations today. They are not recognized by the system. They are just"illegal" organizations created among players. Except for some large organizations, those small organizations lack cohesion.

It's okay to be successful all the time, but this time such a disastrous defeat has caused players within the organization to lose confidence and trust in the top management of the organization. How can they continue to stay in this Akatsuki organization that has suffered heavy losses and has no future.

It can be said that after this failed attack on the aboriginal island, even though there are still many players surviving in these player organizations that participated, these player organizations have basically been able to announce their removal. The best situation A large number of organizational members will also be lost. If we return to before liberation overnight, it will be impossible to develop and grow again without any big opportunities.

The outcome of the battle between the player organization and the aboriginal forces quickly spread throughout the entire Blue Star player community, leaving the melon-eating crowd dumbfounded and somewhat frightened.

They really didn't expect that as a player, Ye Bai could easily capture the aboriginal islands, and TND had two of them. Other players organized and gathered so many players to attack, but not only did they not capture even one island, Even the organization was broken up.

Is this because Ye Bai is too strong, or because these players are simply too weak.

Especially the senior management of large player organizations who were waiting and watching for the time being and did not take action, or were organizing and preparing and had no time to attack, were even more shocked.

With the lessons learned from those player organizations, they all keenly discovered that they and others may have underestimated these indigenous forces from the beginning. It seems that their military strength is only the few hundred warships in the main fleet, but their background It is deep and the war potential that can burst out is beyond the players' expectations.

The leaders and senior officials of each large player organization all felt lucky. Thanks to a bunch of fools who took the lead, they had a clear understanding of the background of these aboriginal forces. Otherwise, they would be the ones running around like bereaved dogs.

Fortunately, they haven't started taking action yet, nor have they completely offended these aboriginal forces, nor have they exposed their ambitions, so they still have a chance.

On the small island No. 308, Ye Bai, who had just sent a batch of 100 warships of all levels out of the Yanhuang's small space and added them to the guard fleet, had no idea about the saucy operations organized by these players.

It was Wu Yichun, the guy who liked to visit the chat section, who reported this matter to him. Only then did he know that such a big event had happened in the world of navigation.

After hearing from Wu Yichun about the failure experiences of each player organization, Ye Bai was also a little stunned. He was not surprised at the war background of those aboriginal forces, but where he found reinforcements from some aboriginal forces.

Although I had heard Qiu Haonan say before that aboriginal forces would also ally with each other and be hostile to each other. It was not unusual to have reinforcements. The previous Yuntong Island also had its own friendly alliances.

0Flowers requested0However

, whether it was the attack on Island No. 308 or the sneak attack by the Chinese fleet, it happened suddenly and did not leave Yuntong Island much time to prepare. Even if they asked for help, the reinforcements would not be able to arrive in time. Arrive.

As for Island No. 308, there was plenty of time to arrive. Whether it was the long-term submarine blockade at the beginning or the Chinese fleet rushing over slowly, if they asked for help, the reinforcements could still arrive.

Out of curiosity, Ye Bai couldn't help but send someone to inquire about the congressmen who had chosen to surrender and were now working as wealthy men on the island No. 308. As a result, he learned from their mouths that they were at the port blocked by a submarine formation. He immediately asked for help from his allies.

However, their allies were too far away from Island No. 308, more than 5,000 kilometers away. Moreover, their allies were also facing constant harassment from nearby pirate forces at that time, and they were unable to send a large fleet thousands of miles away. Came all the way to support.

After the situation on the allies' side became relatively stable, Island No. 308 was completely at a disadvantage and was about to fall completely. Naturally, it was even less likely that any reinforcements would arrive.

After getting the answer he wanted, Ye Bai didn't know how to evaluate it. He didn't know whether to complain that the world of navigation was too dangerous and unstable, or to say that his luck was really good.

If Island No. 308 had received reinforcements from allies at that time, with the hard power of the Chinese fleet, it would not have lost, but it would have taken more time and greater losses to capture Island No. 308.

This also made Ye Bai understand that those senior players who have been in the world of navigation for so many years are really not in vain. Judging from the battle, it is obvious that the actions of the players have long been exposed. In the eyes of the residents' forces, it is not difficult to contact the army for support if they are prepared in advance. They will even use their tricks to set up traps to lure players into taking the bait.

Through this incident, Ye Bai also discovered another secret of the aboriginal forces, that is, the senior players. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That is what surprised many players who participated in the war. The identity of those mysterious reinforcement fleets with little red dots displayed on the radar display screen as soon as they appeared.

Before the player takes the initiative to launch an attack and changes the relationship between the two camps, there is no exchange of fire, and a small red dot appears on the radar display screen. There are only two situations in which it is either an alien player or a pirate warship.

Alien players were excluded first. In today's world of navigation, after countless players died, Blue Star players and Alien players finally demarcated their own territories. Unless a war breaks out between the two sides, no one will Easily enter the opponent's area of ​​activity.

Since alien players have been excluded, the only possibility for this mysterious reinforcement is a pirate warship.

After coming to this conclusion, Ye Bai was shocked. You must know that since he entered the world of navigation, he has known about pirates, whether they are NPC pirates who are randomly refreshed by the system, or real pirate forces. They are closely related to players and original pirates. The resident forces are in an absolutely hostile state..

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