All the examiners looked at Qin Zifei in surprise.

On the other side, Lu Fengchen had already gathered a bunch of followers.

They scattered everywhere to spy on information for Lu Fengchen.

Lu Fengchen assigns points to each person according to their different contributions.

When Qin Zifei's barbecue had just begun, Lu Fengchen had already hunted and killed a full seven first-order fierce beasts, and determined the location of the second-order fierce beasts and the most terrifying third-order fierce beast.

One of his subordinates also told Lu Fengchen the news that Qin Zifei had put a second-order rhinoceros on the fire.

After Lu Fengchen heard this information, he didn't say a word, and immediately personally led a group of people to find Qin Zifei and Jun Xiaoyan's bad luck.

But when he just saw Qin Zifei's figure in the dense forest, another second-order fierce beast was attracted because of the fragrance.

This is a colorful leopard.

It's very fast.

A strong wind suddenly blew through the dense forest.

The leopard came to Qin Zifei's back like lightning.

Jun Xiaoyan sat opposite Qin Zifei.

She felt that as soon as there was a flower in front of her, the leopard was behind Qin Zifei, and it was too late to remind her.


There was another muffled sound, and the leopard seemed to have hit a piece of armor and fainted.

Qin Zifei didn't feel it at all, after hearing the system prompt, he glanced back, and then smiled: "50 points, it's here again."

Seeing this scene, Lu Fengchen couldn't help but gasp.

He boasted that he could also compete with the second-order fierce beast, but he couldn't do it if he could block the attack of the second-order fierce beast so easily like Qin Zifei.

Not only that, after Qin Zifei was attacked again, he was able to put the leopard on the fire and barbecue it as if nothing happened.

After finishing the matter, Qin Zifei glanced at Lu Fengchen in the distance, and then said with a smile: "This Lu Fengchen, with so many people, only dares to squint in the distance, it's really ridiculous." Hearing

Qin Zifei's words, Jun turned his head with a smile.

After seeing Lu Fengchen, Jun Xiaoyan suddenly got up.

Lu Fengchen took a deep breath.

At this time, if he retreats, it means that he has planted.

"Hmph!" Lu

Fengchen snorted coldly and snapped his fingers at the person behind him.

Everyone immediately surrounded Qin Zifei and Jun Xiaoyan.

Jun Xiaoyan's face sank: "Qin Zifei, Lu Fengchen handed it over to me, and the others, you should be able to handle it."

"What, do you look down on me? This piece of waste, just leave it to me. With that

, Qin Zifei slowly walked in the direction of Lu Fengchen.

Lu Fengchen snorted coldly: "These two second-order fierce beasts, when the final settlement is settled, it will be counted on me, I can let you two go, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Fengchen clenched his fists.

There was a clicking sound in his joints.

Anyone can easily see that the current Lu Fengchen is in a state of extreme rage.

Qin Zifei whistled as he walked towards Lu Fengchen.

Suddenly, a person rushed out from behind Lu Fengchen.

He didn't say a word, and threw a punch directly at Qin Zifei.


An ancient and powerful boxing style.

If this punch has a force of 10 tons, it can exert an impact force of up to 50 tons under the bonus of Bajiquan.

If you want to practice Bajiquan, the hard work you put in is unimaginable.

But once practiced, the power gained is also unlimited.

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