However, although he was quite interested in the choices of these congressmen, Ye Bai would not be so stupid as to be unprepared. Putting aside everything else, if he wanted to take the initiative to surrender, he must at least pay a little sincerity, which is the so-called surrender letter..

Regarding this request, the few thoughtful congressmen had no objections. As soon as they changed hands, they completely sold out the ground troop defense situation on Island No. 308. This is why the Il-4 bomber group was able to target the enemy so accurately. Its ground forces launched a devastating bombing campaign.

In order to ensure that they could really survive, these congressmen who chose to betray the island No. 308 even did things quite thoroughly. Based on the first pleasant cooperation, they contacted the Chinese fleet again..

They claimed that they and others had taken control of some of the ground forces. Once each other's fleets launched a landing operation, the troops under their control would rise up and rebel, and assist the landing forces of the Chinese fleet to occupy the entire island.

Of course, Ye Bai would not have any objections to such a good thing. When Nimitz issued the order for the landing operation, he also told the emergency officers responsible for leading the team to pay attention to these troops who defected before the battle, but also to maintain Enough vigilance.

Under the cover of the decoy fleet and the air fleet, the huge transport fleet successfully entered the military and civilian ports of Island No. 308 without any obstruction. Countless Marines got off the transport ship fully armed and began to Occupy the entire port dock.

Dozens of remaining warships that had been blown to pieces were flying white flags one after another. Although some of the fierce-tempered officers and soldiers were unwilling to become prisoners, they directly opened the sea valves of the warships and sank the warships under their feet to the bottom of the sea. But compared to the entire remaining fleet, they are still a very small number.

With the port terminal under control, it would be even more convenient for the subsequent landing of large forces. Tanks with guns muzzled high drove out directly from the transport ship and rushed forward with a roar.

The Chinese fleet has not yet mastered specialized landing ship manufacturing technology, but there is no problem in making some modifications to the current transport ships, and they can even directly transport heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles.

In terms of transportation capabilities, these modified transport ships are no worse than professional landing ships, and are even better. However, their own defense capabilities are inferior. Once attacked, the ships and equipment will be lost together.

Despite this shortcoming, in this landing operation on Island No. 308, there was no need to worry about the defense of the transport ship, because the entire island's defense force had been almost completely destroyed.

Even the remaining ground troops are almost all in the hands of the few MPs who have surrendered, and they are even less likely to come out to prevent the transport fleet from landing.

Not only did they not stop it, this group of congressmen even demonstrated the behavior of"traitors" to the fullest. The landing force of the Chinese fleet had just landed at the port terminal, and fierce gunfire was heard from inside the island, turning it into a pot of porridge.

After experiencing the indiscriminate bombing by the Il-4 bomber group, the ground troops, which had suffered heavy losses, were nervously building a defense line under the command and leadership of some officers, taking inventory of the equipment that could still be used, and preparing for the last stand.

As a result, they never expected that they and others would be attacked from behind before they even saw the shadow of the enemy.

Seeing their comrades who were close to each other yesterday and sharing life and death with guilty faces, they raised their weapons and pulled the triggers towards them one after another. The soldiers who had not yet realized what happened had a look of surprise on their faces and fell headlong. He fell to the ground and didn't know why until he died.

Amidst the dense and fierce gunfire, the unsuspecting officers and soldiers fell to the betrayers' guns one by one. The screams and wailings they made before dying were their hatred for the betrayers.

For these officers and soldiers, the defection of the troops controlled by the"traitor" congressmen was the most unacceptable, but for the Chinese fleet, this battle was too easy.

Except for occasional sporadic resistance, the entire landing operation encountered almost no obstruction. The attack and advance were like a regular march. There were even a large number of surrendering troops with white towels on their arms to lead the way, allowing them to advance on the first step. All the factories, power plants, resource points, military camps, and various important warehouses on the island were captured in an instant.

This kind of battle was even easier than the capture of Yuntong Island. The Marine Corps officers and soldiers who had been fully prepared and wanted to fight felt like they were punched in cotton.

When they advanced all the way and reached the seat of the parliament, they discovered that the place had long been controlled by surrendering soldiers. Except for the few members who chose to defect to the Chinese fleet, all other members, including the speaker, had been killed. Bullet, fell into a pool of blood.

No one knew what happened in the parliament meeting room. The several members looked complicated, but no one opened their mouths to explain.

