After the panic, the speaker quickly turned around and shouted loudly to the guards behind him:"Hurry up and send the order, let the troops set off immediately, put out the source of the fire, and arrest those damn intelligence personnel."

"Yes, Mr. Speaker."

Although the Speaker was only wearing thin pajamas, he was covered in cold sweat at this moment. It was already late when he sent out the troops. He was really careless and ignored the counter-intelligence work. He had obviously done something to Yuntong before. In the battle on the island, their intelligence personnel played an extremely important role. As a result, on the island, none of them thought that the other side's intelligence personnel could also play a role. They actually put all their energy into meetings and discussions, And in the endless quarrel, now it's better, I suffered a big loss, now I just hope that the other party's night bombing is not so accurate, and the damage caused is not too great. In fact, this is also the case, there are fires on the ground. When the pile was ignited, the pilots who had already flown over the island discovered the dots of fire. This was not difficult. In a dark night, a little spark can be infinitely magnified. The huge fleet of aircraft Beginning to disperse, the F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets flying at the front have begun to lower their flight altitude, adjust their flight angles, and try to dive into the bombing channel.

"Tom Tom Tom"、"Tom Tom Tom"、"Tom Tom Tom"


As the flight altitude decreased, the roar of the engine became louder. The air defense positions on the ground, which had already been in place and were ready for battle, also roared at this time. A gun Each anti-aircraft gun raised its muzzle high and fired fiercely towards the sky. There was no radar guidance, and the dark night also made the gunners' vision poor, so they could only shoot randomly towards the place with the loudest roar. The anti-aircraft artillery's target The hit rate of air attacks is not high. In this kind of night battle, the effect is even worse. The flashes of fire light up the night sky, but they have never achieved any results.

"boom"、"boom"、""Boom" amidst the dull firing sound of anti-aircraft guns, bursts of violent explosions sounded, and balls of fireballs rose into the sky, attracting the eyes and attention of countless people.

The flames shot up into the sky, and they were particularly conspicuous in the night environment. At a glance In the past, some smart people even changed their expressions, because the place where explosions and fires occurred was at the ground airport.

After receiving the air defense warning from the ground radar station, the ground crew and pilots who were sleeping soundly at the airport were forcibly awakened. Of course, if they come over, they are not allowed to fly fighter planes into the sky. Not to mention the risks and difficulties of taking off and landing at night. Without the ability to fight at night, even taking off and taking off will have no effect. They can only become targets for others.

They need to urgently take off and land. All the carrier-based aircraft parked near the runway are sent to hangars with certain defensive capabilities and continue to stay in the open area outside. If a bomb falls, these carrier-based aircraft can be blown to pieces.


The airborne radar equipped with the F6F Hellcat carrier-based aircraft is more used for air combat. It is not bad at detecting air targets and water targets, but it is a bit difficult for them to detect ground targets. Thanks to the intelligence provided by intelligence personnel The target guidance allowed these pilots to find the general direction of the attack target. The next thing was as simple as flying over and throwing down the 900KG-level big thing mounted under the belly of the aircraft.

This kind of night bombing does not expect too high bombing accuracy. Anyway, more than 500 carrier-based aircraft are coming, and they only need to drop bombs in the general direction. One aircraft is a 900KG bomb, and all the bombs It adds up to 500 tons.

A full 500 tons of explosives exploded on the small island No. 308. Attacking any target can level it.

The first batch of dispersed carrier-based aircraft groups will soon be All the anti-aircraft bombs mounted under the belly of the fuselage were thrown down, and they did not bother to check the results. After feeling that the fuselage was light, they quickly raised the flight altitude again.

Without the drag of heavy aerial bombs, these The Hellcat once again regained the flexibility of the fighter jets, and under the command of the captain, launched another dive.

This time, without aerial bombs, of course they would not attack the ground airport, but head towards the ground air defense positions.

In Near every ground airport, there are more than one ground air defense positions. They were originally responsible for the air defense tasks of the ground airport. As a result, due to the night bombing operations of the Chinese fleet pilots, they protected this lonely place. A large number of artillery shells were fired. Except for the incredible luck of hitting the aircraft in the sky, most of the shells exploded in the air, causing no damage to the slow-speed aircraft. The primary target of the attack aircraft group was the ground airport. The pilots temporarily ignored the anti-aircraft artillery that was constantly shooting into the air, but now that the attack was over, they had their hands free. Of course, they would no longer ignore these annoying anti-aircraft artillery. With the nose of the aircraft down, it dived down from a high altitude and pressed its fingers Turning the firing button of the aircraft machine gun, under the action of tracer bullets, tongues of flames spurted out from the nose and wings of the aircraft, forming chains of fire that continuously strafed the ground air defense positions.

