Alien Knights

Chapter 47 Competition

Silver Ring City, St. Paul's Cathedral, at four thirty in the morning.

Bishop Fabian came to the corridor of the front hall early, took the letterhead sent by the church station, and whispered: "Seventeen boxes, one hundred and forty one..."

Putting away the letter paper, he turned his face to the deacon beside him: "Where is the carriage?"

Looking at the sky outside the window, the latter replied respectfully: "My lord, it should be the south gate now."

The bishop nodded, and said: "The matter of Crystal entering the city must be kept secret."

The deacon nodded quickly.

Walking slowly to the gate of the church, Bishop Fabian was still uneasy, and emphasized again to his confidants: "During the palace banquet last time, the internal affairs officer asked me about this matter, and I pretended not to know. In short, we must not say anything. The less people know, the better..."

The bishop, who stepped out of the gate, hadn't finished speaking, but was so frightened by the scene in front of him that his feet slipped and he almost sat on the ground.

Before dawn, the square in front of the cathedral was packed with carriages, and hundreds of people turned their heads in unison when they heard his voice.

"My lord bishop! Are you alright!" The deacon hurriedly lifted up his boss and helped him stabilize his body.

With trembling steps and an awkward smile, he walked into the crowd. Seeing many familiar faces, Bishop Fabian said hello as he walked: "Mr. Schubert, Chief Internal Affairs Officer, hello, it's really rare to see you so early."

"Master Bishop, don't worry about me, I'm here to watch the sunrise."

"Judge Di Noir, good morning. I remember you retired to the manor last week, didn't you?"

"Yes, living on the farm is a bit boring. I came here to watch the sunrise."


Greeting a circle, the bishop felt as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly.

A group of hypocrites, as if they made an appointment, said they wanted to watch the sunrise, but they all turned their faces to the south. Could it be that the direction the sun rises is different today?

This is clearly because they heard the news of Crystal's entry into the city, but insisted on pretending to be ignorant.

How did he know that since Todd's performance on the West Coast at Dusk, various versions of the description of the treasure have already spread throughout the entire royal city. The rumors at the beginning may be 70% true and 30% exaggerated, but the more it goes on, the more outrageous it becomes. Even the nonsense of "pour the water from the sacred object and drink it can prolong your life" is deeply believed by some people.

In this situation, Bishop Fabian was so anxious that he could do nothing, but he couldn't order to drive people away, so he could only wait in place like ants on a hot pot, and joined the team of "Watching the Sunrise".

At 5:20 in the morning, a carriage guarded by knights of the Holy See appeared in everyone's sight.

The carriage is equipped with a shock absorber on the wheel axle, and the board is covered with thick straw. Even so, the speed of the carriage is still not much faster than walking.

There was a small commotion among the crowd.

"It's finally here. 』

"Watch closely, don't lose track..."

Such words kept coming from my ears, which made the old man, who is a bishop, look more and more ugly.

The carriage finally arrived at the square of the cathedral, and the driver was the groom of the church. He looked at a group of gorgeously dressed and ferocious nobles and high-ranking officials who were stuck in front of the car, staring intently at the cargo compartment behind his car. He was so frightened that he hugged his horsewhip and shivered on the seat of the car.

The Holy See knights who were supposed to maintain order looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to step forward. Some of the crowd were their officers, friends and even relatives. At this time, turning a blind eye is naturally the most reasonable choice.

Bishop Fabian couldn't stand it anymore, and opened his arms towards the crowd: "Please listen to me, please listen to me! Please make way for the sacred object."

A moment of silence.

Perhaps realizing that in such a public place, some behavior and demeanor should be paid attention to, everyone slowly backed away, leaving a space.

The carriage slowly drove into the backyard of the cathedral, and the nobles and chiefs of the Silver Ring Kingdom followed behind, keeping a close distance.

The priests of the church opened the back door of the prayer hall, removed the baffle at the rear of the carriage, pushed aside the thick straw, carefully carried out the crates one by one, and walked towards the main hall.

The crowd followed the unloading team to the back door and walked into the lobby.

The bishop watched the crowd rush in, closed his eyes and shook his head helplessly.

Seventeen wooden boxes were laid flat on the ground of the church.

Before the wooden box was opened, Fabian felt the need to emphasize to the crowd the necessity of order and order: "Everyone! These crystal objects are sacred objects of the church, engraved with the Holy Word of the Father on them, and should be handed over to the Archbishop of the Western Diocese, and then submitted to His Majesty the Pope!"

After saying this, seeing everyone nodding piously, the bishop felt relieved and nodded to indicate that he could open the wooden box.

The Basilica of St. Collins adopts the dome design of ancient Taylor architecture. The vertical deep windows at the top can introduce a small amount of morning light, and more light comes from the holy candles on the shelf.

Sunlight, candlelight and glass reflect each other, forming a wonderful optical phenomenon. The pure glass surface is coated with a layer of golden streamer, and the light of the main hall is refracted by the transparent crystal to emit colorful rays of light.

This scene is like falling into a fairyland, like ascending to heaven.

Even the bishop, who had been psychologically prepared in advance, was shocked by the beauty and forgot to speak.

After a long time, when he came back to his senses, he looked around and saw pairs of green eyes shining in the crowd, he felt a thump in his heart, and secretly exclaimed.

"It's a bad thing! 』

Fabian raised his arms towards the clergy behind him and shouted: "Close the boxes and take them..."

It's too late to say...

The first to attack was the retired justice. It was hard to imagine that a skinny old man in his seventies who had gone home to recuperate could be so quick and decisive.

He turned sideways, slid his steps, and under the cover of the people around him, pretended to be unsteady on his feet, and stepped hard on the bishop's foot.

Taking advantage of Fabian's screams, he leaned over to fish, and a target that he had already set his sights on - the "two-eared crystal pendant thin-mouth pot", was hidden in his loose robe.

Perhaps there were some people at the beginning who were afraid of the majesty of the church, but after seeing someone taking the lead, based on the idea of ​​"the law does not punish the public", some people took action one after another.

At the beginning, it was just taking it secretly, and finally it evolved into a blatant robbery.

Abandoning their restraint and self-respect, the nobles did not have the slightest psychological burden. While opening the rest of the wooden boxes with their hands, they picked up the holy objects and discussed loudly with others.

The chanting and persuasion of the bishop and other clergy, amidst the laughter of others, unsurprisingly became the background sound of this competition.

In the end, the dignitaries of the Silver Ring Kingdom left contentedly, leaving only a field of straw and a mess in the hall.

"Master Bishop, you... your shoes..."

The deacon walked to the corner of the wall, where the boss sat on the ground with a dull face, and handed over a cloth shoe with trembling hands, whose original color could not be seen.

The muscles on Bishop Fabian's face trembled, and he took a deep breath. His expression looked like a victim who suddenly recovered after being robbed, and cursed in pain: "A bunch of robbers! Barbarians!"

After scolding for a while, with the support of others, he slowly stood up and asked heavily, "How much is left?"

"There are twenty-six pieces left, four of which are broken."

The bishop was taken aback, thought for a while, and said, "If I remember correctly, these holy objects were brought back from the north by the monk named Todd?"

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