When Sikong Du mentioned Jun's smile, there was a wicked smile on his face.

Qin Zifei's face suddenly turned cold: "Not bad, how?" "

Hehe, I heard that it is the school flower of your school, and I am a well-known school flower killer." "

You dare!" "Why don't I dare? She can serve you, you Qin Zifei, you can serve me, don't worry, I'm just an ordinary person, a woman, I will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, haha!"

Sikong Du laughed wildly and walked towards the depths of the practice room.

Qin Zifei stared at Sikong Du's back, and in his eyes, he shot out the Sen Han killing machine.

However, Sikong is indeed a behemoth that ordinary people can't afford to mess with.

He immediately called Xue Chen and asked him to send someone to secretly protect Jun Xiaoyan, and then beware of Sikong Du.

After another day of waiting, the school's orientation ceremony was held at 9 a.m.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it is the professional class that gathers together.

In fact, the professional courses in college are similar to those in high school, which are nothing more than some instructors who are proficient in various blades and boxing skills to tell everyone about actual combat skills, and then conduct some group Xi exercises to improve everyone's actual combat effectiveness.

This way of improving combat effectiveness is not fast, and many wealthy people will choose some personal trainers for one-on-one guidance.

But there's one thing that you don't have anywhere else but universities.

That is, spirit stones, elixirs, martial arts, weapons, and other things that can only be obtained through hard work and without any money.

On the outside, these things are sky-high, but in the university, they can be exchanged for credits. Redeemed items cannot be sold in any way, but can only be used by themselves.

These things will make many poor, but talented and hard-working students complete the leap of class and the transformation of life.

In fact, in every era, the superiors have given the people countless opportunities to cross classes.

It's a pity that only a very small number of them will change their fate through hard work and hard work.

This kind of person is rare, even in college.

Many students just want to get basic credits through normal courses, graduate safely, and then find a decent position to get a stable life.

Individual people will squeeze their time in the university and go crazy to do tasks, and through these tasks, they will get credits, and through the credits, they will exchange for many things that must exist on the path of cultivation.

For Qin Zifei, the course has no meaning at all, and the credits are the only ones that can make him interested.

The immediacy of the traveling merchant is too strong.

Many of the things he wants are not something that money can buy at all, and only through credits is the best solution.

So after the first class ended, Qin Zifei ran to the credit exchange hall of Dong Sanwu for the first time.

In this place, any student can take credit tasks of any difficulty.

After Qin Zifei came in, he went straight to the highest-level task wall.

On this wall, all tasks can only be taken by those who are strong in the dark.

Qin Zifei didn't even take the exam for a junior martial artist now.

To take on this task seems a bit arrogant.

Not long after selecting on the task wall, Qin Zifei heard someone behind him cough lightly.

"Qin Zifei, do you plan to earn credits too?".

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