"Da da da"、"Da da da"、""Click, click, click."

Amidst the crisp sound of machine gun shooting, rounds of 12.7mm empty machine gun bullets carrying hot bullets hit the air defense position like raindrops.

Such large-caliber aviation machine gun bullets are not suitable for anti-aircraft guns. It has a good damage effect. If it hits a human body, it can be directly broken into two pieces. If 2 or even 3 bullets hit at the same time, the soldier who was hit will directly explode into a ball of blood mist, leaving no bones behind. Save.

Without aerial bombs, of course it is impossible to completely blow up the entire air defense position, but the low-altitude strafing of the F6F Hellcat carrier-based aircraft can effectively kill the busy air defense gunners on the air defense position.

Countless gunners have no time to escape. , were beaten into piles of meat by the dense rain of bullets falling from the sky. The artillerymen in the best condition had their arms or thighs torn apart directly, lying on the ground wailing in pain. After losing these artillerymen, even on the position Each of the anti-aircraft guns did not suffer any serious damage, but they were unable to fire even a single shell. Because these anti-aircraft guns did not have operators, they could only be reduced to piles of scrap metal before new gunners arrived.

Ground airport The explosions over there became more and more violent, and the explosions one after another even merged into one, making it impossible to hear clearly how many explosions occurred.

The fires lit by intelligence personnel near the airport on the ground were just for the pilots in the sky. Guiding a rough bombing direction, when more explosions and flames were generated at the airport and nearby, each airport was illuminated by the sky-high flames, providing a more conspicuous bombing target for the pilots who had not yet launched an attack.


I don't know how many F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets, under the control of the pilot, dropped the heavy bombs mounted on the belly of the aircraft. The target became clearer and the bombing effect became better and better. Early

Warning The time was too short. The ground staff and pilots at the airport had tried their best, but they still could not send all the carrier-based aircraft into the hangar. They were eventually injured and destroyed by aerial bombs.

As for the flight runway, huge craters were created by aerial bombs. Even if the bombing did not destroy many aircraft this time, the remaining carrier-based aircraft would not be able to do so easily until the runway was repaired. Take off and take off. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As more pilots dropped aerial bombs, the number of carrier-based aircraft conducting low-altitude dives and strafing at various air defense positions also increased, and their firepower increased. It is also constantly increasing.

The anti-aircraft firepower on the ground positions has become sparse visibly to the naked eye. That is because after a large number of artillery losses, there are no personnel to operate anymore.

Only those who are still continuing to shoot into the air The remaining fleet docked at the port.

Facing the large-scale aerial bombardment by the Chinese fleet, Island No. 308 did not dare to hold any hand and used all the air defense firepower, including various caliber air defenses on the surface warships. Cannons.

However, the anti-aircraft shooting effect of these surface ships is even worse. The bomber group carried out bombing in the hinterland of the island, which is still some distance from the dock, and even beyond the effective range of some anti-aircraft weapons. It is purely a shooting. It's just a fun thing to embolden people (people who have money)[]

Precisely because of the lack of threat, the Chinese fleet pilots who came to bomb did not have any intention of attacking surface ships and completely ignored their anti-aircraft firepower.

After the pilots dropped all the aerial bombs and knocked out most of the bullets from the aerial machine guns, under the orders of the captains, they raised the flight altitude, reorganized into formations, and quickly returned home.

A large group of carrier-based aircraft roared past at high altitude. The anti-aircraft firepower of the warships at the dock port did not play any interception role. The fire exploding in the night sky was even like celebratory fireworks for these pilots. The scene seemed particularly funny.

Without the burden of heavy aerial bombs and machine gun bullets, the returning F6F Hellcat carrier-based aircraft is equivalent to being lightly loaded, and its flight speed has increased again, and can even easily reach its maximum flight speed.

For the same flight, this time the pilots only took 20 minutes to complete the flight smoothly. The Yanhuang in base form was already brightly lit, and a large number of guiding lights and high-power searchlights were all turned on, covering the entire"island" It shines clearly.

The returning pilot could clearly see all the conditions below, which was no different from landing during the day. He controlled the plane to lower the flight altitude in an orderly manner and landed on the runway..

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