209. Open and honest

"Sign up to join the construction team now, and you will have three meals a day! Meat once every two days, and the daily salary is 50 yuan!" A man with a loudspeaker shouted while walking on the streets of Iron Hammer Town, attracting many People's attention, and interested people have signed up in the past.

"Protection and service, protection and service, protection and service..." The short, clumsy protector-type guard robot swayed and walked on the road, repeating the set language while repeating.

"Sir, please step back a little bit and let me help you." After an NS-4 civilian robot waited for the old man next to him to stand up, its two mechanical arms grabbed a collapsed concrete block, and the engine inside it started to speed up. Run, directly lift up this piece of concrete.

Then several worker ant drones next to it immediately crawled over and started cutting the concrete blocks, and then transported them away.

The old man hurried over, took out the clothes that were under the rocks, hugged them in his arms, shook them clean and put them away, and said repeatedly to the NS-4 robot: "Thank you, thank you."

"This is what I should do." The NS-4 robot said, and began to walk elsewhere, looking for other people who need help.

Another aunt was pointing at her half-collapsed house with blood stains that hadn't been washed clean, and was yelling at her, but she was quickly taken away by the protector robot.

What's more, teams of construction workers are working on those bombed houses. With the cooperation of worker ant drones and a small number of NS-4 robots, they cleaned up the ruins and began to rebuild Hammer Town according to the new plan.

Although there are some discordant factors, on the whole, Hammer Town is still rebuilding in an orderly manner.

"The production of concrete is still not enough, and the labor force is still not enough. Generally speaking, everything is lacking! You said that you will provide meat to the workers, but where do you get so many points to carry back and forth from your world?" In Lin Huo's half-destroyed villa, Lin Huo and Chun Yuyan sat facing each other.

"It doesn't matter, I will add two concrete factories soon, but the problem of site selection still needs to be resolved. Since we decided to put the main residential area in the three villages on the other side of Xingfu Village, then this kind of factory is obviously a It's not suitable for building over there." Chunyuyan replied.

Now he can't build buildings around Iron Hammer Town, and the completion prompts for the two tasks - controlling the population to 5,000 people and occupying the entire ruined city have not yet arrived. It means that from the perspective of the system, Iron Hammer Town is not yet his sphere of influence.

"What you said is easy. To open a new concrete factory, where do the machinery and equipment come from? There are also construction of buildings, recruitment of workers, all of which will take time. Moreover, now that Torch City has completely blocked trade with us, We are isolated. How can you develop in such a situation? It is impossible for us to endlessly carry things from our respective bound worlds, and we don’t have so many points to consume!” Lin Huo said extremely depressed.

"Help me think about the location first." Chunyuyan said to himself.

"There is a place! Didn't you say that among the three villages, the village head of a village is playing tricks? Just build the concrete factory on her side. Since she has been honest and hasn't caused trouble recently, she will be dealt with sooner or later. Right? It’s better to put this opportunity in front of her. From another perspective, concrete can be produced nearby, and then used in the construction of the village immediately.” Lin Huo said.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chunyuyan's mouth, "Then I will deal with this matter immediately. In addition, regarding meat, I have the technology of artificial meat production plants, and these things will be gradually completed in the next few days."

Lin Huo frowned and said, "How much did you hide from me? It seems that you have very strong industrial capabilities, but it seems that you have nothing."

"It seems that we haven't had an open and honest chat yet?" Chunyuyan said with a smile, "Let's talk about you first, why have you been hiding the truth about yourself as an experimenter?"

Lin Huo looked out the window, "This is a long story... Actually, I did this to reduce the attention. After all, I am too close to Lu Weiwei in Torch City, and I don't want him to notice .”

He thought for a while, and then continued, "You know what? In this "Command and Conquer" world, the experimenters have brought about greater changes than you can imagine."

Chunyuyan nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"Actually, the system will tell you about these things after you advance to the silver group. It's just that after such a long time, such low-level rules have already spread, and you can know if you pay a little attention." Lin Huo said : "In this world, there are 200 experimenters."

"200?" Chunyuyan frowned. He remembered that in the world of "Resident Evil", there were also 200 experimenters.

"Yes, 200, and always 200. If an experimenter dies, the system will immediately catch a new experimenter and appear in a random place."

"Constantly appearing? Isn't this a cycle?"

"But the system arranges new opportunities for these experimenters to travel through time and space. Except for the very simple conditions for the first time, everything after that is related to the strength and sphere of influence of the experimenters. That is to say, if you can continue to expand , If you keep getting stronger, then you will be able to go to more worlds..." Lin Huo said.

"Then you can get more cross-world resources, technology and power..." Chun Yuyan added while rubbing his chin.

"Yes. But it is said that this situation will stop when a certain condition is reached. At that time, the number of experimenters will no longer increase, and the possibility of truly dominating the world will be in front of us." Lin Huo said, "But the specifics are Under what conditions, no one knows."

"And then? What's the situation with these experimenters now?" Chunyuyan asked.

"The first batch of experimenters traveled to this world between the fifth year of Yijiujiu and the sixth year of Yijiujiu. At that time, the Tiberium mine appeared in this world. This group of people is also called the first generation of experimenters. Many of the first-generation experimenters who were able to survive had extremely strong strength, but they should have all died." Lin Huo said.

"Because of the last war?" Chunyuyan asked.

"That's right! The last war!" Lin Huo said seriously: "Because around five or six years ago, the global confrontation between Nod and GDI had already formed, so most of the experimenters chose to join the two sides." In order to seek more opportunities in the war. In fact, they did it..."

"According to the original plot of "Command and Conquer", the last war should have only lasted for more than a year at most, but this time with the participation of a large number of experimenters, the most direct impact is... the war lasted for a full 5 years as long as!"

Chunyuyan's expression became serious, "A world war that lasted for five years? Even if it was World War I and World War II, it lasted about four or five years. This scale can already be said to be the third world war!"

"That's right, it's actually the third world war. But because this war is the first war that broke out because of Tiberium mines, everyone calls this war the first Tiberium mine. Sub-war." Lin Huo said, "And those first-generation experimenters were still growing slowly at the beginning of the first war, but as the war went on, their strength became more and more terrifying! Finally..."

Speaking of this, Lin Huo's expression even showed some fear, "Finally, the monsters of the gold group appeared... That's right, the experimenters of the gold group! Almost everyone who has reached that level can face an army alone!! And the various armies and technologies they brought back from various worlds have made the war almost out of control!"

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