Lin Chuhan's hand operation seems to be nothing at first glance, but when I think about it carefully, it is really amazing.

In this group of candidates, there are more, I am afraid that no more than five can think of this method.

This is considered an overestimation, and it may even be Lin Chuhan!

But... that's ugly!

Hey, I always feel a little trivial!

Feeling that Wang Teng's gaze suddenly turned strange when he was looking at him, Lin Chuhan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he was thinking.

"This bastard always makes fun of myself!"

"In order to pass the martial arts test, am I easy for me?"

"Smearing those pungent tree sap on the body does not know how unpleasant it is. While waiting for the bait of the alien beast, the insect bites one by one bag after another..."

It's sad to think about it!

She gave Wang Teng a vicious look.

"Anyway, you will definitely pass the martial arts exam this time, congratulations!" Wang Teng coughed dryly.

Lin Chuhan also showed a hint of joy on his face, but he was also worried: "Nevertheless, I still hope to be admitted to a key university, but my actual combat assessment is definitely not good. I hope my written exam results will be better."

Some key universities also pay more attention to the scores of the written test. For very good candidates, even if the scores of the martial arts test are slightly poor, they will be admitted outside the standard.

"There should be no problem." Wang Teng comforted.

"You said, this year's Wushu test had such an accident, can the test results count?" Yang Jian suddenly said from the side.

When he said this, both Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan were taken aback.

Wang Teng looked at the sky. At this time, the dawn was approaching, the white belly of the fish had already been revealed, and a ray of morning light appeared in the sky.

"Looking at the time, when the animal tide appears, less than an hour before the end of the assessment, the impact on the assessment will not be too great, and the results should not be cancelled."

"And, don't you forget what the purpose of the actual combat assessment is?" Wang Teng said meaningfully.

"In actual combat, any accident is an assessment!!" Lin Chuhan and Yang Jian said in unison.

"Not bad!" Wang Teng nodded: "According to my guess, the performance of the candidates when the beast tide erupts will also be included in the assessment, so those candidates who have not hunted enough five strange beasts but performed well, Maybe there is still a chance."

"If this is the case, it would be fine. I only killed four strange beasts. When the tide broke out, I was killing the fifth one. It was about to be killed, but I was ran away. But then I saved one. The examinee was praised by the owner of the Bailian Martial Arts Hall."

Yang Jian is still a little worried. After all, it's just their guess. What if the examiner is killed by the test?

That's a huge pit!

Yang Jian has nothing to do with the unfortunate candidates.

Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan mourned for him a moment, and expressed their sympathy.

"By the way, how did this beast tide deal with it later?" Wang Teng asked.

"How can I solve it? Directly bombard them. If they are afraid, the strange beasts behind will naturally not dare to rush down." Lin Chuhan said.

"There are limited animals on the island. This can only be regarded as a tide of small beasts. Heavy hot weapons wash the ground, and gods and ghosts retreat!" Yang Jian also laughed.

Wang Teng is chatting here.

Governor Jiang and the others went to the control room. A meeting lasted for an hour. Then they walked out and came to the high platform in the center of the camp.

Governor Jiang stood with his hand in the middle, looked at the dull candidates below, and said, "Everyone, I am the Governor of the East China Sea!"

Governor of the East China Sea! !

When his voice came out, everyone raised their heads and looked over in a daze.

The uproar suddenly sounded!

"My God, it's the Governor of the East China Sea!"

"The Governor of the East China Sea is here in person?"

"Did he come to see us for the actual combat assessment?"

"Governor, how does this assessment count? Many of us almost reached the assessment targets."

"Governor, many of our classmates died in the animal tide, they are too pitiful..."


The candidates seemed to have found the backbone and shouted. Governor Jiang didn't stop him, allowing them to vent until their voices became quieter before continuing to speak.

"This kind of accident is our default, and we will compensate any candidates who die!"

"But you must remember that the road of a warrior is hundreds and thousands of times more difficult than this. You may only see the strength and beauty of the warrior, but you don't know that the blood and tears they paid behind, the warrior's The world is cruel and bloody."

"In this actual combat assessment, your performance in the animal tide is also included in the final score, so those who perform well will get extra points, and those who perform poorly can only rely on the number of monsters hunted to determine the final score. !"

"Now I announce that the actual combat assessment is officially over!"

As soon as the voice fell, the candidates exploded again.

Is the world of warriors really so cruel?

Before the exam, they had seen some of the cruelty of the world of warriors, but after the beast tide, they discovered that it was completely insignificant.

Even this is just the beginning...

Thinking of this, many examinees' faces changed slightly. Some examinees themselves decided to take the martial arts exam after seeing the martial artist's superficial scenery. They will have a bright future in the future.

Now the danger of the warrior world has repeatedly refreshed their three views, and people have to reconsider whether to take this path.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. To give you the corresponding status, you must bear the corresponding responsibilities and risks!

Of course, for those candidates who are determined and determined to become warriors, Governor Jiang's words are undoubtedly a booster.

People with real strength will not be too bad in the animal tide.

Counting the performance in the beast tide into the martial arts test scores will only benefit them.

And someone like Yang Jian who is half hanging on the edge of the admission line is even more happy to see it happen, and at any rate, he can be admitted to the martial arts major.

As for the danger...

Seeing that Yang Jian could still look cheerful after being injured, I knew that he didn't care about it.

"All candidates, get ready for the return journey!"

A voice came from the high platform, it was the officer in charge of the assessment, and Governor Jiang and others had already left.

Candidates were stained with blood, both of their own and other animals, lined up in long lines and boarded the Force floater parked on the open space nearby.

Some candidates were still in a coma and were carried up, while others were supported by their companions.

"Those... are dead candidates!"

Suddenly, an examinee pointed to the stretcher covered with white cloth one by one in front, and was carried to the tail of the floating boat, where the goods were usually stored.

The candidates immediately paid their attention, looking at the white cloth dyed red with blood, a dull atmosphere filled the crowd.

Obviously they are of the same age, but they have come to the end of their lives. All the examinees can't help but give birth to this idea, and their hearts are very complicated.

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