Ye Bai was just surprised when he learned the news and didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, for him, the landing Marine Corps officers and soldiers had occupied the entire island No. 308, and the overall situation was decided. , it doesn’t matter how those congressmen died.

Under the command of Nimitz, the main fleet of the Chinese fleet quickly arrived at the port terminal and was temporarily anchored in the military port. A patrol fleet led by light cruisers began to patrol the surrounding area.

A large number of talents came out of the small space on the Yanhuang. Under the leadership of Zhou Guolai, they began to take over the entire island No. 308, especially the reserve materials in the many warehouses.

The two shipyards on the other side of the military port were the first to be put into operation. After the high-level workers in the previous shipyards were purged, the middle and lower-level shipbuilding engineers and shipbuilding workers were all retained. After coming from the small space, Under the leadership of the engineers, emergency repairs were carried out on the captured warships.

To be honest, these warships are all basic warships, and their performance is already outdated for the Chinese fleet. However, Ye Bai still did not give up on these warships, but wanted to repair them as soon as possible and add them to the fleet..

Of course, these repaired basic version battleships will naturally not be added to the main fleet, but to the soon-to-be-established No. 308 Island Guard Fleet. Ye Bai and Nimitz have already discussed that the main fleet belongs to a Offensive fleet serves as the main combat force in all naval battles.

In each occupied island, a corresponding guard fleet needs to be established. In addition to being responsible for guarding the island itself, it also needs to be responsible for guarding resource points in the nearby sea areas, and is also responsible for patrolling the entire sea area.

Therefore, for these island guard fleets, in addition to enough main warships, they also need to be equipped with a large number of small and medium-sized warships. In order to complete such complicated work, the pressure is also not small.

Ye Bai is having a headache right now. Where are he going to get hundreds of warships to form a security fleet for the island No. 308? After all, according to the standards of the Yuntong Island security fleet, it does not count. In the case of garrison fleets at various resource points and daily patrol fleets, the island's own protective force also requires about 200 warships.

The reason why Yuntong Island's garrison fleet can be successfully established so easily is that the biggest help comes from the system. It is the system that directly rewards him with a ready-made fleet, which allows Yuntong Island garrison fleet, resource point garrison fleet, The maritime patrol fleet was successfully formed.

After successfully occupying the island No. 308 this time, Ye Bai doesn't know if he can get the same treatment again. Even if the reward is not as generous as before, Ye Bai will be satisfied as long as he has the reward of the fleet.

After all, the pirate forces in this sea area have been annihilated, two small islands have been occupied by him, and there are no other forces within 2,000 kilometers nearby. In the absence of enemy invasion, the main fleet does not need to be dispatched for a short time and can temporarily bear the burden. Take on the task of guarding the island No. 308.

However, although in fact, the Chinese fleet has completely occupied the island No. 308 and has taken control of it, it has still not been recognized by the system. It will have to wait until 3 days before it can be recognized by the system and issued. corresponding rewards.

Fortunately, it was only 3 days. In addition to the 5 of the 6 ground airports on the island that were about to be blown into ruins, one was still intact. The hundreds of P-38 Lightning fighter jets in the small space of the Yanhuang and IL-4 bombers have successfully completed the transition (good ones) and are ready to take off for combat at any time.

Another 5 seatsThe local airport is also seizing the opportunity to carry out repairs and renovations. A large amount of fuel and ammunition have been sent to the airport's fuel depot and ammunition depot.

The coastal defense artillery fortresses along the coast are also being cleaned up. Once the cleanup is completed, new coast defense artillery fortresses will be built again. The naval gun factories and aircraft manufacturing plants are already at full capacity and are still operating in three shifts. Non-stop operation to complete construction tasks in the shortest possible time.

The tasks of these factories are quite heavy. They need to restore the ground airport on Island No. 308 to the number of nearly 3,000 fighters. They also need more than 200 triple 406mm guns to build the shell of the coastal defense gun system.

The Chinese fleet, which has successfully mastered the construction technology of Nelson-class battleships, of course can no longer use those 300mm naval guns as coastal defense guns. It must at least be replaced with 406mm.

Not only are a large number of factories in small spaces operating at full capacity, but the factories on the newly taken over island 308 also have no intention of stopping. The original workers and experts have been invited back, directly on the basis of their original wages. It was doubled to stabilize people's hearts. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the resources and funds spent, Ye Bai, who has a lot of money, doesn't take it to heart at all..

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